YOP LIST 2024-2025

Thursday, May 9, 2019

So Excited

Image result for So Excited 

I am very excited.  I frogged my sweater and started on the crochet pattern I found.  Then I realized I needed to go up on my hook size, crochet the next size down on the pattern and start with the color I have the most of.  So I frogged again.  I am now back to where I was before the frogging came along.  I am loving the feel of the fabric now that I went up in  hook size.  It measures the same as it did when I was making the larger size so it is all good!

I finally sat down with YouTube and watched several videos on casting on for toe up socks.  I found one that 'spoke' to me by Purl Together.  So the Rose City Roller socks are being done toe up and I will use the Fish Kiss Lips heel for it.  The socks were started on magic loop but have since been moved to DPN's.  All that stockinette stitch is perfect for relaxing and watching TV.

Hubby and I have such a hectic schedule for the next 2 weeks.  I do not know how much crafting will get done.  

Tonight we have grands final band concert, adoration and I need to get the dog food set up for next week.  
1. Tomorrow we have an appointment with our attorney, the grand and I need to go back to the uniform shop to try on gym clothes to get her size, and then we are going to dinner with the whole family to say good bye to my cousin who leaves to go home next Wednesday.    2. Saturday I have a nail appointment and then we serve at Mass that afternoon.  We will go to dinner with friends that night.  
3. Sunday we will pack, I will update this here blog and then we are off to Nevada to see my mother in law for Mother's day.   
4. Monday we take my MIL shopping for clothes and then spend the evening with our dear friends.  
5. Tuesday I am hoping hubby and I can have a day to ourselves to just enjoy.  
6. Wednesday we drive back home and I will need to get all the laundry caught up.  
7. Thursday we have graduation Mass at 10 followed by the awards ceremony, then celebration lunch, graduation ceremony will be at 7 that night and then another dinner out to celebrate.  
8. Friday I will be taking the graduate and her family to the airport at 4AM.  I will not say why at this point as it is a super duper surprise and I am not sure how many in my family reads this blog.

That about covers it.  Today I did manage to do 7 loads of laundry before 2pm!  That is new record for me.  Normally I do one or 2 a day but never 7!!!!  Hubby cleaned the kitchen and 3 bathrooms so things are looking good.   It will be nice to come home to a clean house.

I made the Grand's graduation card today too.  I will  try and take a photo of it once all the glue dries.

Right now, I am going to go and pick up the socks and work on them until dinner time.

Until next time..................happy crafting!

PS:  Our weather cooled off again this week.  We had a nasty dust storm yesterday but with that came cooler temps and I have the A/C off and the house opened up.  This is not usual for us in May!  LOVE IT!


  1. Your two weeks are jam-packed Marsha, I hope you two get some couple-time alone! :) Oh the A/C...at this point I kind of wish I need to install one lol...we still have snow darn it...it's melting, but it's very depressing to see this time of year!

  2. I'm exhausted after reading your post. Wow, it's graduation time already. My tween's school is having a graduation dance and I got slightly roped into helping since my neighbor and her friend are heading it. I'm to be the photographer.


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