YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, June 5, 2022



Hey there.  This is not going to be much of a YOP update.  I put another 7 rows on the sweater and did not see a need to put another photo of it on here.  I did pick up my half sock and put a few rows on it.

That is all the crafting I did.  Oh, I did do a bit of coloring in my "adult" coloring books.  

So, what the heck did I do all week?  

Monday - Made a loaf of sourdough bread, did a deep clean of the kitchen counters and cabinets, power washed the pool area and cut Enrique's nails.

Tuesday -  Had blood work done, went to Sam's club and Costco and called Motor Vehicle Department.

Wednesday -  I turned 69!!!!  Helped hubby go through EVERYTHING as we put the backroom back together from the remodel that he finished up on Tuesday.  Did a GoodWill run and a hazardous waste run.  Did a load of laundry and got the pool table ready for use.  Happy Birthday to me!

Thursday - Went to the bank, dusted the entire house (lots of dust from remodel), did a load of laundry, went to Sam's club AGAIN, and had adoration at church which is when I worked on the sock.

Friday - Made a loaf of bread, got water bottles filled, went to WalMart, cleaned the bathroom counter tops (hubby cleaned the rest of the bathroom), went with my bff to urgent care (she has a pulled ham string) and even got in a little swim time.

Saturday - The Texas son and his wife arrived early in the morning.  Made another loaf of bread, made onion dip, got the brisket rubbed and wrapped to marinate, went to Mass and then went out to eat.  Spent a lot of time talking with the Texas 'kids' since it has been 14 months since I had seen them and over 3 years since hubby had seen them.

Today, we are having a family get together.  There will be 13 people at our home with plenty of food and beverage.  Hubby purchased some games for the pool so I think there will be lots of laughter too.

So, now you know why there was a very small amount of crafting done this week.  But, it was all worth it just to be able to completely relax and enjoy the 2 days we have with our Texas family before they continue on with their vacation.

Until Next Time......................Happy Crafting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Sounds like a fantastic week and Happy Birthday! My hubby turns 75 this week so we have a party next weekend. I too am not getting a lot of knitting done but that is typical of this time of year. Thankful to have friends and family to gather with instead of knitting alone.

  2. Happy Birthday!!! Your socks look cute and it sounds like you are going to have fun with the pool, the food, and your company! Enjoy!

  3. happy birthday day to you and ENJOY your family visit!!!

  4. Sounds like an awesome week and Happy Birthday!!!

  5. A belated, happy birthday to you! Mmm! Brisket; that sounds delicious.

  6. Happy Birthday! Hope you enjoyed your time with family.


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