YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, August 7, 2016

YoP 6 week 6

There really isn't much to report this week.   If you look at my post from last week, it will be the same info.  The only item I am working on isthe test knit. I am over half way done and hope to complete it next week.  Today, I am devoting my time to working on it all day.

Once that is completed, the mans prayer shawl will get my attention.  It should not take long to complete that item.  I crochet very fast, which is the reason all my prayer shawls are crocheted.  

The next project will be, completing the border on the C2C blanket.   I had almost forgotten about that one until Friday, when I caught a glimpse of it peeking out of it's project bag. I really loved making that blanket and am very excited about the border I have chosen. 

Then it will be time to hit those Azels for Christmas giving. The only issue I have with those is, the needles.  Those size 13s hurt my hands to use for very long.  They don't make that size in my normal brand of needle. 

I am resisting the urge to cast on another pair of socks.  Hubby's socks are not exciting me at all.  The taat is frustrating me and yet that is the first way I learned to knit socks.  Many of you find DPNs too fiddly, but I find their rythmn quite comforting.  Plus, I seldom drop stitches or loose my pattern place with them.  It might also be the fact, I just ordered and received my knitters pride nova platina cubics DPNs too.  I love this brand of needle. My hands never cramp and Arthur doesn't try and take over when I use them.

On a personal note........yesterday I was invaded by eleven 9-12 year old girls.  It was a pool party for our Grand daughter.  What a blast they all had.  There were a few who went home with some pink faces and shoulders.  We sun screened everyone in the morning, but seemed to miss a few in the afternoon.  I think the grand had a great time. Pretty sure there were 11 girls that slept really well last night too.  I know, I did.

Hubby came home yesterday, from his weeks stay in Texas with those Grands.  Sounds like he had a great time with them. Sure do miss those kids.  Hopefully, now that I'm retired, I can go to see them more than once a year.

That's all for today.  Until next time. ..........Happy Crafting!


  1. Can't wait to see the test shawl when you are all done! I love Knitter's Pride. I have the Dreamz interchangeable set. Love them.
    I bet that was fun with all the girls over for your granddaughter's party!

  2. I would love to know what border you are doing for your C2C. Hope you share it with us.

  3. I would love to know what border you are doing for your C2C. Hope you share it with us.

  4. I too prefer double pointed needles. I haven't tried the knitters pride--honestly cannot remember the last time I purchased needles tho every once in a while I get a hankering to do so.

    Fun with the grands. My kids start school Wednesday and I feel like we haven't had nearly enough children's gatherings this summer.

  5. Sounds like the pool party was a great success. Looking forward to seeing the test. I too like knitting with dpns, but I get ladders and I like the psychology of taat!

  6. Sounds like the pool party was a great success. Looking forward to seeing the test. I too like knitting with dpns, but I get ladders and I like the psychology of taat!

  7. Not being a very accomplished knitter, I had to google taat, lol. I am not sure I would ever knit socks though, I just cannot get my head in the right place for it, and DPN's just make the air blue around me.
    Lovely to hear of the fun and games that went on at the pool party. I can understand how well you would sleep that night too.

  8. Marsha if I were to give a prize to most dedicated test knitter you would win it hands down and I can't wait for you to show off your work, it's amazing. I also love DPNs for sock knitting, they are my favourite way to knit socks. I'm not surprised you slept well after that party and I'm glad the grand had a great time :)

  9. I actually enjoyed the dpn's once I got started knitting my sock. I like that I can stop in between needles if I need to do something quick and it is easy to come back and move onto the next one without dropping stitches. Oh, and if anyone tries to give me any trouble and can poke them in about 20 places at once. I didn't have very many sets and I ended up toss one set that was a bendy plastic. I ordered some sets of the boye dpn's. I like that they are the same colors as the ones in my boye interchangeable needle set. I can't wait to see how your projects turn out. I'm thinking about making some shawls or lap blankets for the elderly homes here.

  10. I had to go back to the last YOP post to see your test knit shawl. I missed a week. It is stunning! I can not wait to see the finished product.

  11. DPNs both intrigue and scare me. ;^) Can't wait to see your soon-to-be finished projects!

  12. Marsha, the pool party sounds like a total blast! I crochet faster than I knit too


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