YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, June 12, 2022



Only 2 more weeks of this YOP year.  I haven't even started thinking about next years list of projects.  My main focus has been on trying to finish up some WIP's that are hanging around.

I do have a finish this week!

I completed the reknit of Vixynn.  It fits so much better now.  I raised the empire waist to where it is supposed to be and went down one needle size to make the bottom a bit smaller.  Would I make it again?  You betcha.

This is what it looked like before the rework.  See how low that empire waist is.  I am so much happier with it now.  It will get lots of use once it gets a bit cooler than the 113 it is today!

Once the sweater was off the needles, I grabbed a WIP that has been staring at me since March.

My RCR socks.  I started these in March as two at a time on magic loop.  When I picked them back up this week, I immediately transferred them to DPN's.  TAAT kind of makes me twitch because the yarn gets twisted and it seems like all I do is slide socks from one side to the other.  Very annoying to me.  My hope is to have these completed before this YOP wraps up in 2 weeks.  

Last weekend we had our family over for a day of fun, food, swimming and laughs.  We had a blast.  Unfortunately, I did not take any photos of the fun.  We had 14 people in total here.  Hubby smoked a brisket and it was fork tender.  Our daughter made a lovely pasta salad and I made 2 loaves of scrumptious bread.  We had just a bit of brisket left, 4 slices of bread and 1/2 of the pasta salad.  I call that a win.

The TX kids left Monday morning.  We have spent the past week enjoying a quiet house again.  

Yesterday, I spent the evening making Luna's dog food.  In the process I messed up my right hand/wrist as well as my right knee and ankle.  So, today, I am just taking it easy.  No knitting until the wrist gets better............drat!  Thankfully I am lefthanded so I am still able to do normal daily activities.  

What are you up to?

Until Next Time....................................Happy Crafting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Glad you had a great family gathering. Those are always wonderful. Congrats on redoing your top. It looks great.

  2. Vixynn looks great. Good for you for modifying it. 113 degrees. Oh my goodness!!

  3. As I mentioned on IG, I really love the alteration in your sweater. Your socks look great too!

  4. Your "pool parties" always sound like so much fun and with all those good eats! Your Vixynn turned out so cute! Definitely glad you raised the waist on it. I have yet to make RCR's...they were on my list for the past 2 years I think! So sorry you messed up your hand. I hope it heals fast! Take care of yourself.

  5. your sweater looks great and yay for the re do and fixing what you didn't care for. I'm working on a sweater for the grandson and a bunch of shawls.

  6. Isn’t it crazy it’s nearly the end of the YOP year. Whilst you are frantically finishing socks I’m trying to get off sleeve island…doing them two at a time on a long needle and so four balls of yarn because of the stripes so I am living sliding knitting down the cables and tangled of yarns. I get ladders with DPNs so they aren’t for me, but I can see he appeal. It’s been mid to late 50sF here, grey and rainy and set to continue. Feel free to send some of your sunshine our way, it’s so depressing needing lights on inside during summer days from now dark grey it is outside.

  7. Wow, I hadn’t realized the YOP year ends so soon! Sounds like you had a great time with family. Your sweater is coming out great!

  8. Marsha, I'm so sorry about your wrist!! I hope you feel better soon! The sweater is awesome! And I love the colours you chose for the socks! What have I been up to...what haven't I been up to? Mostly Raven and garden stuff!


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