YOP LIST 2024-2025

Wednesday, June 26, 2024



Well, what a fascinating time I am having with being a senior citizen!  I have always been in very good health until 2 weeks ago when my body decided going into Afib would be a fun little adventure.  Now, while I did manage to go back into normal sinus rhythm on my own, I still needed to address the face my heart was playing games with me.

My follow up appointment with my cardiologist was yesterday.  She gave me an EKG which she said came out beautiful!  Great news!  Then she hit me with the bombs.  One after another.

1. Need an echo cardiogram - scheduled for today

2. change my blood thinner to see if it helps with my fatigue - today

3. Get set up for an at home sleep study to see if I have sleep apnea - waiting for referral

4. Get a nuclear stress test - scheduled for next month

5. Have a carotid ultra sound - Waiting for paperwork to get to lab

6. Start a statin in 2 weeks

7. lab work up in 10 weeks

8. 150 minutes of cardio a week - Oh My! Glad to have in home cardio machine

9. severely limit alcohol beverages or even stop them -not a problem, water is my friend

10. Call RA Dr to find out what to take for flares since no longer able to take NSAIDs - done

I walked out of there with my head spinning.  I think my husband was a bit shell shocked too.  I have always been the care giver.  No one has had to take care of me.........EVER!  I chose this Dr for 2 reasons; 1, I know her personally 2, she is one of the best in her field.  So, I will be doing as she requests and do my best to follow all of her advice.  Afterall, that is what I pay her for.

Thankfully, I have not had any other episodes since my release from the hospital.   I feel fantastic other than fatigue.  Pretty sure that is due to some of my new meds.  

In between appointments, I am working on my ideas for my next year of YOP (year of projects).  I have a couple of knitting projects that will be carried over from this year as well as my long term cross stitch projects.  Other than that, I do not have a clue.  I did see that hubby threw away 2 pair of homemade short socks.  He said not to worry about that as he has a gazillion more pairs in his draw.  Darn!  Those are easy knits too.

Until next time.......................happy crafting!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Well, I have some catching up to do, Marsha! I'd find that list of things to do overwhelming, but I have my own different, overwhelming list. I'm glad you have a doctor you are happy with. And I'm glad your Afib evidently corrected itself. Am I understanding that correctly? Now I'm going to read backwards to see what all of this is about.

  2. The list can be a little overwhelming, but I know you will take it one day at a time (and do lots of praying).


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