YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Week 8

It is very early on Sunday morning here.  In fact, it is just now 4am.  Sleep has not been my friend the past couple of weeks.  I have no idea why, but I seem to catch about 6 hours max and then my eyes pop wide open.  I figured, since I am wide awake, I should go ahead and update my blog.

I don't know how many of you caught my middle of the week YoP post last week.  But, the test knit is done.  You can catch up on that here.

Today, I have another FO!  Can you believe it?  Two completed items in less than one week?  I am so impressed.  Don't expect this to happen again for a while.  The next items I have to finish will be a while....................well, I should have another one done next week, but I will get to that later.

Anyway...................on Monday, our family welcomed this precious girl into the world.

Kaidence Elizabeth has joined her mom, dad and big brother.  She is healthy and doing great.  But you know what that meant?  Yup, the C2C blanket needed to get completed.

It was completed yesterday, even got all the ends woven in.  I know it doesn't look very big there but how about this:

That's a foot long ruler in the middle of it.  I just hope it isn't too heavy.  I didn't even think of that when I started this blanket.  It is made with worsted weight yarn.  The dark purple is a Debbie Norville anti pill acrylic that is so soft and yummy (I know, and it is acrylic!).  The edging is done in I Love This Yarn.

Speaking of the edging:

That is 11 rows of edging.  I had some of you asking for me to share the pattern for the edging.  Well.................here is the deal..............I found one I loved on Pinterest.  I went to her pages of instructions and started out following along.  By row 7 I could no longer understand what the heck she was talking about.  So..................I winged it.  The edging is a bit ruffled which is fine with me, since this is for a little girl.  What you can not see in the edging photo (taken at 4 this morning) is the final row is the eggplant colored yarn.  We will be heading up to next month to deliver the blanket and to play with the newborn (and her brother).

So, what to do next?  I am going to finish up the men's prayer shawl.  I started back on it last night and will continue until it is completed.  It should be done by the end of this week if not soon.  I also worked a bit on hubby's socks.  I had him try then on again and they seem to be ok this time.  I will knit another inch or two and have him try then again to make sure they will go over his heel.  If not..............................they will be frogged and put in time out until I can figure out why that yarn is being so tricky to work with.  I have never used it before, so there might be a learning curve with it.  It does not feel like there is any give to it while working with it and yet is called Saucon Sock yarn.  It says it has cotton/acrylic/nylon in it.  I'm not feeling much other than the cotton.  We will see.

After the shawl is completed, The Azels will be my main project to work on.  Those will have to be an at home project.  Bulky yarn just doesn't seem to travel as well as sock or DK yarn. Which means, I will need to make sure I have socks on the go at all times too.  Gosh, I just don't know if I can handle all that pressure......LOL  But I really am itching to get to my new DPN's.  I may just have to cast on a new pair of socks this week too.  Shhhhhh, don't let hubby know.


Now...................I need to ask all of you a question.  I am looking to purchase a new camera. You know, a real one with lenses you can change out.  I have been using a little Canon Power Shot A480 for the past 9 years.  It's a point and shoot and it has been a darn good little camera to stick in my purse and use. The best part, it was a free gift for taking surveys! But, I am really wanting a decent camera to take photos with.  I don't want to spend thousands of dollars on one, but I was wondering, what kind of cameras you all use for your photo shoots of your projects.  I have 2 in mind that I think would be good ones. There is a Canon and there is a Nikon that I like very much.  Anyone with opinions on these two brands or any other brand, please speak up.  Hubby and I have been doing lots of research for the past couple of weeks and our brains are fried.  I appreciate any response I get.

Ok, I think that about sums up my week.  Until next time.........................Happy Crafting!


  1. I really like the edging on the baby blanket :) And your new grandchild looks adorable x

  2. Yay for babies!!! Congratulations on the new precious family member. Gorgeous blanket.

  3. Kaidence is delightful, congratulations to all.
    I am sorry about your lack of sleep, but at least you have a lot to show for it! The blanket is gorgeous and the test knit, when fully revealed, is going to be stunning.
    As for the camera, I just use the one on my phone, which is excellent, but both of those brands sound good and I don't suppose there is much between them - sorry I'm not much help on that front.

  4. Kaidence is delightful, congratulations to all.
    I am sorry about your lack of sleep, but at least you have a lot to show for it! The blanket is gorgeous and the test knit, when fully revealed, is going to be stunning.
    As for the camera, I just use the one on my phone, which is excellent, but both of those brands sound good and I don't suppose there is much between them - sorry I'm not much help on that front.

