YOP LIST 2024-2025

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Frustration and Glee


I don't know how many of you use Bloglovin' to help keep track of blogs you follow.  I have been using it for several years and have enjoyed being able to see when one of you bloggers posts a new update.  The past two weeks, Bloglovin' has been down more than it has been up.  After being down for over 5 days, when it came back online, I took screen shots of all the blogs I followed on it.  I then transferred all that information to the side bar of this blog.  Now, I no long need to rely on Bloglovin' to keep me up to date.  I am so glad I did this as Bloglovin' has been down again for over 2 days.  So frustrating. I have signed up with quite a few of the blogs to be notified by email when there is an update.  Unfortunately, not all blogs have this feature.  UGH!

But...................................I have some great news!

I harvested some of my home grown cherry tomatoes today.  They are so yummy.  There are still more on the vines and I noticed there are some brand new babies that just set on in the past couple of days.  I guess we will be having cherry tomatoes for a little while yet.  These babies took forever.  Not sure I will do more cherry tomatoes since it took over 120 days for first harvest.  Now, the herbs and lettuce.......................those babies are quick and produce for a long period of time.  

Today, I spent most of my morning making Luna's dog food.  Between the crockpot, instant pot and microwave I managed to get 23 days of food bagged up for her.  Most of it is in the freezer.  Yes, I love my old lady dog that much.  With the bird flu hitting the chickens, making her food is going to get much more expensive from here on.  She's worth it though.

If you would like to keep up with my blog posts, sign up for email notifications on the upper right hand side of my home page.

Until next time.......................happy crafting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I tried moving from the Wordpress reader to Feedly, but I found it so frustrating I’m back to Wordpress. Luna is a lucky dog to have you as her human!

  2. I was having the same problem but it was me! I hadn't out my friends on my blog. I still have to make it so I can tell when they last updated their blog. I have many more to add too. That's why I was so bad about commenting. Hopefully, I will get my act together!
    You're such a good dog mama....they are so worth it!
    Look at your tomatoes! Wow! I think I need one of those!
    Have a great week!

  3. I like having all the blogs I like to keep track of in my blog's sidebar. I can see it readily whenever I'm on my blog, and it gives others a little exposure. Congrats on the tomato harvest! How yummy!

  4. I use that site and it has been having many hiccups! I hope I can keep track with my 'memory' ha ha ha.

  5. Your cherry tomatoes look great; how do you usually use them? I use Feedly to keep track of Blogspot blogs.


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