YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, October 20, 2019


Hello and welcome readers.  This may be just about the shortest YOP update ever.  There is only one thing I worked on last week.


Another Wee Sherlock ensemble.  The sweater was made twice.  The 3-6 month size is what I ALWAYS make and it comes out 100% perfect for that age of baby.  The yarn I was given to use is Caron worsted weight.  I have used Caron several times but for some reason, this yarn leans more towards an Aran weight.  The sweater was started last Sunday and on Monday evening I was starting on the sleeves and decided to measure it and it was darn near a 6-9 month size.  I ripped it out and cast on for the 0-3 month size.  It is perfect now for a 3-6 month baby.  The hat was made in a 3-6 month size and I am still not sure if I will leave it or rip it out and go for the 0-3 month size.  How do I know if it is the right size?  Glad you asked.  I have 2 dolls that are exactly the size of 3 month baby.  Trying the outfit on them makes my life easier.  I have not tried the hat on one of them yet but will do that sometime today.  Right now I am working on the booties to go with the set.  I have already purchased the buttons.  Once it is all finished and ready to go to it's owner, I will have some much better photos to post.  

That is all for my crafting this week.  I did manage to finish the puzzle I was working on.  No photo of it though. (sorry)  Told you it was a short update.

As for the rest of the week?

Monday - The Grand and I went to lunch, painted ceramics and picked up some much needed art supplies at Hobby Lobby.  The art supplies were for the Grand.  

Tuesday - Got all the laundry done (3 loads) and made a loaf of bread.

Wednesday - Took my BFF to get her MRI and held her hand for the 2 hours we were there.  Went to lunch with her afterwards. Went to the Grand's High School to pick up gift cards.  (The merchants of the gift cards give a percentage of the card towards her tuition)  Went to our normal Trivia night with friends and family.  (No win this time)

Thursday - Went to JoAnn's to pick out buttons for the baby ensemble.  While I was there I noticed they offer classes to learn how to get the most out of the Cricut.  Did I sign up?  You betcha.  My Cricut is gathering dust because I am very confused on how to use it and it's different abilities.  (So excited)  The ceramics were picked up also.  Wanna see?

The rice bowl is mine and the Halloween Kitty is the Grand's.  It was my first time to paint ceramics.  I could easily do that many more times!

Friday - We decided to relax for the day.  I did fill my car with gas and got it washed.  Dinner was at our favorite Mexican restaurant.  We were celebrating 44 years of marriage.  Hard to believe we have been married that long.

Saturday - I had grand dog duty in the afternoon, before Mass.  After Mass we attended our church/school Fall Fiesta.  It was a grand time and very well attended this year.  The weather was perfect for it too.  A nice cool evening.................fall like even.  

The baby ensemble should be finished in the next couple of days and then it will be back to my projects that are feeling a bit neglected.  

Until Next Time............................Happy Crafting!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Awe... your Wee Sherlock ensemble is cute. I look forward to seeing the booties, too! And ceramic painting sounds fun. My boys did that when they were younger and it looked challenging to me. I still display what they made.

  2. Great idea to have dolls to try on your projects. I have a teddy bear that is good for 6 month old sizes! I enjoyed following your day by day entries. You have been busy for sure.

  3. So precious! You did a beautiful job on it. I love your ceramics. I think you and your husband have the perfect retirement lifestyle with the just the right balance and variety of activities, work and relaxation. You should write a book!

  4. Hi Marsha :)) Your little baby outfit is cute and that's a great idea having the dolls for sizing! I LOVE your ceramic cat!!! If I had to have an MRI, I'd need someone to hold my hand too, you are a good friend!!

  5. You are a fantastic grandmother. What a lucky girl and love how she painted the Halloween kitty. My mama of course always supports my daughters' fundraisers, being the highest donor to the tennis team recently.

  6. The outfit is lovely and you both did a great job on the ceramic painting. It’s funny you say about a 3 month old size, I was 9lb 10oz at birth (despite my mum smoking through the pregnancy!), but the twins I au paired for weighed less than that at 3 months old....ok I know twins are usually smaller, but I did feel bad for my mum looking at their size.

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