YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, June 2, 2024

WEEK 49/53


Well, hello there. I come to you today one year older than I was last week.  Yup, I had a birthday yesterday.  It was a perfect day and I had so much fun with the planned activity I picked out over a month ago.  I asked for a girls night out to play bingo and enjoy each others company.  Well, my daughter and daughter in laws made sure this happened.  We had so much fun.  There was so much laughter.  I was worried we would get in trouble for being too disturbing to others.  But all those around us were about as bad as we were.

See?  This is Stacie and Tiffany.  My Daughter in laws.  Tiffany had never played bingo before and we were cracking up from listening to her describe the different games we were playing.  And, as you know, once the giggles start......so hard to stop them.

Anyway, I do have some items to show you that flew off my crochet hook this week. First up:

A To The Point Shawl for the prayer shawl ministry.  This is such a great way to use up some of my leftover skeins of yarn.

Here is my next item.

Surprise!  Another To The Point shawl.  This was the 40th shawl of this pattern I have made.  Yes, I no longer need the instructions.

After those two, I retired my crochet hook and picked up my knitting needles to make:

Another Habitation throw.  I make mine in worsted weight yarn and  size10 needles.  This is being done in Cascade Anthem yarn.  I purchased this yarn 2 years ago to make a cardigan.  Once it was done I hated it and frogged the whole thing.  This yarn will make a lovely throw.  I have not decided if I will add a contrasting color in it.  Probably will so the diagonal construction will show up better.

That is all for crafting.  There are only 4 more weeks of this Year of Projects for those of us who do July starts. I have not even thought about what I want to go after next year.  Hmmm.

One last fun thing..................Tiffany called Friday and wanted to know if we would be open to having a pool party at our house.  I love the fact my family loves to come over and spend time with us.  We agreed and got Josh and Stacie to come too.  Hubby and I made pizzas in our Woodfire oven and we had an absolutely lovely time.

My boys (Jay and Josh) and Stacie enjoying the water.  The rest of us were already out and getting food ready to enjoy.  My heart is full of the love from my family this weekend.

That is all for this week.  Even thought the week started out so sad with the Charlie kitty passing, it ended on a wonderful note with the love of my family.

Until Next Time............................Happy Crafting!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Great idea for a girls night of family girls. Family is wonderful. I am so jealous of those who's kids stayed in the area. It's hard not to feel that I failed as a mom that my children moved far away. I also know how hard it is for retirees to develop an independent group of friends/activities if they simply move near their children/grandchildren. But who knows what the future holds.

  2. Happy Birthday, glad you had such a fun family filled week.

  3. Happy Birthday! Sounds like you had a wonderful day, surrounded by loved ones. ❤️

  4. Happy belated birthday Marsha and what a wonderful way to celebrate!

  5. Happy Birthday! It's sounds like had an amazing weekend.

  6. Belated Birthday greetings, Marsha! It sounds like wonderfully fun birthday weekend. ❤️ You have a terrific family. And that pool looks very inviting.

  7. Belated birthday wishes my fellow Gemini. I’m so behind apologies. What a lovely way to spend your birthday and it’s so nice you have such a great relationship with your daughters in law.


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