YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Week 9

Good day friends and family.  Another week of projects post is due up today and I have a small amount of knitting to show for the week.

Last week, I was bemoaning the fact I really wanted to cast on another pair of socks so I could use my new DPNs.  So......I did it.

Don't laugh at the small amount of progress I have made.  I had a whole bunch more done but ripped it all out.  I am making a pair of pedicure socks for a gift.  The original pattern I was using called for a size 3 US needle and casting on 55 stitches and only use 3 needles.  While it was going fairly fast and I had over 2 inches done in a day, I also had loads of laddering.  I never ladder with DPN's and was all sorts of confused as to why.  So I ripped it out and tried it again.  Same thing.  Then it dawned on me.  I ALWAYS use 4 needles to do socks.  I decided I would make my own pattern for these socks.  I pulled out my 1.5 US needles and cast on my normal 64 stitches.  I am using a 1x1 ribbing for the cuff and then it will be a plain stockinette stitch the rest of the way with a fish kiss heel.  I will us the pedicure sock pattern I printed to figure out how and when to stop knitting and how to put in the toe strap.  I have never done a 1x1 ribbing before.......it is quite time consuming but I like the look of it and how firm the rib is.

In other knitting news..................you all know that I completed the test shawl last week.  The pattern was published this week.  It is by our own Ruth McKeon at Celtic Knits.  I can now show the photos of the finished knit that I did.

This is the blocking I did.  I had to use a ladder to take this photo.  That is an 8 foot wing span and the V is 26 inches.

It is very light and airy and such a lovely knit.

My model was my grand daughter.  I will say, she was so sweet.  You see......it was 111 F outside when we did the photo shoot.  This is an acrylic/wool/mohair shawl and it is quite warm.  She is highly allergic to wool, so the photo shoot was pretty quickly done too.

The name of the pattern is Aer na Farraige.  I love the fact, Ruth, tells the story behind each of her designs and what the name of them means.

Also, last week, I was wanting to know what to do about a nice camera.  I want to thank all of you for your responses.  I do read each one of them and they mean a lot to me.  And no response is too long, Becki!

Anyway, I finally made a decision on a camera.  I looked at DSLR, Bridge, point and shoot etc.  Hubby and I spent many hours perusing all the info we could get on each model I thought I would like.  We went to a store so I could pick up and hold them and get a feel as to if they would fit my hand.  It was an exciting time but totally time consuming.

Friday morning, I woke up quite early and sat in my chair and picked up my tablet to once again do more research on cameras when it hit me........I knew exactly which camera I wanted and what I wanted it to come with.  Hubby strolled out about 2 hours later and asked if I was researching again.  Imagine his surprise when I told him no more research needed to be done as I had made my selection.  (Actually, I think I heard him give a sigh of relief)

I chose the Sony A6300 mirrorless DSLR camera.  It is so light and with my RA, I never know when I am going to be attacked and this camera doesn't even weight one pound!  With the lenses it will be heavier, but that is to be expected.  Anyway..............It is ordered along with some lenses and other accessories that I wanted.  It should be here in about a week.  I can hardly wait to take some photos with it to see the difference .  I have been using my 9 year old point and shoot and will continue to keep it close at hand.  It is a nice little camera.  I have also used my phone, but I really do not want GPS attachments to my photos.  Like the photos of my text knit......................I don't need GPS embedded in it as that is my minor grandchild there.  No need to announce my coordinated with the world.  So I made sure if the camera has GPS it can be turned off.  Hence the reason I rarely use my phone for blog photos.

So that pretty much sums up my week.  I am working on the men's prayer shawl today and hoping to get quite a bit of it done if not completed.  Then I will be turning my attention to my holiday gift knitting to be done.

Thanks for stopping by!

Until next time.............................happy crafting!


  1. Not having heard of pedicure socks before I had to google the term. Of course! I should have known they're toeless socks.

    And I'm so glad you decided on a camera. The one you picked out sounds perfect! And good thoughts about the GPS feature. I'm pretty sure my DSLR is too old to have GPS, but I need to check out how to turn it off on my new sorta-smart phone. I remember seeing that information in passing as I was learning how to use it, so I know I can turn it off. I just have to figure out how. I can imagine some rare and sketchy times when having GPS coordinates linked to a picture might be a boon, but overall I don't understand the purpose behind it for most picture taking moments. But then again, I only just now have a sorta-smart phone, so clearly I'm behind the times. ;^)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Oh my, those sock are going to be awesome. I love the color. The test shawl is beeeeutiful.

  4. Posted twice?? Ugh! P.S. love the that!!

  5. Posted twice?? Ugh! P.S. love the that!!

  6. Those socks are going to be so pretty and you'll be happier now with them yourself. You did the most amazing job test knitting for me, thank you so very much but the real star is your granddaughter standing out in that heat modelling the shawl and with an allergy to wool! I take my hat off to her, I really do. Looking forward to even more fab photos from you with your new camera.

  7. Glad you figured out why you were laddering and are able to work up the socks now with no problem. Gorgeous shawl!!!!! That's so great you decided on a camera.

  8. That laddering would shock me too as I've never had a problem with it. Smart you! Also, congrats on the camera choice. It's always such a relief when you've finally made a decision and feel like you've done your homework especially when there is quite a bit of money involved. The shawl is gorgeous and what a lovely model....did she jump in the pool right after? LOL! It's still in the 90's here but low humidity so although hot there's breeze too so I can at least get out and water and hang clothes. Pedicure socks must be like fingerless mitts for the feet! LOL! Have a good week.

  9. I get laddering with dpns, so I've given up now! I would never laugh at any progress btw! I love the shawl, Ruth's patterns are always brilliant and that looks like no exception.

  10. I get laddering with dpns, so I've given up now! I would never laugh at any progress btw! I love the shawl, Ruth's patterns are always brilliant and that looks like no exception.

  11. Pleased you sorted the sock problem, love the colour. Love the shawl. Have fun playing with your camera when it arrives.

  12. Pleased you sorted the sock problem, love the colour. Love the shawl. Have fun playing with your camera when it arrives.

  13. Beautiful test shawl!! Have fun with the camera. :)

  14. A great choice of camera, I like Sony products.
    Love your sock yarn, it creates an interesting design. Great job on the shawl, and your granddaughter is a perfect model for it.

  15. I've never heard of pedicure socks. I am wondering if they are just for putting on after you've put moisturizer on your feet? I have cotton cloves that I use like that to help the eczema on my hands. I'll be interested in seeing your socks finished. I have heard someone else mention "laddering" but I'm not sure what that means. The shawl is beautiful and it does look very soft. Your grand daughter was very brave to model it for you. I am allergic to a lot of things too. I'm glad you are being smart about your camera choice and keeping your family safe online.


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