  5. Ho'omaka'i on the newest addition to your ohana. She is precious and will love her new blanket. I haven't hooked one in ages so can't help you there but I find winging it in crochet often goes well. I know for corners, one has to hook a few more so it goes smoothly around, at least three in one corner. We have a Canon EOS Rebel T3i. But honestly, I don't know why the husband had bought it years ago. My brother went for a Nikon. I dunno too. I can ask them for ya.

    1. It would probably be good for you to go into the store to learn about them and then you can maybe buy it cheaper online?

  6. That is one beautiful baby girl! I'm surprised you can wait that long to get your hands on her! LOL! The blanket turned out great. I've heard great things about the Canon EOS Rebel also and I know Alicia Paulson uses one or used to to take her fabulous photos. (She's a pretty famous blogger). That's what I would go with else a DLR? but they're very expensive. I'm sure it's the cotton that is making your socks "tight" and hard to knit. Cotton just doesn't stretch and it sounds like they forgot to put in the acrylic! Have a great week!

  7. She is a lucky little baby girl :) Think of things this way: it's probably going to be used more as a playtime blanket on the floor under her for awhile. Eventually, once she starts moving and shaking, it might be used for her bed blanket.

    As for the camera....if you're looking for a "real" camera, there are so many options that it can make your head spin. If you want a basic point & shoot, get one. If you're going to bother to actually learn what all the functions are, go ahead and get a fancier one. Point & shoot cameras have come a very long way over the last 9 years. Even ours, which is probably 4 years old, is somewhat obsolete but still does exactly what we want it to do.

  8. She is beautiful!!!!!! and so is your blanket! Sorry I can't help with the camera question. I just use my phone.

  9. Marsha, while I don't think taking decent pictures requires a DSLR camera, I will say I really enjoy having one. I've appreciated being able to exchange lenses and on occasion take some shots I wouldn't likely have been able to get with a point and shoot, but until recently (the last year) I never took the time to really try to understand my camera. Now that I am working at understanding it I'm liking it even more. I have time now to actually treat photography as a hobby and I'm enjoying the challenge of learning new things.

    Mine is a Nikon D5000 and I think we paid under $500 for it when we bought it years ago (15-20 years ago). Looking online I see that comparable cameras can be got for $500.00 or less. I don't know enough to recommend one brand over another, but really... you can't go wrong with either a Canon or a Nikon.

    I will say, though, that even if you get a DSLR, you'll still want a point and shoot or at least a decent phone camera. While DSLRs are getting smaller, they're still too large and heavy for you to want to lug it around everywhere. It's not going to fit well into the average purse. I've gone without a point and shoot for years and I regret it. I finally bought a semi-smart phone with a camera because I was tired of missed photo opportunities.

    I don't know how knowing what any of us have is going to help you, but I'm happy to encourage you if you're pretty sure you want to get one. If you like learning new things and you're prepared to spend in the neighborhood of $500.00 and really want a DSLR I wouldn't discourage you. It's like any hobby - the equipment is where the expense is. And you really can't know what it's worth to you until you own the equipment. It's only in owning it that you'll know how much you enjoy using it. And what you do with it will determine whether it is a worthwhile expenditure or not.

    I know this is already too long, but let me recommend that you check out Bryan Peterson's photography books. Specifically, Understanding Exposure. It's written conversationally - using pictures he's taken he explains concepts and then he walks you through taking your own pictures using the concepts he just explained. In my first "lesson" I improved my picture taking approximately 100%. Of course, I didn't know ANYthing before I started reading the book, but still... I felt a new confidence and had acquired some basic facility with my camera I simply didn't have before reading the first 7 pages of the book. I recently bought the 4th edition which came out earlier this year, but I started with the 3rd edition I found at my local library. From my personal experience, it's very worthwhile to get a book like this for learning how to use a DSLR. I have found it more helpful than the owner's manual.

    Okay...enough from me. Let us know what you end up getting.

  10. Congrats to the family. Yay for babies. She's beautiful.
    Lovely blanket. The frill looks intentional, and who is to know otherwise, lol.
    One of my sons is a photography tutor (among other things). He has a top-notch DSLR camera, but doesn't use it very often because his point and shoot Fuji camera does most things that he wants. He only uses the DSLR for special commissions or macro shots etc, or to show his students how to use one for a profession. I have a Fuji point and shoot also. I swapped from a Cannon years ago as Cannon technology seems to 'burn out' too quick, and their products die too soon.

  11. Congrats on the new baby in your family! She is so adorable and your crafting is beautiful♥



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