YOP LIST 2024-2025

Saturday, May 25, 2019


This post is being written a day earlier than normal.  Since I will be out of communication for the next 4 days, I decided to do an early YOP update.  Trust me, there will not be much crafting between now and tomorrow morning.  So let's get started, OK?

First up, the Rose City Roller sock knit from the toe up.

It is completed and will be going into the trash bin.  While, the sock is made perfectly and all instructions were followed to the letter for the FLK heel, the yarn has NO stretch to it.  None, zippo, nil, nada!  Hubby could hardly get the thing over his heel!  Once on it did fit perfectly though.  As said in previous posts, I have no idea what yarn this is as the ball band is long gone.  I know it felt pretty scratchy to me but I was enamored with it's self patterning.  This yarn would be fine for a shawl or something that doesn't need to stretch to be put on.  There is only about 75 grams of this left, so it may all go into the trash bin.  I know this has been in my stash since I started making socks YEARS ago.

With that disaster behind me, I have been working quite a bit on my Spotting Clouds top.  I am loving the looks of this sweater.

Oh looky........Someone photo bombed my project picture.  Hi Enrique!  Anyway, this has been quite easy to work on.  As you can see, the sleeves are just a cap sleeve but I plan on working on them a bit after I complete the body of the top.  Your eyes are not deceiving you either.  The bottom of the sweater is a dark forest green.  I had just 2 skeins of this color and thought I would just add a little stripe in the sweater for interest.  I will continue in this color until it runs out and then switch back to the sage green.  As stated before, I am making the size S/M but using DK weight Cascade Ultra Pima and a size F and G hook (3.75 & 4 mm).  It is working into a size L/XL.  It should be a perfect fit.  I have tried on the top before I closed it to work in the round.  I should probably try it on again now that all the increases have been made for the body.

Since the last Rose City Roller sock was a bust, I decided to do another one.  This time it will be cuff down.

I started this last night about 30 minutes before I had to make an airport run to pick up the Grand and her parents from their New York City adventure.  I plan on starting the other sock today so I will have both of them on the needles before I go to the airport.  TSA doesn't seem to mind the knitting needles as long as a project is on them.  These are the Stiletto Signature needles and they are soooooo sharp.  I have stabbed myself with them a few times and they go through skin quite easily!  The needles were my Christmas gift from the hubby last year.  Best gift ever!

This is the last YOP for the month of May.  Therefore it is time to show you my dishcloths made this month.

Ta-Da.  I made one!  Yup, only one this month.  This was done after finishing my shawl  and hubby's HES socks, when I needed to cleanse my knitting palette.  This one is headed to my kitchen.  I noticed some of my cloths were starting to get a bit worn.  But then, it has been 2 years since I have had a new one!

That is all for my crafting.  Can you believe there are only 4 weeks left in year 8 of YOP?  Looks like I need to start thinking about what my goals might be for year 9.  Hopefully my sweater will be done before the start of next years YOP.  Being crocheted, it does move along quite quickly.

On a personal note.......hubby and I are headed to TX (and might be there by the time you read this).  We are seeing off our son, who is in the military.  He is headed to the middle east for a year.  This is a tough one for this mom.  It was hard for me when he joined the Navy,  22 years ago.  This is even harder since it is his first deployment.  He is eligible to retire, but they really need his specialty at this time.  I pray he stays safe and comes back home to us and his wife and children.  Things are not looking good over there right now.  This momma will not be watching the news for the next year!  I do not want to know.........I do not want to hear........I truly believe ignorance is bliss in this case.  

In other happier news.........my traveling son and his family arrived home from NYC last night.  They had a wonderful time.  The Grand Daughter was ecstatic  over seeing Hamilton on Broadway.  The whole family loved it and were amazed at the quality of the performance.  They also saw all the highlights of NYC.  They saw the 9-11 memorial, empire state building, statue of liberty, top of the rock, central park, the MET museum, shopping on 5th avenue, the worlds largest Macy's, the American Girl doll store (3 stories tall) and a few other things I can not remember.  They were so happy to be home and going to sleep in their own beds.  The one thing they really want.................a home cooked meal.  I get that!

Until next time............................Happy Crafting!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. The yarn on the toe and heel look to be the West Yorkshire Spinners Signature 4 ply in Pigeon colourway. I made a pair of HES with it and it’s my least favourite for feel and wear.
    I totally agree ignorance is bliss re: the news and your son being away. I stopped watching the news because of Brexit as I find there’s just too much speculation, scare mongering and theories, rather than facts these days. Enjoy your time in Texas with him.

  2. I hope you are having a great time in Texas, even if it is bittersweet. I again wish him safe travels. Oh no to the sock. If it is West Yorkshire Spinners, I love their sock yarn and a couple of my most favorite socks are made from that and they wear exceptionally well. Maybe the bulk of the unknown yarn was a different base. At least you know the size fits well just need stretchy yarn! The top is looking great, I can't wait to see this finish.

  3. I hope you can enjoy Texas Marsha and wish your son a very safe deployment mission. I agree ignorance is bliss when it comes to anything to do with our children and the possibility of danger.
    What a shame about the sock but at least you now know the sock and heel are a good fit for your husband so you just have to reknit them again in stretchy sock yarn...god job they are shorties.
    Your top looks great and hopefully it will be all finished before the end of this yop year, can you believe there are only 4 weeks left!

  4. Oh, I agree, too, that ignorance will be helpful in this situation. Hugs to you, Marsha, and I'm praying for your son's safety. Don't hesitate to remind us anytime you like and those prayers can go up for him. And you.

  5. Prayers will be sent along with your son. Yes, don't watch the news....I totally get that. Too bad about the sock - the colourway is gorgeous - maybe donate them - someone might fit them? I can't believe we only have 4 weeks left - time to start my new list (which will be mostly the undone things from my current list! Enjoy your travels. Your family sure made the most out of their NYC trip. Sounds fantastically successful.

  6. My heart goes out to you and your son. My own son was in active duty with the Marines during more peaceful times. I was still heart-sick with worry the whole time. I suspect I am not made of the "sterner stuff" that traditional military families are made of. I am forever grateful for our military and for the families to give up so much so that we have our military protections.

    Too bad about the socks. Looking at the picture I thought - Gosh- those are really nice. Then I ready your note - seeing the word "trash" and realized I need to actually read it instead of scan it! We all have those knitting failures at times. The colors and stripping are really ideal for socks. Too bad it didn't work out.

  7. I will be praying for the safety of your son and all those in active duty. So sorry about the socks. I have a pair just like that that I made from WYS yarn and I love them.
    Could it be the pattern? No, because lots of people have made those socks. Very strange but then maybe it was a different type of WYS yarn? Anyway, I decided long ago that even when it doesn't turn out it adds to your knitting experience so nothing is wasted.
    It sounds like your family had a great time in NY! Wow! Great sites to see and experience but it's always nice to come home.
    The sweater is so pretty and I love the green you added! It looks like such a lovely pattern.
    Have a safe trip to TX and enjoy your time with your son.

  8. Hi Marsha :) Hope you're having a wonderful Memorial Day!!! Oh Enrique...love the photo bomb!! Your projects are all so nice. Sending prayers for your son and his safety. xxx (Ignorance is bliss for me too, I never watch the news anymore)

  9. Aw, so sorry the sock was a bust!


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