YOP LIST 2024-2025

Tuesday, October 19, 2021


We did it!  Yesterday was our 46th wedding anniversary.  It doesn't seem possible to have been together this long and still 'like' each other.  We didn't do anything spectacular or super exciting.  Our daughter and son in law came back from their vacation and picked up their dog.  (She was a joy to have).  Hubby and I ran errands and then went out to have a nice dinner.  Oh!  First thing yesterday morning, we went and got our flu shots.  Talk about exciting times LOL.

My morning prayer space

Today I am in the midst of doing laundry.  Just a couple of loads today.  I also am looking to make some sourdough bread....or at least get it going so I can bake it tomorrow.  

When we went to dinner last night, we ordered enough food so I do not need to cook tonight.  How sweet is that?  Not to mention the fact, we had 2 for 1 coupons to help out.  We were at our favorite mom and pop Italian restaurant.  Bacon wrapped scallops and coconut shrimp were dinner last night.  Tonight will be their thin crust deluxe pizza.  

We got some very disappointing news yesterday.  Our friends from Las Vegas will not be coming down the end of this month.  The concert they were going to got postponed until next year sometime.  I was so looking forward to their visit.  She was going to show me how she sews her sweaters together, since I have never done it.  I have looked through my knitting book and still am not understanding the different types of stitches used to sew everything  together and which one would work the best for the least amount of it showing.  

Before I forget............We finally found a Christmas tree that will fit into our space.

It doesn't look like much here but once I get the decorations on it and spiff it up, it will be just fine.  We laughed when we got it.  We had seen several we really wanted but they were super expensive.  I mean in the THOUSANDS of dollars.  Until we find THE perfect tree, we decided to go with this one that was on the edge of being cheap.  (Below $150)  Our thinking is, if this will last for a year or two, we will be thrilled.  Watch.................this thing will last for the rest of our lives!  After we got it home, hubby looked at me and said "You can put it up anytime you want".  I almost put it up right away but decided to wait until after Halloween LOL.

I will leave you with our wedding photo:

Until next time................................................


  1. happy anniversary to the two of you! and bummer that your friends are not coming - boo. I would like a new tree but then my old ones are still going strong! (bought in 1998).

  2. Happy Anniversary to you both. Your tree looks a nice size.

  3. Happy anniversary wishes to you both! What cute kids you were on your wedding day. ❤ So sorry to read your friends won't making the trip at the end of the month. I sure hope you get your sweater sewn together before next year! Your new tree is beautiful.


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