YOP LIST 2024-2025

Monday, March 29, 2021

Lots of Energy


I had a glorious nights sleep last night.  When I woke up, I had a lot of energy.  That is a good thing as I did not do hardly anything this weekend.

Well, that is not exactly true.  I did do a few things this past weekend.  After

all, I had a teenager staying with me for most of it.  Teenagers have lots of energy and love to 'do' things.  So, this weekend Josie and I did life skills training.

First off, she and I went to the At Home store.  This can be a very dangerous store to go to if you like to browse items for your home.  Even if you don't need anything, this store will tempt you with so many fun decorating things.  Luckily, I only needed a pot to plant the white Thanksgiving cactus shoots my daughter gave to me about 2 months ago.  I have had them rooting in a jar of water and their roots were nice and big so it was time to plant them.  Of, course while there, we did manage to peruse the entire store, just in case we needed something we didn't know about.

I escaped that store with only a pot for my cactus and then the next stop was Josie's choice of Barnes and Nobel.  This kid loves to read.  I am glad to see her always with a book or two in her backpack in case she has time to slip in a page or two while waiting somewhere.  She found two books that had been on her booklist for over a year.  I, on the other hand, did not find one book that grabbed me.  That is ok, as I still have 3 audio books to complete in the next two weeks.

Once we got back home, we ate lunch and then headed outside to do some repotting of plants.

I repotted my newest orchid in a pot I used to have another orchid in.  I hope it lasts longer than the last one did.  It is sad to see a plant die when you have gone to great pains to treat it well.

Then we put the Thanksgiving cactus in it's new pot.

Is that not just the cutest pot you have ever seen?  Who would have thought a giant cup and saucer would be so cute as a planter?  It is sitting in the same window as my red/pink Thanksgiving cactus.

This think has been in full bloom since December and does not show any signs of slowing down anytime soon.  I love looking at it when I am in my craft room.  It brings me great joy to see it happy and blooming.

Once we were done with that, Josie asked me to show her how to do a couple of 'life skills' she thought she might need in the future.  I love it when she thinks about things she will need when she moves out on her own.

First thing on her list was how to sew on a button by hand.  I should have taken a photo of the needle she chose to sew with.  It was a 2-3 inch long needle I use to sew very thick fabric with.  I let her got with it.  But it was pretty funny watching her work with that huge thing.

Then she wanted to refresh her memory on how to sew on a sewing machine.  Her other Grandmother showed her how to use one several years ago.  So this was more or less just working with her and she actually made something this time.

She is sewing a face mask for school.  They are still requiring face masks there and they can only be solid colors.  She like black ones as they go with her uniform quite well.  She did a pretty good job on sewing this up.  It did take her an hour to make one but that is ok.  She is learning and that is what is important.

For dinner last night, we threw some burgers on the grill and her parents came over and joined us for dinner and then took her home with them.  It was so nice to have us all together for a meal again.  It has been way too long.

Since I woke up with so much energy today, I decided to tackle all the chores I have postponed for a while.  There were 3 loads of laundry washed, dried, folded and put away.  The guest room got finished with it's declutter and the photo printer got moved out of there and put into it's new permanent placement.  I went through everything in our fridge and dumped all expired items and made sure any leftovers from this weekend are available and will be used up.  I still need to prep for our last adult education class which is tonight from our church.  That will take up most of my afternoon.  Then I can relax for the rest of the day.

So, what did you do with any energy you might have had today?

Until next time..................................................


  1. Love the photo of her sewing! Both my sister and I sewed as teenagers and I still have the cap I made from sewing class. My cactus bloomed in November and then decided that was enough.

  2. Oh Marsha...I have zero energy as I read this! Rainy cold days do that to me here, but I think I'll still have energy enough to make pizza for dinner lol! I LOVE the teacup planter! So cute!!! And it's great that your granddaughter is learning to sew step by step. As someone who had to learn pretty much everything in life on her own, I'm sure she appreciates you guiding her!!! :)

  3. I love the QT you spend together. Glad her school requires masks. One friends, her daughter goes to college in the Midwest and masks are optional. Disturbing.


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