YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Another YOP Update Week 17


Ahhhh, I finally am home and able to update my blog this week.  We had a meeting at our church this morning from 8-10 and then ran to the grocery store to pick up a roasted chicken for dinner tonight.  I like to keep cooking simple on Sundays.  That way I have time to spend with hubby watching American Football and working on my knitting/crocheting.

I do have a Finish this week.  Well, you all knew I probably would.  Take a look.

The baby outfit was completed on Thursday.  I tried the hat on my 3 month doll and it fit just fine.  Since that was OK, I got the bootie done and then picked up buttons and got them all sewn on.

I love these buttons.  I seldom add shank buttons to baby clothes.  I like things to be flat so there will be no poking of tender skin.

There was quite a bit of yarn left over so I decided to make this too.

A bunny lovey.  I thought it was appropriate since the yarn color is called Easter Basket.  I had never made one before but it was so much fun and a quick crochet project.

I had some purple yarn and made the eyes and mouth/nose with it.  Hopefully it will be used during those horrible teething times.

Once that was done I stated back on this.

My cardigan.  I am on the last row before I place the sleeves on waste yarn.  I am not too sure this will be done by the end of November, but I will try my darnedest.  The weather has cooled off here so I don't mind having this in my lap for periods of time.  I have not tried it on yet but will as soon as I put the sleeves on the waste yarn to make sure it will be a better fit than the last time.

That is all for the crafting this week.  Other stuff has been happening though.

Monday-  This was my day to do all my household chores (laundry, menus, grocery list grocery shopping and picking up anything that is out of place)

Tuesday -  went to WalMart to pick up stuffing for the lovey.  Started my sourdough starter with high hopes of it working the first time.

Wednesday - Hubby and I spent all morning cleaning.  We had friends from out of state coming in and the lady is a bit allergic to dogs.  So, everything got vacuumed, washed, and dehaired before they came over.  We had a lovely day/evening with them.

Thursday - I grand dog duty that day.  Lucky for me I had plenty of things to do while I was there.  I got my bullet journal set up for the rest of this year, set up my overdrive app so I could listen to audio books from my local library and of course worked on my sweater.  But before I could do all that, I needed to get some energy out of the puppy.

I chased him around the yard while he was carrying sticks and other yard stuff around.  He loved it.  After that was done:

He curled up next to me and slept for the rest of the afternoon while I worked on my sweater and watched Hallmark Movies.  What a lovely way to spend a day.

Friday - my sourdough started got nasty........really nasty.  I threw it out.  It will be tried again.  I refuse to give up!  I did make a 'regular' loaf of bread in my bread machine.  While picking up some things in my craft room, I dropped my wooden yarn bowl.  Yup, it broke.  Dang it..............I loved that yarn bowl.  Amazon to the rescue!

Saturday - We went to our church to witness a baptism only to find out it was scheduled for Monday!!!  Oh well, we were all dressed for Mass so that gave us the rest of day to do what we wanted.  Our very dear friend is in the hospital so we went to visit him. (He is having a triple bypass on Monday!)  Then went to lunch and came home, took a little nap and then went to Mass and out to dinner with our BFF's.  Another lovely day!

That wraps up last week.  Busy as usual.  I will be doing another baby ensemble sometime next month.  Seems there are lots of our friends expecting grand babies in the coming year!  

WOOHOO!  The doorbell just rang.................my new yarn bowl has arrived.  Not to put it to good use.

Until Next Time..........................Happy Crafting!!!!!!11


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. What a lovely week! The baby ensemble is delightful, I'm sure the recipients will cherish it.

  3. Great job on the little ensemble....the rabbit cozy is adorable! I like the buttons you used....

  4. That is a sweet little baby set you've knit up. And the rabbit lovey will surely be loved by a little one soon. :)

  5. I need a nap after reading about your week! We too cleaned house on Saturday because a friend was visiting. It feels good and I should do that more often. I love the baby outfit and the bunny lovey is loverly! Sounds like you had a good week and I am happy for you.

  6. You have been productive! The baby set is really sweet and complete for sure. Your sweater is a gorgeous color and I can't wait to see it finished. Your grand puppy is so cute. So sorry about the yarn bowl....glad you were able to replace it. You always have a full week but enjoyable. I wish our library had ebooks. Enjoy your week! Are you doing anything for Halloween? Have a good one!

  7. Hi Marsha :) Oh your baby outfit is adorable! And so is the bunny!!! Your Thursday afternoon sounds wonderful. I wish we could get Charlie's energy out...that husky has BOUNDLESS supplies of energy and she chases the cats too much! I don't think I ever see her sleep more than a few minutes! I know you'll put that yarn bowl to good use!!! :)

  8. What lovely gifts and a cute rabbit. I hope your friends surgery has gone well. Sounds like you had a jam packed week (hmm that’s a British phrase I think).

  9. Man, you're busy. I'm tired after reading all of that. Love the pic of the doggie snoozing by you. Sweet.


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