YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Week 14 YoP update

Hello everyone.  So good to be back here talking to all of you about my week of crafting and life.  It is a rainy day here in the deserts of Arizona.  Something we don't see very often, so I am totally enjoying the gray gloomy day.  It is the perfect day to do menu planning, grocery shopping, laundry, throwing dinner in a crock pot and catching up on a few household chores I have been ignoring for a week or so.

Ok, let's see what I have accomplished this past week.

I am about half way through my second skein of yarn and have one more to use before I have to do the neck opening.  I have a horrible feeling this is not going to be as long as I would like it to be.  Therefore.................I will make the turtle neck shorter than is prescribed. I don't see a reason for it to be 11 inches long.  I know they want it to fold over, but I think it is plenty heavy without doubling it up.  So that will give me another 1/2 skein to work with.  I guess I should quit worrying about it and just get on with the knitting of it to see where it takes me when I have used up the allotted amount of yarn.  I have 4 sets of button holes made and have at least 2 more to do and if it is long enough will add another one to it too.

I also worked a bit on this:

The only saving factor on these socks is.............................I get to stop well before the toe shaping.  So actually, there is only about another 3 inches I need to do on this and then I can bind off and make the toe loop for it.  

That has been the extent of my knitting.  I have been so busy with going to the gym, visiting my mom, running errands for me and hubby, and keeping up with the laundry.  The last one is a biggie for me now.  I go through 2 outfits a day now.  One for the gym and one for public viewing.  The laundry fills up pretty quickly that way and I only have enough work out clothes for 4 days.  

This past week, I decided to download the new music I had purchased, onto my iPod.  It downloaded into my iTunes list on my PC just fine but would not sync with my iPod.  I ended up calling tech support and was politely told I had a 'vintage' iPod.  Good grief......it is only 8 years old.  It is no longer supported by Apple.  So, off to the Apple store goes hubby and I.  I am not the proud owner of an 8th generation nano iPod.  I have downloaded all my music onto it and have set up separate play lists for whatever makes me happy.  I am totally excited.............................I did it all by myself without any help from any techie family person!

While we were at the Apple store, we got a recommendation of where to have lunch.  We went to a nice little Mexican food restaurant and had a lovely lunch.  The best thing was.......they did not over fill your plate with beans and rice.  It was just enough to go with the tacos I ordered.  Hubby had fresh made guacamole and loved that too.

After lunch, we were walking to the car when we saw Total Wines and More, right next to the parking lot.  Well.......................Since I am on WW, wine is recommended more than beer.  I actually only had one bottle of wine in the house and we decided we should pick up a few more.  I purchased 5 bottles of wine, 2 bottles of scotch (for hubby) and one bottle of Irish Whiskey (for my evening coffee when I so choose).  We laughed all the way home.  You see.........Hubby had gone through our bar about 4 months ago and disposed of all the liquor there as we seldom drink hard liquor and also all the wine that was there had skunked.  It was stored in a non temperature controlled area of our house.  That room has since been enclosed and is now temperature controlled so I can keep my wine back there again.

I told you I went to a Christian concert on the 24th of last month.  What I didn't do was post a photo of what great seats we had.

This is Casting Crowns.  One of my all time favorite groups.  They were joined by Matt Maher ( a local musician who has made it big in Nashville) and Hannah Kerr, a sweet young lady who has a set of pipes that won't quit.  We (my BFF and myself) have been to all of the Casting Crown concerts except one, where the tickets were over $100 for a cheap seat.  We also try and make all of Matt Maher's concerts.  He is from the same faith background as I am and his songs truly speak to me.

Now for that aaaawwwwwe moment:

This is my male Chiweenie..............Enrique.  He cracks me up, his head is on a little sofa pillow and he has his paws under his blanket.  He is my love dog and also my brat dog.  He is so in tuned with my moods and feelings.  He is by my side almost constantly.  If I decide to go to the bathroom, he sits outside patiently waiting for me.  If I go from one room to the other, he is right by my side.  He is my best companion dog ever.  Don't get me wrong, my female is also a loving dog, but she is a bit more aloof than him.  I love both of my fur babies very much.  They bring pure joy to my life.

I don't look as busy this week as last.  Hopefully I will get more knitting accomplished.  

Until next time...............................Happy Crafting

PS:  I have also been reading again, so if you know of any really great books, leave the name of them in your comments.  Doesn't matter to me if they are ebooks or library books.


  1. Your projects are coming along nicely.

  2. I love the pink color on those socks.

  3. You go on the laundry. I haven't been practicing constant vigilance. Mad Eye Moody would be disappointed in me. I like how you know how to have fun. Yay on a new Nano. You've reminded me I need some new tunes for mine. Books? The Queen of the Night by Alexander Chee; it like a written out opera. The Beach House by Mary Alice Monroe; you'll learn about sea turtles also in this book. The Obsession by Nora Roberts. SO good!

  4. Wow - you really did have good seats for that concert. :) It sounds like you have a lot of good things going. AND you're finding time to knit, too! We have three adults living in our home right now and I feel like we create a crazy amount of laundry. I don't really mind. I actually kind of enjoy doing laundry. So little effort for such satisfying results - pretty clean clothes. :)

  5. I love the way the pooling is happening on your socks.
    Your dog is soooooo cute.
    Have you read The Little Paris Bookshop by Nina George? It is great. So is Winter's Tale by Mark Helprin.

  6. I love the way the pooling is happening on your socks.
    Your dog is soooooo cute.
    Have you read The Little Paris Bookshop by Nina George? It is great. So is Winter's Tale by Mark Helprin.

  7. And mahalo, Marsha, on making me LOL while reading your comment. I know...I gotta wind up that yummy yarn.

  8. You have been busy, I don't know where to start!! Well done on keeping up with the exercise, even if it does mean lots of laundry!

  9. You have been busy, I don't know where to start!! Well done on keeping up with the exercise, even if it does mean lots of laundry!


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