YOP LIST 2024-2025

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Thursday Thoughts

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What a week already.

  We had a lovely gathering at our house on Monday for pool, BBQ and fellowship.  Tuesday I was to go and pick up my grand dog while everyone was at work/school/out of town.  Plan got changed as the Grand Daughter was sickly so I went to their house and stayed with teen and dog.  Got to repeat that again on Wednesday.  Needless to say, nothing got done on my end of household chores for 2 days.  On the plus side, there was plenty of knitting time for me while there.

It is a good thing I am retired!  I got up early this morning and started on the laundry.  Five loads later and I am done with that. There is a dishwasher asking me to empty it too.  It will all get done.  I have one pantry shelf left that needs purging and that is also on my 'to do' list for today.  There needs to be a run to our fresh fruit/veggie store too.  I have a dog that needs a bath soooo bad.  That may happen today too.  Why does my male dog have more body odor than my female?  STINKY BOY!

I got a little excited last night at I watched the weather for our area.  We might actually have a couple of days, next week, BELOW 100!!!!!  There is also, what looks like, rain in our forecast.  Oh my.  Be still my heart!  I need to get my 'weather station' set up in the next couple of days then.

One of my friends sent me a recipe for an apple pie that uses honey instead of sugar.  I so want to make it soon.  I also found a recipe for Air Fryer Apple Fritters that does not use any sugar other than the glaze on top.  That will be changed to brushing it with honey.  The honey we use is raw and uncooked.  It is so yummy and good for you.  (Not good for children under 1)  Apple season is just about here and hubby and I love anything with apples in it.  I will be scouring the recipe sites for 'healthy' apple deserts for us.

Ok..........I think my brain has drained all my thoughts out.

Until next time................happy crafting!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Marsha :) I hope you get some cooler weather, but I'll be honest, I'd love to feel 100+ weather for a long time now...winter is creeping in, at least my bones are telling me so! Apple season is great isn't it? I have an apple/butternut squash soup in mind for the next month; and maybe an apple cheddar soufflé...have you ever made a soufflé?? I'm intimidated, it'll be my first! Jack stinks worse than the husky girls...I guess it's the male gene lol! ;)


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