YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, September 15, 2019


Hello lovely readers.  A big thank you to all that sent their well wishes to me last week while I battled a bit of a virus.  If I had been 13 yrs old, it would have only lasted 3 days.  Since I am 66 with a compromised immune system it lasted 7 days.  It never got so bad I had to stay in bed.  I did go through an entire box of Kleenex though.   So, thank you once again for your well wishes.

On to fiber related items.  Finishes first.

Hubby's RCR (Rose City Roller) socks are completed.  A discovery was made this past week.  The second sock was completed within a 48 hour window!  Since I was a bit under the weather, I cast on the second sock on Thursday afternoon and it was completed before noon on Saturday.  No, I did not knit nonstop.  Meals were prepared and eaten and I also worked on a couple of other projects (not craft related).  These socks were made with the rounded toe this time.  I wanted to see if hubby would notice the difference.  He did and likes the rounded toe much better.

After the socks were completed, I handed them to him and his first response was, "Am I still a knit worthy spouse?"  He cracks me up!  I told him as long as he continues to wear what I make for him, he will continue to be knit worthy.  I even caught him eyeing my sock yarn stash the other day and picking out colors he likes.  Yes, he is extremely knit worthy.

There were squares crocheted this week also.

Five more were completed and added to the pile.  What a fun way to use up all that worsted yarn I have had languishing in my stash for so long.

Lastly, I am working on the sleeve of my Cardigan.

The pattern suggested working on the sleeves before completing the body.  That way you don't worry about running out of yarn when it comes time to do the sleeves and you can make the body as long as you want until the yarn runs out.  I thought that was a brilliant idea.  I want the body longer than the pattern calls for and I know I have more yarn than the pattern calls for so this will let me knit away on the body until the the yarn stops.  The sleeves on this are HUGE!  I have big upper arms but not this big.  Instead of decreasing the arm every 10 rows, I a decreasing every 5 rows until it is down to a manageable width.

That is all the fiber arts I worked on this week.  After looking at a few things in my WIP basket, I have decided to frog one of the items in there.  I just hope it will frog OK.  It is an Alpaca fiber and has lots of halo to it.  I am afraid it will be a challenge to take out but I really do not like the pattern I started with it.  In the next YOP update, I will let you know how it went.  Here is a quick look at my list so far this year.


Finish Boxy Sweater started in 2015

Finish Eva Shawl started in 2011 going to frog this, hopefully

Finish Forrest Path Shawl started in 2018

Summer Top for me
  Spotting Clouds ( this time with fingering yarn )

Cardigan for me
  It Really Fits  Cardigan 7/1

Short Socks
  Rose City Roller 7/4>7/31
  Rose City Roller  8/3>8/27
  Rose City Roller  8/29>9/14
Regular Socks

Project bags/totes

Market bags

Produce Bags

Tissue Box Covers

Plastic Canvas Nativity bought in 2009  7/17


Shawls for both Prayer Shawl and Personal

  Polly Plum Squares
  Baby Blanket  7/12>8/3
  Victorian Lace Squares Afghan 8/11

  DW Pattern (no longer available online!)

Doilies/Table Runners

Baby Items
Wee Sherlock  7/2>7/9 & 8/31>9/3
Little Boy Blue  7/10>7/10 & 9/3>9/4
Easy-Peasy No Sew, Stay On Baby Booties  7/11>7/12

Purchase of yarn is prohibited!!!!!  I have over 21,000 miles of yarn to play with this year.  (38,481,140 yards) So far no yarn purchased other than for the first baby outfit.

Any other project that falls into my lap.

As for the rest of my week....................my washer decided to stop spinning on Tuesday this past week, while I was washing a load of towels.  I was able to take the sopping load over to my BFF's house and get them spun out and then came home and dried them.  The repairman could not make it to our house until Thursday.  He ran the towels through it and all worked just fine.  He said the load was unbalanced and I needed to be more careful.  I started doing laundry again on Friday and BOOM!!!!!  On the second load of just everyday clothes the spin cycle stopped working again and this time the door locked and I could not get it opened.  I called the repair place and was informed they could not get anyone out until Monday, called the manufacture to find out how to get the door unlocked so I could get the clothes out so they would not mildew in the next 4 days.  They were no help at all.  Finally I unplugged the stupid thing and waited for about an hour and tried the door and was able to open it.  (the machine is a front load)  Yea me!

I hope the repairman is the same one because he and I are going to have a little conversation.  I have owned this machine for 13 years and have NEVER had an issue with the way I load it to do laundry.  So, he better not tell me the way I am doing laundry is causing the problem!  I am not in the mood for sass!  I need the washer fixed as I am starting to get a bit low on certain items of clothing!  Phew.......I feel much better now that I got that off my chest.

