YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, July 10, 2016

YOP week 2

Hello blog readers.  Happy Sunday to all of you.  Today I will be showing you a few of the items I have been working on this week.  It was a pretty productive week, I am happy to say. There are no finished items, but that is ok.  It is only week 2 and none of the items on my list for this year are quick knits/crochets other than dishcloths.  Let's take a look see:

On Thursday evening, Hubby's socks came out of time out and I started on the ribbing for the leg.  I didn't get much done on them.  For some reason, TAAT seems to slow me way down.  I will finish these and then switch back to one at a time making notes on how many rows I do for each portion of the socks.

This is the C2C blanket I am making for my Great Niece.  I have never done a C2C before and am really enjoying the process.  I will be adding a very pretty border to it once it is the size I want.  She is due in August, but don't think she will need this until around November.  So I have plenty of time yet.

Azel found it's way onto my needles last Sunday afternoon.  This is for one of the Grand Daughters.  They are the same size so that makes it really nice.  As you can see, the front is completed and I have the neck hole done and starting on the back portion.  This is a super bulky yarn (6) and size 13 (US) needles.  You can imagine how fast it is knitting up.  I have learned something new in knitting while doing this too.  I learned the cable cast on.  It was very easy once I watched the you tube video about 5 times.  This is my mindless knitting now.  I am hoping to have it completed by the end of this week and start on another one right after that.  I have 4 to do before Christmas.  Shouldn't be a problem.

Today, Hubby and I are finishing up some long overdue housework.  We did some deep cleaning this past week and that took away from regular housework.  After that, we will sit back and relax for the day.  I have lots of leftovers from the last couple of days and we will just do those for our meals today.  

I will do our menu planning later today too and make out the grocery list.  We very seldom shop on the weekends now.  That is one of the joys of retirement.  Mondays seems to be one of the best days here to shop, while everyone else is at work.  it is even better once school starts back up again.

Time to go and make the bed with the nice clean sheets.  I love slipping into a freshly made bed after a lovely day.  Dreams will be sweet tonight.

Until next time..............Happy Crafting.


  1. Love how your blanket is coming along and I really love all the purple

  2. Love how your blanket is coming along and I really love all the purple

  3. Hope the socks stay outbid time out. C2c is great. Goes really quick and mindless.

  4. Love the purples and blues. I admire anyone who knits socks, I can never get past the first sock!!!

  5. Everything is a shade of purple! I love purple. I think I especially love that C2C blanket. What a beautiful shade it is.

  6. We are retired too. So much time for knitting! Yay!!
    Loved your progress this week.

  7. All this happy purple ^__^.

  8. Oh, I love all the purple! Your socks look scrumptious. Lots of good work!

  9. The C2C blankets seem to be all the rage at the moment - its such a pretty pattern isn't it? I'll be looking forward to seeing the border you have planned.

  10. I love the Azel...unfortunately or fortunately I have all grandsons and so no little girl things for me to make although I may make some girly things to sell...I want to try a little knitted dress fro a a baby this year. Are you not loving the C2C? i did one and really enjoyed it....a great t.v. project! Love your pretty purples too!
    I too do not go to the stores over the weekend as I am retired too. Living alone, I make a meal and live off of it all week. I make good food that I don't get tired of! LOL! I'm having company for 2 weeks soon so I am busy cleaning and clearing etc. and menu planning for 6 of us...it will be just like when my children were all at home...I hope I survive! LOL! Have a great week and you go with those socks!

  11. Looking good!! I love the C2C blanket!

  12. Love the socks and the blanket. I do love a C2C, it seems to crochet up so quickly. Can't believe you are going to be soon well underway with Christmas gift knitting!

  13. Lots of purple and purple and more purple.......do you get the feeling you might have an obsession with purple? Because I totally see it :) It's fine; I like purple also.

  14. Lovely three projects on the go. Really love the colour of Azel. I've not tried a c2c yet, or socks. I really must get my needles out and have a go at socks one day (after I have finished my current wips though).

  15. Retirement Rocks! I love your purple projects.

  16. i can't wait to retire! I tried grocery shopping this morning before work but that wasn't entirely successful. Turns out my local grocery store doesn't restock overnight so there were a lot of empty shelves.

    Love the socks. I've never tried TAAT but I think I'd find it slowed me down rather than helped motivate me. Besides I'm not really prone to second sock syndrome!

  17. The C2C blanket is very pretty and what a great shade of purple. Retirement is just a dream in the far away future. Nice to see you are so productive with yours. All your projects are so lovely.


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