YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Unproductive Week 15

Happy week 15.  I have been reading all my fellow YOP blogs and feel king of sad.  It's not that I didn't work on my 2 projects this week.  I did.  At least an hour a day all week long. But, alas, it was not enough to really show and major progress that you could see in a photo.

I figured I would have the one sock done by now, but, nope.  I still have another 2-3 inches to go before it is completed.

The Azel is coming along just fine.  I have started my 3rd skein of yarn and that will be the end of the yarn for the front of the thing.  I am hoping to be completed with the front by the end of this coming week.  I looked at my calendar and see I have several appointments this week that will take me away from the Azel, but.........the sock can travel with me to those appointments.

I did learn something new this week and have been working on perfecting it.  I learned how to do Portuguese knitting.  It is quite fascinating and I love using this method when I am purling on the Azel.  It is so much quicker and easier on my hands and wrists.  I am not very good at doing the knit stitch yet.  That will take practise and while I am on a deadline for some projects, I will not be working on that right now.  I would love to, eventually, be able to use this method whenever my hands decided my 'throwing' method is a bit much for them.  I am unable to do the 'picking' method, as the knuckle in my index finger of my left hand is shot.  I can not use it to hold my fiber as it will not be able to handle the angle.

Last night, my BFF and I went to another concert.  It was probably the absolute best concert we have been too in quite a while.

Take a look:

This is from left to right.......................Brandon Heath, Steven Curtis Chapman, and Mac Powell from Third Day.  They put on a 3 hour show of the most uplifting worship music.  It was a real treat.  It was held in a church so it was quite intimate and close.  That is probably the reason we enjoyed it so much.  We have been to large venues and small ones and the smaller ones have always been our favorites.

That is about all for this week.  I am off to pick up one of my projects and work on it for about an hour and then off to get some much needed sleep.

Until next time.........................Happy Crafting.


  1. I'm curious about purling using the Portuguese method, Marsha. Does it produce a tighter purl stitch? Watching a video it appears to me that there is just more naturally more tension on the yarn than might happen with regular knitting. Can't wait to see some pictures of the progress you're making on your projects. Fast or slow - it's all good. :)

  2. That's great you are learning that. Socks are great for travel projects. Glad you and your friend enjoyed the concert so much.

  3. Well it sounds like you have been very productive in different ways. All the little bits of progress will suddenly add up to a finished object. And as well as living life and enjoying concerts you have learned a new way of knitting - so I say very productive!

  4. Well it sounds like you have been very productive in different ways. All the little bits of progress will suddenly add up to a finished object. And as well as living life and enjoying concerts you have learned a new way of knitting - so I say very productive!

  5. My sister is also learning Portugese knitting this week. I will have to give it a try one day. Keep us posted on your progress.

  6. My sister is also learning Portugese knitting this week. I will have to give it a try one day. Keep us posted on your progress.

  7. Good for you! Learning is never a waste of time. I've not heard of Portugese knitting so I'll have to look it up. I'm sure your sock seems slow with the fingering weight compared to working on the Azel. I picked up my socks again too so maybe we'll both have something to show next week! Have a good one!


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