YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, January 16, 2022


Has it really only been a week since I last posted?  It seems much longer but it is nice to be back here with all of you.  Let's get started as I have quite a bit to talk about today.


I have only worked on one project this past week.

The RCR socks went to Las Vegas and back.  When I left I had just started the cuff.  I am now 1/4th of the way into the foot.  This and the Giant Granny Square Blanket are the only two fiber related items I have right now.  I have not cast on anything else and really do not even have the desire too.  My mojo is waning.  I force myself to pick up the sock each day and work on it.  Hopefully this dry spell will depart as quickly as it came.


As most of you know, last week, we went to Las Vegas to bury my Mother in Law who died in November.  It turned out to be such a great week for us.  First off, the funeral Mass was beautiful.  We were very impressed since all the arrangements with the church had been done 100% via phone.  Everything was exactly as we had wish and even better than we expected.

This is the way they had my MIL placed for the service.  It was so beautiful.  They even had their Christmas still up so it was even more special.  The choir they had singing sent chills down my spine.  The soloist who sang Ave Maria did not leave a dry eye in the church.  Absolutely wonderful.

After the Mass we went back the MIL's house for a reception.  There I got to meet one of hubby's cousins for the first time.  After 46 years of marriage, there are still family members I have not met!  It was also the first time in over 30 years, these guys had been together:

There is one 'child' missing as he was not feeling well and could not make it.  The stories that were told and the laughter that ensued were balm for us all.  Yet, it did kind of wear us all out by the end of the day.  

I will say, our friends who hosted 9 of us for 4 days were the most gracious people on this earth.  There was a meeting of the group staying there, before we left.  In the meeting we made a menu and shopping list of what would be needed while there.  It was also decided the hosts would not be allowed to cook any meals for us.  We tried our best not to inconvenience them in any way.  But putting 9 extra people in your home.....well, they are just the best people ever.

While we were there we played games, had hot tub sessions, told stories, sat outside to enjoy sunshine and even had an evening with this:

A free standing wood burning fireplace/stove.  It was fabulous to watch and heated up the house perfectly.

Now that we are home we have been playing catch up on laundry, grocery shopping and dog cuddling.  The dogs will tell you we left them alone without food and water for months.  LIARS.  Our daughter stayed with them and they got special food the whole time we were gone.

Today I am going to set up my Aero Garden hubby purchased for me a month ago.

I wanted to wait until I knew there would not be any more traveling for a while as it does need a bit of care.  I will be planting cherry tomatoes and butter lettuce in it.  Hopefully it will produce enough for us to make yummy salads.  Cherry tomatoes and butter lettuce have gotten ridiculously expensive here.  Cherry tomatoes are the only ones my tummy allows me to eat too.

So, that catches you up on my life.  I hope you are all doing well and surviving this ugly cold snap if you are living anywhere from the Midwest to east coast of the US.

Until Next Time.......................Happy Crafting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I'm so glad to hear the services for your MIL went beautifully and your trip was pleasant.

    I can't wait to hear more about your planter, the idea has been in my mind for a LONG time now! Wishing for it to succeed!

  2. Your trip to Las Vegas sounds like it was just what you needed. It's amazing that a phone-planned funeral went so well. And how fun to see family in person!

  3. What a wonderful ceremony and it does look beautiful in your picture. I love Ave Maria..I tear up every time I hear it. How wonderful to get together with family and friends. I'm sure you r2 little ones missed you. Let me know how you like your garden. I was looking at some too, I'm sure yo u;ll get your mojo back now that you are home again. Glad you had a good trip.

  4. Glad you had a wonderful celebration of your MIL. My hubby sings Ave Maria at funerals. I too have looked at that aero gardens. I have a friend that has several of them. But I'm just that much of a gardener to justify the cost. Hope you enjoy using yours.

  5. What a beautiful celebration for your mother-n-law and how wonderful you were able to visit with family. Your Aero Garden sounds like fun, I potted herbs and tomatoes this weekend, so excited!

  6. It sounds like, despite the occasion, you had a wonderful time and was exactly as it should have been or was hoped for.

  7. The service for your MIL and the ensuing social gatherings sound indeed like balm for the soul. I hope your mojo returns soon, I am sure it will. Your garden sounds amazing and I am sure you will be enjoying yummy salads in no time.

  8. how beautiful that her celebration of life was surrounded by people who loved and remembered her. Glad you had a good visit!!

  9. I'm so glad you described your trip. And I'm very glad you enjoyed all the family time. Some of the best family reunions surround funerals. It's tempting to think that is sad, but I think it's a wonderful way to honor the loved one who has passed. That's a good picture of the siblings. I'm sure you were all wonderful house guests, but those are some amazing hosts! How wonderful of them. Welcome back!

  10. Happy to hear the service for your MIL went well. It’s nice things went so smoothly and family could enjoy the time with each other! I’m interested to see how the aero garden does. I can’t wrap my head around getting veggies out of something so small. It’s intriguing. One of these days I may have to try it!

  11. Glad the funeral went well, sounds like things were meaningful as well; which is always a plus when with family and story telling and remembering the good times. It's important to do that. The little garden looks awesome. Keep us posted as things grown and you eat. Glad you're making headway with your two projects. I've got 3 with me, but have primarily been working on just one.

  12. How wonderful she had a lovely send off and you got to meet and bond with new family members. That aero garden is so cool!


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