As for reading................Harry Potter is still my reading companion.  I am on book 6 and half way through it.  That leaves one more book in the original series to read.  My Grand Daughter also loaned us all 7 of the movies.  We have watched the first two so far.  Hubby is just now reading book 3 of the series.  I hate to spoil the books for him by watching the movies, but he says he will still complete the series even if we watch the movies.  Works for me.

Today will be spent watching American Football, trying to frog an alpaca shawl and working on my sweater.  I plan on making jalapeno poppers and wings for dinner tonight.  We try and have pub food for dinners during football season.  It gives the day a little bit of a special feel. It is the one day of the week we don't really worry about our dietary needs.  Otherwise I have been very faithful following what we should and should not be eating.  Oh, I think a loaf of bread will be made today too.  Finally have a recipe for my bread machine I love!

That being said, I did take the time this past week and cleaned out my pantry, deep freeze and the refrigerator freezer compartment.  I can now find things to make for dinners and was also able to give away quite a bit of canned goods to our local food bank.  When I don't feel good, I love to clean and organize. OH, I also organized my laundry room and found items to donate to Big Brother Big Sister's on their next collection day.  Then I went through all the coffee cups we have accumulated over the past several years and got those ready to donate too.  There were kitchen drawers and cupboards cleaned and reorganized also.  Feels so good to be able to open up a drawer or cupboard and see it all neat and organized.

And the best news of all............................Our outdoor temps have finally given us a break.  We will be between the 90's and 100F this next week!  For us, that is a BIG break from the 110's.  Our mornings are in the 70's now.  Of course, this also means our pool will not be swim-able shortly.  Once the night time temps fall into the 70's, the water cools off pretty darn quick.

Ok, I think I am done bending your ear.  If you made it all the way to the end, thank you so much!

Until Next Time........................Happy Crafting!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Hi Marsha :) I'm glad to hear you're feeling better! Those Rose City Roller socks are really great! Awww...a knit-worthy spouse, how cute! :)

    Ugh...repairmen...good for you Marsha, give him hell!! ;) It reminds me of any time I call the internet company to tell them the speed of the internet has slowed down...the usual response is "it must be your computer" give me a break.

    I am nearly into my fall cleaning. I started a little bit by doing the deep freezer but the cupboards are really in need of organizing. I forget what's all in there!

  2. An entertaining post, I wouldn’t take sass from a repairman either. I may be more tempted to knit my husband RCR socks as there’s less to knit, but he’s not knit worthy...I made his socks last September and he’s worn them twice!!!!!!

  3. Oh I forgot to say how pretty the colours of those squares are...gorgeous.

  4. You hubby sounds knitworthy indeed. I am definitely going to make a pair of those RCR socks for my man!
    Glad you are feeling better and that the weather is cooler too. Hope the washer gets sorted out - so frustrating (hope you weren't charged for that first sassy call).

  5. There are 8 HP movies...the last book was made into 2 movies...they are among my favorite...hated movie 6 because of some changes made....I'm a HUGE Harry Potter fan...have the American set of books and the British set of books, all 8 movies and various other items...my husband is knit-worthy, but I will never make his big-ass feet socks....plus he is hard on his socks....he gets scarves and cowls...and earwarmers..he doesn't wear hats...and mitts....

  6. So glad to read you're feeling better, Marsha, but sorry it took you a week to knock the bug down. Those socks are gorgeous. I love the colors in that yarn. How fun that your hubby enjoys wearing your creations. He is definitely knit-worthy. Your pretty squares are just delightful in those colors. I'm enjoying watching your collection grow and look forward to seeing them come together.
    I've never had a problem with my laundry becoming unbalanced in my front loading washing machine. I do think my machine turns itself off though when that happens, as I've come back a few times to a soaking wet load. I just redo it and it works okay. I hope your machine isn't starting to fail.

    Hey! I started on my pantry this past week, too. I'm hoping to finish it and maybe even take a picture. :) I can't imagine 90's - 100 feeling like a break in the heat. lol Enjoy the cool down!

  7. I am so glad you are feeling better! You sure get a lot done whether you're sick or not...you are amazing! i love the socks and your husband is definitely knit worthy! I would definitely give that repairman some "sass"....there should be no unbalancing in the front loaders unless the drum is out of balance which could be caused by loose screws or missing ones? Look st you who fixed the locked door when the so called "professionals" had no answers....they're not customer centric that's for sure nor are they problem solvers. You go girl!
    I hope your sweater turns out size wise as it is a gorgeous shade of purple. I only did 1 square while you did 5? You're a whiz! I need to get back to HP I would read a book and then watch the movie but now I can't remember where I was? 5 or 6? I love those books too!
    I was all set to watch the Bears on Fox but it was 2 other teams...so disappointed. I make snacks too for "game days)". I think there's Monday night and Thursday night football too but I can't stay awake that long! LOL! I love to hear about everyone organizing as it motivates me...that's a "good" enabling! Take care and have a great week!


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