YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, January 30, 2022

YOP 11 WEEK 31


It's Sunday morning and once again I am here to tell you about my week.  

I am still not excited about doing much knitting or crocheting.  There was a new cast on late Sunday night.  Mainly, I forced myself to cast on something.

Another pair of Rose City Roller socks.  When I started these I had intended for them to go to my hubby.  They are made from Regia yarn and are a superwash wool that is also dryable and guaranteed for 10 years!  It is not a soft wool in the ball, but as I am knitting it, it has become softer.  On Tuesday I got a message from my SIL in TX saying she loved the socks I made for her 3 years ago.  In fact, she loved them so much the heel finally wore out.

She thought about trying to darn them but I told her to forget it.  They are pretty well shot and I no longer had the yarn to match them.  So, now, the socks on my needles will be going to my SIL in TX.  Hubby was a bit disappointed yet, knows he has plenty and she only had 1 pair.  At least I know she is knit worthy and I will be making her more RCR socks in the future.

I did put another row on my Giant Granny Square blanket.  One of these days I will take another photo of it on my bed.  I think it looks so large when it is in my lap, but when it lays on the bed it is intended for................it is pretty small.

The aero garden is thriving.  Today is day 14 and I added more nutrients to the water today.  I don't need to keep track of it either.  When I got up this morning there was a red light blinking with a message to add nutrients.  This is my kind of gardening.

The top photo shows how tall the plants have gotten in 2 weeks.  The middle photo is of the two cherry tomato plants surrounding the Genovese Basil plant.  The bottom photo is the salad greens.  I see red leaf lettuce and what looks like romaine.  It will be fun to see what other types of greens are coming up out of these two pods.  I made need to move one over a space so there is plenty of room for them to spread out.  

Today will be a 'quiet' day for us.  I have been feeling a bit 'off' for the past couple of days.  (I tested negative for covid)  So, I just want to kind of sit back and enjoy watching NFL playoff games ( GO CHIEFS) and working on the socks.  My menus are already planned out for the next week and groceries have all been purchased.  

For those of you on the east coast.............I pray you have power and are warm and safe.

Until next time...........................Happy Crafting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Sorry - I'll be rooting for the Bengals today. Your garden looks great. I just signed up today for Tenth Acre Farm. It's about "farming" in the suburbs with limited time and land. It is nice to have lots of folks to knit socks for since I love making them. Such pretty yarns!

  2. Wow those plants are growing so quickly. I love the blinking light idea - my idea of gardening too!

  3. I love it when people request more socks from me! It's the ultimate complimemt.
    Your garden is so heartening. Spring will come, right?

  4. That's some good growing progress on your plants. Those socks are meant to by for your SIL; what timing.

  5. I am so tempted by your Aero Garden! And I need to make my husband more socks. I hope you are feeling better!

  6. Those socks are so fun - and it always feels nice when you have multiple recipients interested in your knitting! Loved seeing your Aero Garden. I'm going to do a bit of research on it - we definitely need something that's deer-proof around here!

  7. I hope you are feeling better. Your plants are growing so quickly! The socks are great, so bright and cheery.

  8. Your SIL is very lucky to have you knit socks for her! Your Aero garden is so cool! I am very tempted. I didn't feel good Monday that's why I am so late reading posts. I was rooting for the Chiefs too...what a shame since they were ahead most of the game...what happened? Oh well...I subscribed to CBS/Paramount just so I cold watch it. I hope you feel better!

  9. beautiful cheerful socks! perfect for February!

  10. I love when people love things I made them to death- the highest complement!
    Your indoor garden looks great! Anything that tells me when to care for it is right up my alley!

  11. LOVE the colors in your socks on the needles, but there's no way in the world my hubby would wear something so bright with so many colors. Your SIL must have worn and washed her socks constantly; but isn't it nice to have someone be so knit worthy! I've stopped knitting and crocheting for my family....several of them most definitely are not knit worthy. LOVING your gardening. I need to check into this. Have been seeing a fair number of advertisements about this type of gardening and it really seems interesting to me. AND not back breaking. It's been years since I've done a veggie garden outside. Too much work.


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