YOP LIST 2024-2025

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Week 7.5

Yup, I am late this week.  Very late actually.  It happens to all of us......right?  Ok, it happens to some of us.

So I finally finished knitting on the test knit,  it has been blocked and I have completed my info for it.  I am ever so happy with the outcome.  I am thinking about making another one in a different weight and type of yarn.  Not right away, but sometime in the future.  I will give you a bit of a peek again.

It is so lovely and just has such a nice drape and the way it moves in the breeze was wonderful.  I will tell you it was 111 degrees out when we took these photos.  Needless to say, my model was not too happy about having a wool/mohair/acrylic shawl draped over her.

So, now I HAVE to complete the C2C blanket.  The baby was born yesterday.  She was a whopping 7 lbs 15.5 ounces and 19.5 inches long.  Mommy and baby are doing fine.  We are going up to where they live next month and I would love to have the blanket done to give to her.  She wanted booties too, but that just may not happen.  I was never a fan of booties with any of my children.  They never stayed on.  I used the Humpty Dumpty socks that could not be kicked off.  

I have been so busy the past three days, I have not even gotten to read any of my fellow bloggers blogs!  That is unheard of.  That is normally my morning routine.  I get up, make my morning nutri-blast green shake and then sit and read blogs that I follow.  So, tomorrow morning, I will have a bunch of catching up to do.  

Speaking of tomorrow...............that will be shopping day for hubby and I.  We will hit Costco (big box store) and the veggie market.  Then we are going to pick up a 30 pound bag of roasted green chili.  We will be bagging and freezing that after it gets to our house.  I love the smell of roasted green chili.  I love eating it more!  This will keep us stocked up until next year.  We will be able to make all our favorite Mexican meals and salsas, plus we will give some of it to relatives to enjoy too.

Hubby and I have been watching the Olympics since it started.  I am just amazed at the ability of all the young men and women.  I never care who wins, although, if it is the USA, I get a little teary eyed.  Otherwise, I am just happy to watch the people perform their talents and I love the interviews that take place too.

It is time for me to put away the computer, fold up my crocheting, grab a nice big glass of ice water and go and relax for a while and watch the wrap up of the Olympics.

Until next time...................Happy Crafting!


  1. That's great you got the test knit done. Can't wait to see it!!! Hope you can get the blanket finished up. Thankfully c2c goes fast. The Olypmics has been so much fun!!!

  2. That's lovely! I hope you get the blanket done and I agree about the Humpty Dumpty socks. Lovely post--makes ME want 30# of roasted peppers.

  3. That's lovely! I hope you get the blanket done and I agree about the Humpty Dumpty socks. Lovely post--makes ME want 30# of roasted peppers.

  4. The shawl looks lovely and drapey. I get a feel for the movement just from your tease. BTW I forgot to tell you according to my latest geneology studies (done just now in my head) we are related!!! I will send you address for peppers separately

  5. lovely FO! 30 pounds - wow! Now I will go look up the humpty dumpty pattern. 111 degrees? crazy - and I was complaining about 80 in New York.

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. The test knit looks beautiful. I can't imagine 111 degrees. And Mohair and those temps really should never be used in the same sentence. lol. Now, I'd love to see a picture of all those roasted green chilies. And some examples of how you will use them. I don't think I've ever used them in my cooking and I'm immensely curious.

  8. Lovely shawl from what we can see! LOL! 111 degrees? But it's a dry heat, right? LOL! I love the green chillies too although not a big an of the hot peppers. I got no handwork done while the "kids" were here. I tried and ended up ripping out a whole sock and I was down to the heel! Now I know why I never did any crafting when they were growing up! LOL! The interruptions were a mile a minute but it was great fun but I sure missed my knitting and crochet. I'm back in the swing of it now and enjoying it. See you next Sunday!

  9. Oh I love that shawl. StuNNING.
    Olympics everday here too!

  10. Oh your test knit looks fabulous, I love the colour you have chosen.

  11. Oh your test knit looks fabulous, I love the colour you have chosen.

  12. The test knit shawl looks beautiful!!!!!


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