YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, May 12, 2019


Another week has past and there is progress on this home front.  After much trial and error, deliberation, I finally started a spring/summer sweater for myself.  It was one item on my YOP list that had not been addressed at all.

Introducing "Spotting Clouds Top".

OK, so it doesn't look like much now.  I promise it will be a lovely light weight cotton top when I complete it.  It is being made with Cascade Ultra Pima Cotton DK weight yarn.  I went up a hook size from what the pattern asked for and am making the smaller size.  It should all work out.  I have laid this across my back and it seems to be a lovely fit with just enough positive ease to make it comfy for me.

As you know, I have been wanting to do some short socks and do them from toe up.  I decided on the Rose City Roller socks and just do them toe up instead of cuff down.  They also will have a FLK heel instead of a heel flap.  Hmmmmmm, I guess I am just making a toe up short sock with a rolled cuff. LOL  It took me forever to remember how to cast on for toe up socks.  Finally, I found a wonderful YouTube video by Purl Together for the cast on I remembered.  So here is where I am with socks one.

Hubby has asked to have these socks as he wears tennis shoes year round and really wants to try out this short sock to see if he wants more.  I started the sock out as magic loop and once the toe was completed I switched to DPN's which is my preferred method for socks.  My tension between magic loop and DPN is also different.  I am tighter with DPN's.  This has been my TV project since it is just plain knitting.  No counting required.  Love that.  This will also be the first time I have done a FLK heel toe up so am looking forward to seeing if there is much difference in the look and feel of the heel.

That is all from the crafting side of my life.  We are hustling around here, trying to get things done quickly this morning.  We are heading to Las Vegas to celebrate Mother's Day with hubby's mom.  After 44 years of marriage we have never done that and I figured, since my mom is not with us anymore, we should make some memories with his mom before we loose her too. (she will be 92 in 2 weeks!)  We will also spend some time with our dear friends who live there as well as have some fun in the casinos.

I want to wish all of you a Happy Mother's Day.  Even if you do not have children, I am sure you mother (Nurture) someone or something. So enjoy the day.

Until Next Time................Happy Crafting!!!!  


  1. Oooooh ... you are such an enabler! I was so determined to be a good girl and work on my pile of WIPs before starting a new project, and then I came here, saw the beginning of your "Spotting Clouds" top, and now guess what ... I want to make that, too. *sigh*
    Hope you'll have a fun day with your mother in law, and make wonderful memories.

  2. Have a lovely trip. I look forward to seeing your top progress.

  3. I look forward to seeing more of that sweater. Have a good trip and good luck with the one-armed bandits!

  4. Spotting Clouds is such a cute top. I look forward to watching yours grow, Marsha. I hope you had a lovely day with your mother in law.

  5. Looking forward to seeing Spotting Clouds grow Marsha and the socks look great. I hope you have a lovely trip, it sounds like fun!

  6. I am very interested in the cotton top you are making. I noticed on Ravelry it called for light fingering (of which I have little in stash) but you are using DK (which I have a lot of). In the smaller size. It would be helpful to know the inches across you are getting for those (like me) who might want to follow your same path in this pattern. I usually try to stick to the pattern requirements because I am not good at substitution - especially in sizing. It looks like it will be wonderful. I happen to have the pima cotton you are using in my stash! :-)

  7. Happy Mother's Day Marsha! :) I hope you have a fun and safe trip. Enjoy each moment. The sock colours are really nice!!

  8. Safe travels to Vegas and have fun. The sock's coming along nicely.

  9. 92, I relate. My Dad is 93, and you just never know how things will turn out at that age. Love the color and texture of your sweater, will be fun to see it grow.

  10. Oh the sweater looks great already, and the socks are coming along a treat.

  11. Have fun in Vegas! I can't wait to see how you get on with the Spotting Clouds -- it's been on my "maybe" list for a while.


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