YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, October 13, 2019



Welcome everyone.  Nice to have you stop by for a little visit.  This past week, I tried something a bit different in my crafting.  Each day I 'tried' to work on everyone of my WIP's (works in progress).  It was with the hopes I would not get 'bored' of looking at the same thing each day.  It was a failure.  Each project got some type of love this week but not daily and here is the reason:

This is Fawkes.  It is a 12 row repeat.  I refuse to stop working on this until I have completed all 12 rows.  Otherwise, I confuse myself as to what the little arrow on the pattern means.  Is it the last row I did or the next row I need to do.  The little marker is where I was last Sunday.  There were only 24 more rows added to this project.

Here is another reason:

This cardigan has a 4 row repeat.  This one is a bit easier for me to stop before I get to the end of the 4 rows.  I managed to increase this by 12 rows this past week.  Only 24 more rows before the sleeves get put on holders.

Then here is another reason:

This Forest Path shawl is a 6 row repeat.  If you look at the large blue section in the middle of the shawl, you can see where I had put it down without finishing the pattern repeat and was unable to figure out where I was.  I did not notice it until I had finished the green section above it.  This shawl got 30 rows added to it this week.  

I also worked on this

The Alpaca shawl.  There were 6 rows added to this.  It is probably the hardest of all my WIP's.  It is knit on size 10.5US (6.50mm) needles and it is VERY slippery.  I really have to watch while I am knitting on it.  Especially when I am knitting off the yarn over rows.  It is going to be very lovely and warm when completed though.

And of course, I needed to have a cleansing project too.

Three more squares to add to the blanket pile.  It is so nice to do these when working on my 'big' projects.  Each square takes between 30 - 45 minutes to complete.  

I also worked on the puzzle each day, but usually while I was eating lunch.  It is not completed yet and I am now on the part where everything looks the same and the only thing I can do is just keep trying puzzle pieces.

After trying that little experiment this past week, I have come to this conclusion:  I am much better at monogamous knitting/crocheting.  This coming week, I will be working on only one item a day.  In fact, I may only work on one item for the entire week.  That cardigan needs to be completed by the end of November.  That only gives me 5 weeks to complete it.  There is also another baby ensemble needing to be completed by Thanksgiving.  (Although, I have not received the yarn yet from the person asking me to make it for her.)  Once the yarn is received, the baby ensemble will be my only project to be worked on until completed.  Hopefully I will have the yarn today or tomorrow.

Coming up this week..........................Today is our Son in Law's bday.  We actually celebrated last Sunday with him.  We had him and our daughter over for dinner.  Our daughter's birthday is Monday.  So nice for them to have bday's so close together.  (Our local son and his wife have bdays 2 days apart!)

On Monday,the Grand Daughter and I are going to go to lunch and then on to a ceramic place to paint.  She is on fall break and I really wanted to spend some time with her.  (Plus, she gets bored just sitting home)  Normally she is out of town for fall break, but because she is on a swim team, she has had practice everyday except Sunday.  Hooray for me this year!

Tuesday is a quiet day and I am hoping to get quite a bit of knitting done that day.

Wednesday, I will be taking my BFF to get an MRI.  I do this every year for her.  She has MS so needs to have an MRI to keep track of how it is progressing.  Since she is extremely claustrophobic, her Doctor prescribes her meds to make her loopy and that is for an OPEN MRI!  She has had 1 closed MRI and they had to totally sedate her for that one.  After she gets done with the MRI we will stop and have a quick lunch somewhere, before I take her home.  That evening we have our weekly trivia.  This is not like trivial pursuit.  This is where you have an Emcee and he asks a question and you write down your answer and turn it in.  We have a team of 4-6 people we go with each week.  It really is a lot of fun.  Last week we took first place and got $20 in gift cards to use this coming week on our meal. (It takes place at a sports bar)

Thursday and Friday are quiet days again..............at this point.  I never know when I will get a call asking me to go and let my Grand Puppy out or if I will be needed to pick someone up from school.  But that is okay.........................that is one of the reasons I am retired.  I can help out where needed.

Then we have Saturday!  It is the Fall Fiesta at our church.  It helps support our school and is loads of fun.  The kids all have a blast with rides, petting zoo, bounce houses and climbing walls.  The adults sit around and gab with people we haven't seen since last year.  

That sums it all up.  I did find this the other day and just had to post it.

Yup.................we will be like that until sometime in December when we will need a sweater to step outside.  We are still hitting 90 during the day but in the low 60's at night.  According to the forecast, this coming Wednesday we will hit 97!  STOP!!!!!!!!!! My cousin, in Maryland, has already turned on her heat.  I still have the A/C on.  Crazy, right?

Until next time.........................Happy Crafting!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. How lovely to have QT with your granddaughter. I know right now our water polo team has its season; the racing swim team or whatever you call them is in the spring when it's nice and warm. I agree on your crafting evaluation and your new plan for crafting. I should do that too.

  2. I agree with your thoughts about crafting on each project everyday, maybe its okay if you only have 2 or 3, but more no. However you have made progress on them all. I love the colour of the Fawkes sock. Your Fall in Phoenix made me smile, have a good week.

  3. I really like all your projects but I too have found that I lose my place or forget the stitches that were basically memorized if I switch between too many projects. I doubt if I'll be totally monogamous but I will try not to have too many projects on the go. Right now I have way too many! You get so much accomplished and you are so busy. Sometimes I think we get more done when you have to squeeze your projects in between other commitments. I love the sign about Phoenix in the Fall....too funny!

  4. Not that I've been working on anything consistently, lately, but I, too, become pretty monogamous once I get going on a project. I just want to get it done. Of course, that's easier with crochet since it works up quicker. But I'm finding it true with cross stitching too. Even if my cross stitching is just smalls at the moment. :)

  5. I’m like you, I can’t decide the best method to maximise WIPs being finished, I wish I could knit things the speed I can felt them! I can’t imagine living somewhere with so few seasons, my favourite seasons are autumn and winter so Arizona wouldn’t suit me, on the plus side I imagine seasonally affected disorder isn’t so much a thing there? I’m late posting a comment so hope all goes well with your friend’s MRI today, sounds like an exciting week.

  6. Hi Marsha :) Oh pumpkins with summer weather doesn't work for me lol...I hope you get some cool weather soon! You know, I'm a multi-tasker for most things, but when I attempt to knit, I can't put it down to start something else because I inevitably lose my place too. Same with the watercolours, I need to start and finish! You have a busy week planned!

  7. lol. So funny I am sure I already responded to this post - I must have dreamt it. I too am better at monogamous knitting. I sometimes start a few things at once, but I prefer to work through to finish rather than starting and stopping. Unless I am working on something too complicated for tv knitting, then I always make sure I have something straightforward to knit in the evening.

  8. What a lovely lot of wips! But I hear you on the front of progress. Sometimes I love lots of variety and other times I just want to finish it!

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