YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, February 27, 2022



Hi there.  It's that time again.  Time for me to do a little show and tell from the past week.

There are finishes again this week.

Another 'To the Point' shawl is completed and waiting to go to the church.  This is such an easy shawl pattern to make.  The thing I like most about it is when you put this around your shoulders, you do not need to hang on to it.  It drapes so nicely and stays put.

Once the shawl was done, it was time to decide what would be next up.  Not being able to make up my mind as to what I wanted to do next, I did what I always do and made these.

Yup, three more dishcloths.  This finished up the skein of Sugar Colorwheel Cotton I had started on a few weeks ago.  Please excuse the cruddy photos.  I took them late at night with very low light.

Once all of these was done, I decided it was time to get the puzzle completed so I could have the dining room table back again.

This was such a fun one to do.  Took me back to my teenage years.  

I still did not feel like casting on anything new.  So, a decision was made to do this.

Yup, a cross stitch project.  This one has been hanging around for a few months and I just thought it would be so much fun to make.  I am a bit further along than this photo shows but not much.  Last night, I discovered I was able to watch TV and work on this at the same time!  It was more like glance at TV, concentrate on stitches while listening to TV.

Today is 'make Luna's dog food' day.  I have the chicken cooked and am getting ready to shred it.  Then I will be off to the store to get the veggies for her (and us).  I still have brown rice to cook for her (thank goodness for an instant pot) and then mix it all together and freeze it in meal size bags.  It isn't hard to do, just time consuming.  Yes, I love my old lady dog that much.

As for the remodel....................The counter guy came out this past week and measured.  Looks like installation will be either Thursday or Friday this coming week.  You can not even imagine how excited I am to get this done and everything put away so I can have my bedroom and craft room back. 

We have pool people coming today to set up a pump to drain the pool.  Then on Tuesday more pool people come to clean all the tile and do some minor cosmetic repairs.  Once that is completed, we will be filling the pool again and then another pool guy will be coming to remove our salt system and we will go back to chlorine.  I loved the salt water but replacing the salt cell ever year or two was getting a bit too expensive not to mention the care and cleaning of it was very labor intensive.  Our pool company told us we could still get that salt water feeling just by adding a bag of pool salt to our water!  Who knew?

So, by this time next week, everything that is scheduled so far, should be completed.  All we have left is to hire a house painter and a person to lay the last of our flooring that we have purchased.  Then it will be up to us to finish the painting inside the house.  Phew!  I sure will be glad when this is over.

Ash Wednesday is this week.  I already have been searching for my tried and true meatless meals.  Yes, we can do fish or shrimp, but I really like having a totally meatless meal once a week and this is the only time of year I can get the hubby to agree to it.

What's new with you this past week?

Until Next Time......................Happy Crafting and Pray for World Peace!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Good reminder about Ash Wednesday and "meatless" Fridays. Hubby is RC although technically he has aged out of having to be "meatless". Fortunately we love fish/seafood so it is no sacrifice for us. Ironically, we love lent menus. That shawl turned out great!!

    1. Hubby and I have aged out too. But since we are in good health, we still adhere to it. I am less of a seafood person than my husband. Yet I have no issue doing a total vegetarian meal.

  2. I think the idea of using lent to explore meatless options is a great idea! There are SO many plant-proteins out there that are nutritionally robust, delicious, and more economical than meat! My family does a lot of plant based proteins- mostly because we like them so much!

    Your shawl is beautiful!!

    1. We have tried some of the plant proteins and it is the texture that gets me.

  3. What a lovely shawl. Good news on the remodel, it will be good to have that done and things return to normal. I hope you share some of your meat free meals, I’ve been veggie a long time now and it’s always good to see new things.

  4. Wow, I didn't know your pool was salt - even more jealous here! Too many trees on my property to ever consider a pool, but hey, the ocean is merely minutes aways. My meatless meals always involve tofu. I got an air fryer last summer and it makes the yummiest crisp tofu - then I stir fry some broccoli and snap peas and it is good to go over brown rice.

    1. Sorry, have tried tofu several times and can not tolerate it. I try and keep most soy products out of my diet too. Kind of makes tofu a no go for me. So many people love it and I know it has good nutritional qualities but I just can't.

  5. I’m lucky my husband is very willing to eat vegan, vegetarian or pescatarian most of the time. I haven’t eaten meat in 33 years and have never missed it. Do you have hard water where you are and that’s why you prefer salty water in the pool? Our water is naturally very soft and we never see any limescale on anything, where my sister lives the water is so hard and having a shower doesn’t feel as nice and requires a ton more soap or shampoo. When I was having a blank mind about knitting I don’t know why I didn’t remember dish cloths are a good idea…thanks for the reminder.

    1. Our water is extremely hard here. That is the reason we are draining our pool so the tile can be cleaned from all the calcium and lime deposits.

  6. all of your projects are so cheerful looking and spring like :) I'm hoping to get my energy back to do some more creating!!

  7. That is one pretty shawl! I also love your colorful dish cloths. What a fun puzzle is right...back to the hippy days! LOL! Your cross stitch is darling! It's so nice that you can afford to have all that done to your house and pool. How nice it will be to have it all done so you can enjoy it!

  8. World Peace wouldn't that be wonderful. If only!! You've been busy with the shawl, the washcloths, the cooking etc. You'll have to have a little celebration when all those house hold projects get completed.

  9. How productive you are. Lucky Luna getting homecooked meals. You are the best owners. I had a friend who had dogs they had shown and they got cooked chicken and rice for sure.

  10. Looking forward to seeing your new remodeling pictures after this week! :)

  11. What lovely projects! The shawl and then the dishcloths are brilliant. And I love the puzzle, just makes me dream of holidays.


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