YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, April 3, 2022

Week 40 of YOP 11


Hello!  This past week was kind of a bust for me as far as any kind of crafting went.  Let me show you what I did.

The RCR socks.  If you think they look quite a bit like they did last week, look again.  I put a whole 5 rows on them.  LOL  At this rate, they should be completed by sometime in June.

There really was no great desire to do any crafting.  Must have been spring fever.  Mostly I worked on decluttering a bit.  On Friday, I finally decided I HAD to do something craft wise and I was not interested in the socks, or my sweater, or the blanket, or the cross stitch.  I cast on a new project instead.

This is Mehujaa.  I have made it before and it is the most used shawl I own.  I am not going to show you the yarn I am using as I want it to be a surprise as to what this yarn does as I go along.  This is a fun knit.  It has 3 patterned rows with a purl row between each one.  The Stockinette section increases every other round.

The is the one I made last year.  Even though it has a lot of 'lace' in it, the sides are all stockinette and keep my arms warm.  It's pretty big, huh!

That is all for crafting this past week.  Pathetic isn't it. 

During my decluttering, I attacked my closet.  In there, I found all of the shawls and shawlettes I had made for myself, over the past several years.  Of the 15 I found, only 4 of them are ones I ever actually wear.  There are 4 I am going to unravel and combine the yarns together to make a shawl I will wear.  The other 7 will find a home with our Prayer Shawl ministry at Church.  

I also worked in the kitchen this week to get rid of items not being used.  Surprisingly, there were only a few items that left the building.  This is a good sign.  I have finally gotten my kitchen down to where only used and loved items are there.

This coming week is dog sitting week.  Mr Thor does not like to be alone all day long.  I will go and keep him company for a few hours each day and give him lots of love and attention.

What are you working on?  Has spring sprung in you neighborhood?

Until Next Time....................Happy Crafting!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. It sounds as though lots of progress has been made - lots of organising and a new project. RCR by June sounds perfect 🥰

  2. Yes spring has sprung - the cherry blossoms are gorgeous in our neck of the woods, and looks like in your too. Have fun with THor - he is lucky to have you! That shawl is sooo big and I can see why it is a favourite. Good job on decluttering and I did something similar last fall with my shawls. I kept the ones I LOVE and gifted the others.

  3. Spring is just starting here, some daffodils and a few trees with blossom but we are still having frosts. If you get the urge to clean or declutter then definitely the right decision to go with it because nothing worse than having to do it when you’d rather be knitting. The shawl is massive but super practical for keeping you wrapped up I’m sure. I have nothing I’ve made that’s that big…yet.

  4. I learned from tracking my stitches knit last year that Spring take a huge hit (which may cause you to wonder - what in the world were you thinking when you signed up for a test knit in Spring!!!) That shawl pattern is just beautiful! You are too funny having all those project yet casting on a new one. But I can see why you couldn't resist it.

  5. I hardly go outside, LOL, except to do pick up. Our geranium bush in the backyard has been vibrant. Solid shot of your first shawl; neat how that colorway knitted up.

  6. any knitting is good knitting! I can see why you like that shawl so much! I am on the hunt for another pattern for gift knitting but first I have to rummage around my yarn stash to see what I want to use first.

  7. Sounds like good progress on your decluttering, and helping people through the charity at the same time. Love the color of the newly cast on shawl and look forward to seeing it progress. I understand and relate to not wanting to work on anything already in the works and instead casting on something new.


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