YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, June 9, 2024

WEEK 50/53


Look at that!  We are already on week 50.  There are 3 more weeks with the third week being a wrap up for the year. Thinking about what I want to accomplish for the next year has me baffled.  The past few years I just set up categories to give me guidance.  It has done well for me, yet I feel I want to challenge myself more in the coming year.  Any suggestions?  Sure wish I lived in a climate that needed me to wear 'winter' clothing.  Then I would be making sweaters, hats, gloves, scarves, cowls like crazy.  But, they only get about a month of wear here.*sigh*  And I have plenty of those already.

I did have lots of knitting time this week.

The habitation throw is moving along quite nicely.  I am almost to the halfway point.  Thirty more rows to make halfway.  I have already done 119 rows.  The marker is where I was last week.  It is a relaxing knit and easy to do while talking or watching TV.

That is all I did in crafting.  I was busy this past week.  There was a decluttering of my vanity drawers this week.  I had medicine in them I no longer take and wanted to find a good home for them.  My brother in law, a doctor, works for Samaritan's Purse several months out of the year.  He is getting ready to head to Africa and was thrilled to take the medicine off my hands.  Win-win!  I also had many little sample bottles of different face creams that were partially used.  Those were trashed as well as some OLD makeup.  I always feel so accomplished after cleaning out an area of my home.

I said good-bye to my sourdough starter, again.  After taking it out of the fridge on Saturday and feeding it that night and again on Sunday, when I went to feed it again on Monday it had molded!  I think my house is just too warm in the summer to sustain it long enough, out of the fridge, to get it active enough to use.  That is ok.  I still make bread in my bread machine each week.  Hubby and I enjoy that too.  I just like the healthy benefits of homemade sourdough. 

There was a deep cleaning of our shower this week.  It is one thing hubby has asked me to handle in the cleaning area.  It doesn't need it often as we squeegee it down each time we use it.  But once in a while it needs a good scrubbing.  Since we have a water softener, it is pretty easy to keep up with.  

I got my summer haircut this week too. 

Super short again.  With swimming and the heat here, I do not like having to take time to have bow dry my thick and heavy hair.  So she cut it short and if I choose I can even spike up the crown of my head to give it a little oomph.  WOW!  Looking at that photo, I can see my 'wisdom highlights' are really showing up!  LOL.  I quit dying my hair a couple of years before I retired and I have never regretted it.

Thursday, our cable for WIFI and TV went kaput!  We were able to get a technician out on Friday to figure out the issue.  Seems our cables that were installed about 30 years ago finally gave up the ghost.  He got all new wires for us and we are back up and running.  Well, except for our solar.  It is producing but it is not being reported.  Hopefully we will get that taken care of Monday morning.  With our temps being well into the 100's, we rely on the solar to keep our electric bill manageable.

With this heat, I have been making salads each night for dinner.  It is just way to hot to eat heavy.  Plus, salad makings are plentiful in the stores right now.  I just cook up some chicken (outside) and use that for the protein and then add veggies and fruits to the salad.  So yummy.

That is my week in a nutshell.  Everyone here is fine as are all the kids, grandkids and great grandkids.

Here is your chuckle for the week.  My hubby even laughed at it.

Until Next Time............................Happy Crafting!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. The haircut looks adorable. I have had short hair pretty much my entire life. Long hair does not look good on me - my hair is too fine to hold anything and is straight as a board.
    Some ideas about YOP that I am thinking about are monthly challenges. You already do a tremendous amount of charity knitting but I am thinking of challenging myself to do one charity knit or crochet a month (even if it is just a hat). Also learning new techniques in knitting/crocheting. I am almost done with the 2nd sock from the pattern you recommended. THANK YOU! I love them and they are the exact type of sock I was looking for.

  2. Your haircut looks fantastic. I'm so jealous of all the natural color you have. I've been almost totally grey since turning 50. I did color it until I retired in my mid-50s. Ageism is real. Some of my Florida knitting friends knit items but never wear them. I can't imagine. I do knit lots of tees and wear them during Florida's "winter". I do love silk and bamboo yarns for summer tops.

  3. I haven't made sour dough bread in more than a decade! It was fun when I did do it. love your hair and now you are ready for summer!!

  4. I love the new haircut - looks perfect! The habitation throw looks great. We had the same issue with our WiFi and sky in that the cables were too old earlier I the year. I hope you got your solar fixed!

  5. Seeing how many emotional support chickens are being requested by friends of Marilyn’s in her knitting group and support groups I was thinking this may be right up your street as you love to make to donate to people in need of some support. Just a thought but may be something new to add to your next YOP list? Her blog is https://yarnbooksroses.com/2024/06/16/hannah-and-the-coalbear-chickenitis-explodes/. Liz (Highlandheffalump)


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