YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Week 13 YoP

Another week, another blog update, another day to celebrate life with loved ones.  And the best part of this past week.....................Fall.  I so love that season.  Here in the Arizona Desert, fall normally doesn't truly hit for about another 2-4 weeks.  We are still living with the Air Conditioning on, but...........the nights are cooling off where we can sit out back and enjoy the fresh evening air.  Our days are still in the 90's but hopefully, the 100's have gone for the next 6 months.  

I made progress this week.  Last week I was concerned about the size of the Azel I was making.  I continued working on it all day Sunday and finally decided it was too big for the person getting it.  Rip it, rip it, rip it..................................I cast it back on to the next smaller size and am much happier with it.

I am almost done with the first skein of yarn and have 2 more to do before I switch to the back portion.  I have enjoyed learning the way this designer does button holes.  I have already completed 2 sets of them and have 5 more sets to go. I haven't worked on it much since Monday.  I decided I wanted to work on this:

I was so close to doing the heel on the pedicure sock, I just HAD to put everything else aside and do it.  I am so in love with this heel.  Never a hole and so darn easy to do.  Luckily for me, most of the people I make socks for have the same size foot as I do so I don't have to do more than one cardboard cut out for about 4 of us.

This has been my main project this past week.  With all the craziness I needed a mindless knit and this fits the bill.

Hubby's socks are back in time out until after all the Christmas knitting is done.

Ok, if you don't care about my personal life, you can scroll down to the comment section, leave me a comment and go about your day.  

As I told you in my last post, I joined WW a week ago.  I am doing well on it and am pleased with the fact, I have not really had to change the way we eat all that much.  Portion control is the big thing and I am being very careful to measure and track as accurately as I can.  We even went out to dinner last night and I was able to track what was in my wrap. 

I think my favorite line from WW is:  If it goes in your smacker, it goes in your tracker.  Love it.

I was faithful about going to the gym until I injured my hip Friday night at a concert.  There was a deep step (almost 2 feet) that I didn't see and went to step and landed on my foot but jammed my leg into my hip.  (I hope that makes sense).  We had to go through that step twice in the evening and even with me knowing it was there the 2nd time, I did the same thing.  There was nothing to hold onto going down that step and I am not exactly a spring chicken anymore.  My RA has robbed me of quite a bit of muscle tone.  That is the reason of me hitting the gym again.  I want it back!  Anyway..............I am hoping to get back there Monday morning.  Even if I can not walk my normal 30 minutes, I can work out on the machines to increase my muscle strength and tone.  I feel so much better now that I am moving first thing in the morning.

I also told you that Brother and I had looked at some group homes for my mom to move to. It would bring her much closer to my home.  We gave her all the info and she made her decision.  She has decided to stay where she is.  This actually is not a bad idea.  Her primary Doctor owns that facility and that is a big comfort to us.  He is an excellent Doctor too.  She has managed to obtain other specialty Doctors she needs on that side of town too. I figure, if she is happy and comfortable there, than that is where she should stay.  

We had our local Grand Daughter for the weekend.  She has gone home now and boy, is my house quiet, other than the football games going on the TV.  We had so much fun with her.  It is getting to the point in her life where she would rather be with her friends then with the moldy oldy grandparents.  So we cherish each sleepover we have with her.

This coming week looks pretty quiet according to my appointment calendar. Other than my normal routine, Wednesday is my busiest with appointments for me and my puppies that day.  Friday, hubby and I are going to our good friends house for the evening to socialize and chit chat.  This is my good friend with the cancer.  Right now, she is done with radiation and the brain tumor has not grown, nor has it shrunk.  So they are waiting for a couple of months and then will revisit what to do next.

Ok, I think that is about all I have for today.  I have made my menu for the week, done a load of laundry, written out my grocery list, updated my blog and now I am going to head to the grocery store.  After that it will be time to sit and work on projects until it is time to cook dinner.

Until next time....................................Happy Crafting!


  1. Love your socks. Good luck with the WW and hope the hips heals quickly.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. The socks are great! That's great you are doing so well with WW. Hope your hip heals quickly!!!

  4. The colours of your socks is gorgeous, love them! I hope your hip heals quickly and that the ww continues to go well.

  5. The colours of your socks is gorgeous, love them! I hope your hip heals quickly and that the ww continues to go well.

  6. So sad you had to rip out the Azel and start over but glad you are happy with it now. The sock is so cute and such happy colors! Ouch about the hip...I know exactly what you mean as I have done that several times myself but not 2 feet! You're lucky you stayed on your feet and didn't fall face forward! I hope your work outs put everything back in place and there are no lingering aches and pains from it. My sciatica worked it's way out finally! LOL! IT didn't hurt too bad but my thigh was numb for like 3 weeks...so strange. I do stretching exercises every morning before I get going. I notice my dogs always stretch when they first get up and so I thought that was a pretty good idea so you don't hurt yourself. Just those few minutes keep me flexible and out of trouble usually. Congrats on sticking to WW and your workout routine. You are very self-disciplined and a planner. I hope you have a great week and enjoy yourself!

  7. I love the socks - how the colours are on the leg, and then your fantastic flk heel. Well done. I love turning the heel on socks. It is like magic every single time (and I have knit ALOT of socks). I am a moldy oldie too and a year after I retired I joined WW online. I lost 70 pounds in two years, and have been maintaining for 18 months. Swimming is my exercise - easy on the joints! I hope your hip heals quickly. I am glad your Mom has a good doctor and you are happy with her decision. That WW expression was one I hadn't heard before. Good one. There is a WW group on ravelry which I moderate. Maybe you want to join us there. It is a great group. Have a good week!

  8. I love the socks - how the colours are on the leg, and then your fantastic flk heel. Well done. I love turning the heel on socks. It is like magic every single time (and I have knit ALOT of socks). I am a moldy oldie too and a year after I retired I joined WW online. I lost 70 pounds in two years, and have been maintaining for 18 months. Swimming is my exercise - easy on the joints! I hope your hip heals quickly. I am glad your Mom has a good doctor and you are happy with her decision. That WW expression was one I hadn't heard before. Good one. There is a WW group on ravelry which I moderate. Maybe you want to join us there. It is a great group. Have a good week!

  9. Your socks are so pretty. I love the color. I hope you enjoy WW. I've know several friends who've had great success on that program.

  10. Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that you hurt yourself. I'm glad you can see a way to keep exercising. Your knits all look so nice, Marsha. Your stitches all look so perfect. And your tension even. I have deep admiration for these things now. :)

  11. Ouch... that jolt to your hip sounds very painful. Hope it mends soon.
    Glad you are now happy with the new start on Azel. Great to see the progress on your socks, and nice yarn colour too.
    I've heard a rumour that WW are coming to my village soon. I might have to enroll myself there to see what it's all about.
    Your granddaughter sounds a lovely little character, enjoy her visits whenever you can, and I'm sure she really does have a good memory-making time with you at your home.

  12. Bummer you had to rip out the azel but at least now it will be the right size hopefully... Your stitches look so perfect. The socks look great. Hope the RA calms down for you soon. My fibro is really acting up too. I love the fall too and I'm taking it is as much as possible because here in Alaska it is sometimes way too short. We already had snow although it melted as it hit the ground.


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