YOP LIST 2024-2025

Monday, September 23, 2019

Look What We Have

That, my friends, is a lot of rain!  It has been raining here since around 3 this morning and just stopped about 8:30.  I have no idea how much we got but we are under a flash flood warning until around 10:30 this morning.  The rain is supposed to continue off and on until sometime Thursday.  We so need the moisture. Our monsoons this year have been a bit of a disappointment.  The monsoon season is officially over on September 30th.  Fingers crossed we get more rain to help with our wildfires and keep the ground wet so no more fires break out.

I really need to get my 'weather station' put up.  Remember him?

He has moved closer to the outside.  Hopefully I can get out today and pick up some liquid nails from Home Depot and get him attached as well as fix the sprayer on my sink that is flopping all over the place.  

OK, need to get busy with chores so I can sit down later and work on some of my knitting/crocheting projects.

Until next time................happy crafting!


  1. Good for you! I hate Fire Danger! I remember that cute little guy! I hope you get all your chores done so you can sit and and relax with your handwork later! TTYL!

  2. congrats on the rain! We had a bit of rain yesterday and it was nice to hear the sounds of weather changing. Thank goodness we did not have a thunderstorm or I would have had to console Frodo.


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