YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, March 21, 2021



Here we are again.  It is so nice to have you here.  I have quite a bit to talk about today, so let's get going.


There are several finished items this week.  It felt good to actually accomplish something.

This little cross stitch has been languishing in my WIP pile for 6 months.  After I finished it, I could not decide what to do with it.  It only measures 3" X 4".  Pretty tiny, right?  Then it came to me......make it into a bowl pillow.  I had seen other YOP bloggers do this and thought it would be fun.  I have plenty of material from all the masks I have made.  It was so easy to make.  I gave it to my daughter since she is the one that had originally bought the kit.  She loves it and is going to give it to a special friend.

Next up:

Prayer shawls in the "To the Point" pattern.  These are such a quick crochet project to make.  All three were started and finished since last Sunday.  They are now in the hands of one of the  Prayer Shawl ladies at our church.  Our prayer shawl meetings, at church, were cancelled last year, due to Covid.  Some of the ladies still meet in a private home but I have not attended those meetings.  I still enjoy making shawls for them and they are still mailing them out all around the world to those in need of comfort.

With all those finishes, I needed something more to do.  

I started another dishcloth.  This one will just be in plain garter stitch.  Nothing fancy.  My daughter stopped by my house on Friday and took home 3 cloths with her.  I have replaced 4 cloths in my kitchen and last month gave several cloths to my dearest friend in Las Vegas.  It is time to start building up the cloth stash again.

There seems to be a plethora of worsted weight yarn scraps in my stash.  What to do with them?  How about making a "Ripple Lapghan" for the prayer shawl ministry.  The lapghans are so nice and can be used by anyone.  So, I started this last night while watching some Hallmark Mystery movies.  What a great TV project.  No real brain power needed other than being able to count to 6.  Hopefully, this will use up quite a bit of my leftover worsted yarn.

There was a new puzzle started this week too.

Times Square is the name of it.  So far, I only have the border completed.  The colors in this is the reason I chose it.  It may take me a while to complete it.  The pieces are super small.  But then, there is no rush to do it.

That is all on the crafting front this week.


I finally have started back to listening to audio books.  They are the perfect companion while I workout.

This is the current book I am listening too.  It takes place during the depression and covers areas from Ohio to Kentucky.  I won't tell you much more than that.  It is not a 'heavy' book by any means.  The narrator is excellent and very easy to listen too.  

My go to app for audio books is Overdrive.  It is linked to your local library and all books are free.  You can 'rent' up to 10 books at a time and also put books that are not 'in stock' on a waiting list and you get contacted via email when they are available.  You have 21 days rental on each book starting with the day you rent them.  Hubby has also gotten this app and loves it.  He listens to books while cleaning the house and doing yard work.  The app is very easy to use too.  You can search for books by author or title.  There are filters so you can search by genre too.  Very easy to use.  It is not all audio books either.  In fact, most of the books on there are ebooks.


This also happened this week.

My husband let Josie drive his new car!  Our thought is, she needs to be able to drive all sorts of cars, not just the ones in her driveway.  She is actually a pretty good driver for only being at this for a month.  She really liked driving this car with all it's bells and whistles on it.  And yes, this is at night time.  She was not too appreciative of the flash photo....even though she was at a stop sign.  LOL

This coming week we will get our third and final estimate for replacing our guttering.  I will be so happy to finally get that process going.  We don't get that much rain here, but when we do, we get downpours.  With gutters we can decide where the run off goes.

Also, coming this week will be teen/dog duty for myself and hubby.  Josie starts back to 'in person' school this week.  Her dad is traveling on business and her mom works too.  So, we will be doing transportation of the teen and also keeping the dog company a few hours each day so he doesn't get bored.  The dog (Thor) is no longer being put into a kennel when they are gone from home.  He is doing quite well with having the run of the house.  (They also have cameras set up so they can watch him)  Dogs and kids grow up so fast these days LOL.  

I am still taking my BFF to her PT appointments this coming week.  Not sure how much longer that will be happening.  It has been nice to have some alone time with her during the drive.  We get to catch up on all sorts of stuff. 

Springtime has hit here.  We slept with the bedroom window opened last night.  How nice to be able to do that again.  Flowers are blooming around town.  The trees are all leafed out.  Citrus trees are getting their blossoms and man, do they smell lovely.  We are in the 70's and 80's during the day and in the 50's at night.  Perfect weather for our spring training baseball teams that are here.

That is all for this Sunday.  I hope your day is full of love and laughter.

Until Next Time........................................Happy Crafting & Stay Well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If you want to see what other crafters are doing, join us on Ravelry here!  


  1. That needlepoint pillow is adorable. I'm sure it will be a treasured gift. Hmmm, I have a needlepoint pillow that was a wedding gift 35 years ago that needs serious repair. Maybe I better learn?? Your shawls look amazing and I'm surprised by how quickly you can crochet them. Gee, another craft I should consider learning?? So far I have so many people that would like socks that my TV/Netflix craft is still knitting. But who knows what the future holds. :)

  2. I love those shawls! You've made them before and they are so pretty. I can't believe you made 3 in one week! You're speedy! The little cross stitch pillow is so sweet and I love the 2 little butterfly charms on it. It's still too chilly at night to have the windows open but soon. During the day it;s great but at night the heat goes on. I love the ripple lapghan and the puzzle looks like a real challenge! I need to replenish my supply of wash clothes. I wish I could use overdrive but our library has no ebooks or anything set up for it. I'm going to try the district system and see if that would work. Have a great week!

  3. Wow three shawls in a week. I will definitely check out that pattern. You have been busy - reading, driving, crocheting, etc. etc. Busy lady. Yes, spring is finally here. Not sleeping with windows open yet, but the cherry trees are blooming and looking beautiful.

  4. all of your projects are so pretty and boy are you speedy at creating them! Looks like you've had lots of fullness and how exciting she is driving a car - I remember those days, my son was so easy to teach!

  5. That is a sweet little cross stitched pillow. How nice that your daughter has a friend to give it to. Be looking for more cross stitch patterns from her, I imagine. ;^) I can't believe how many shawls you've finished in a week's time! That is most impressive. I'm dealing with a sore shoulder that I'm finding everything aggravates, and all those shawls done in a week's time makes my shoulder ache. I probably should take a total break from crafting for a couple of months to see if it would just heal up. Maybe I could read more, though. Lynn Austin is one of my favorite authors. I feel sure I've read that book, but it's been years. I've never been much a a re-reader of books, but seeing the book image, and remembering how much I like Lynn Auston's books, I wonder if I would enjoy re-reading hers. Let us know how you like it when you're finished!

  6. So much activity and 3 shawls in a week! I'm sure they will be gratefully received and loved. The little pillow is very sweet. Sounds like a busy but constructive week.

  7. What a prolific crafting week you had!
    I agree, learning how to drive many different types of vehicles is important.

    Enjoy your spring, we've been opening up the house as much as possible; I love how fresh the house feels after a few hours of open windows.

  8. What a brave girl! My teen doesn't want to drive so it's still Mama Uber on the books.


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