YOP LIST 2024-2025

Monday, August 1, 2016

YOP 6 Week 5

Hello blogging friends.  I have arrived safely home from my journeys and am so happy to making a blog post.  I missed making one in the middle of the week as I was busy playing with my grand kids and their parents.  Hubby is still there but I am home and glad to be here.  I missed my bed and my puppies.  Also, today is one of our grand daughter's birthdays and I did not want to miss that.  She is 11 today, and seems way to grown up to me.  Actually, she is very much still a kid and her parents want her to stay a kid as long as they can make that happen.

Any who................................While I was gone, I only worked on one item.  My test knit.

I am almost half way done with it.  I am so enjoying it and it has been very easy to memorize the pattern.  I am really excited to see how it looks once it is soaked and blocked.  I just know those lacy areas will really pop out.

I did have a moment while on vacation that about stopped my heart....................the doorbell rang and company came over.  One of their dogs likes to give gifts when people come in the house, so he grabbed my test knit and ran around the house with it!  We finally caught him and I only had to rip back 2 rows to be able to continue on.  He is not a small dog either.........he is about 80 pounds and his head hits me at my hip!  (I am 5' 5")

I have a rather busy week coming up.  There is a birthday pool party happening in our backyard on Saturday.  I am getting the house all spiffed up to greet all the young girls that will be here as well as any parents that decide to stay.

I also need to do some major grocery shopping as we tried not to stock up on anything before we left town.  I also need to make pedicure appointments for my puppies, go to the cardiologist with my mother, make out menus for next week, and do general housekeeping.  I will save my evenings for knitting.  It so relaxes me before bed.  

I did get quite a bit of knitting done on the airplane trips.  

This happened while waiting for our plane that was 2 hours late coming to get us.  No one knew what the issue was either.

See that sweet sleeping brown dog?  That is the one that grabbed my knitting.  He is a biggie!  But he is such a sweetheart, I couldn't stay mad at him for very long.

That is about all I have to talk about right now.  I hope you all have a wonderful week.  Until next time

Happy Crafting!!!!


  1. Love how blocking can make such a change in lace. So glad you only had to rip two rows!!! Glad you had a good trip. Always great to have time with family.

  2. Your test knit is really pretty. I'm so glad it didn't get ruined by the dog dragging around in an excited flurry. What a funny picture of the dogs! They look adorable.

  3. Oh my, that was a heart-stopping moment for sure. What a cutie-pie he is though. All three of them are actually.
    Glad you got some knitting done, looks good so far.
    Sounds like you have a really busy week there, hope you get to put aside some ME time just for yourself.
    Hope you have a great pool-time-party with all those girls having fun at your place. See you next week, if you survive, lol.

  4. Beautiful projects. Love the story about your dog wanting to give presents. I'm glad it only resulting in two rows being ripped back.

  5. Aww look at that sweetie pie, how could you stay mad with him, he only wanted to join in :) My own dog brings me my knitting if I get up and leave it on the couch and he thinks I should still be knitting so what's a gal to do! BTW the test knit is really flying along, you sure are speedy and I'm glad you enjoyed the visit with your granddaughters. Hope the pool party goes well, sounds like lots of fun!

  6. Aww he looks so sweet and innocent there - you really couldn't stay mad at him eh? Your knitting looks very pretty - what is it going to be? The party sounds fun - hope you enjoy it. xox

  7. he looks like such a sweet dog, glad you didn't have to scrap your project entirely! have a great week :)

  8. Your test knit looks fab and I'm glad it survived it's drama! Sounds like you had a lovely trip, now to enjoy a few days of quiet!

  9. Your test knit looks fab and I'm glad it survived it's drama! Sounds like you had a lovely trip, now to enjoy a few days of quiet!

  10. omgoodness, I would have had a heart attack. My beagle puppy likes to try to take my projects I'm working on to run around and play with but now we have a fence to keep him confined to an area where we can play. Hopefully I can teach him to not do that. He also likes to snag balls of yarn. I made him a few toys and he loves them. I crocheted a 3" circle in green cotton to make a toy for him and he snatched it from me so I just let him have it. He carries it around and takes it outside and brings it back in.. I guess the toy was done! I hope the birthday party was a blast!


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