YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, June 30, 2024

YOP Year 13 Wrap-up


Here we are at the last week of year 13 for my Year of Projects.  Was I productive this year?  Why, yes, yes I was.  Maybe not as much as I had hoped, but things did get accomplished.  Here is what I have completed.

8 pairs of socks

8 Shawls

2 mitts

2 slouch hats

4 gnomes

6 dishcloths

2 lapghans

1 baby sweater and hat

1 car decor

1 baby bunny

Do I have any favorites?  A few things really tickled me when finished.

The hats and mitts for my niece and her daughter.  Making for others and seeing the items being used is a huge plus for me.

My great granddaughter's baby set.

Gnomanda was my first 'female' gnome.  She was harder than I expected.  Yet, she is a favorite of mine.

The little bunny for my great niece.  She carries him everywhere with her.

This went into Josie's car.  They look so cute hanging from her mirror.  It was a quick project too.

Do you see a theme here?  It seems I enjoy knitting for others more than for myself.  

I do have a bit of an update on a project I have been working on for a few weeks.

The Habitation throw grew this past week.  I ran out of the blue (finally) and am back to using the pale, pale peach.  I am decreasing now so this will start to go a bit quicker, as each row has 2 less stitches.

I am working on my thoughts for next year.  I know what I want to do but not sure it is even feasible.  But then, why not shoot for the moon? Right?  I may not be posting on Sunday next week.  I will try but..............hubby and I along with 7 others, are heading to Las Vegas to celebrate our BFF's anniversary and a birthday.  We leave on the 4th and will return on the 8th.  

As for my medical issues..............Things are going well.  I have almost all my testing completed. (waiting on results)  My medications seem to be agreeing with me now that I have been on them for a couple of weeks.  I did need to change one of them again as the second one she put me on caused some major issues.  Everything is stable as of now.  I feel good and the fatigue I felt in the beginning of all this is gone and I am back to being my ornery self again.  Thank you for all your kind thoughts.

Here are your chuckles for the week.................

And, that's a wrap!

Until Next Time...................Happy Crafting!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Haha, your funnies are always good. I too love knitting for others. Thrilled to have granddaughters to knit for now. Love all your FOs. Since one isn't supposed to hang knits on hangers, I'm going to have to very soon figure out how I'm going to store knits so that I wear them rather than forget about them. I need a glass front dresser.

  2. Wow, you accomplished so much this year. Safe travels and enjoy your stay in Vegas. We are going to be HOT this week.

  3. I love seeing the pictures of some of your projects again, Marsha. That is quite a list of projects you knitted up over the last 12 months. I also glad to hear you're doing well on your medicines. You have a great attitude.

  4. 35 finished objects is pretty darn impressive, especially given how busy you’ve been this year with other stuff going on with family and all your baking and house stuff. Erm I may just have to buy Gnomanda…goodness she’s cute. I still have a pattern bought I’ve not made yet so I’ll do that first and then consider buying another pattern….goodness now I have to check I actually have the other bought gnome on my list.

  5. I am so glad to hear you are feeling like yourself! That is a wonderful state of being. You get so much done in your knitting, you inspire me. I need to knit more (but not cause a flare up)

  6. I'm so glad you are feeling better 💕 I love your projects they are all wonderful - I think I especially love the car ornaments and ghe gnome!


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