YOP LIST 2024-2025

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Wednesday news

Half way through the week and I have done quite a bit of work in all sorts of areas.

On the home front, I am in the process of deep cleaning again.  This time hubby's closet is being attacked as well as my Grand daughter's room. Once those two areas are done, I will feel so much better about my home.  Then all that is left, is the room we modeled earlier this year and are still working with the city on.  

I started knitting on one of the Azel's that needs to be done for Christmas this year.  I am loving it since it is made with super bulky yarn.  The garment grows rapidly.  I started it on Sunday and am almost done with the front of it.  I should be able to knock out one every 10-14 days.  That's good for me since I have other items I want to work on too.

Hubby's socks are still in time out.  I will probably grab them when I go to adoration tomorrow night as they aqe a mindless knit and actually allow me to clear my mind and focus on listening to God speak to me.

The other area I started working on just today is my fitness plan.  It has been near to impossible for me to get to the gym the past couple of months.  But hey, I have a pool in my back yard.  So, today I started my water exercise program.  It was heavenly but I can already feel some muscles that are not real happy with me.  That makes me happy.  Now I know I was doing enough of each exercise to make a difference.  I still want to get back to the gym for strickly cardio reasons.  Hopefully in the next week, that will happen.

The last area I have worked on is my life plananer.  Take a look:

It's similar to my journal, but this is more of a bullet journal than a diary.  I am having a blast with it and work on it each day to make sure I am organized and know what the day holds for my and hubby.  I am planning my meals with it, grocery lists, laundry tasks, house cleaning and just about anything else you can think of.  I also have graph paper in the back of this and I am considering drawing out some patterns and see if I can actually design.  I'm not holding my breath on that one.

Also, today, hubby installed our new desk top computer.  There is a bit of a glitch of it transferring my files over from the old computer to the new one as for some reason my sign in name is different so it doesn't recognize me.  So I am doing some cutting and pasting for my YOP6 year.  I have managed to get everything moved that needed to be and now I am satisfied.  But, hopefully, I can find all my documents that I had for Church work and get them copied and pasted too.  Just a little bit of work.

That is all for now.................until next time

Happy Crafting


  1. That's g eat your week has been so productive!!!! Exercising in the pool bears the gym any day!

  2. Aaah... Deep cleaning is always so satisfying. When it's done. lol. I've tried to keep a bullet journal. Your post makes me want to get back to it.

  3. I am also cleaning...my porch that has water damage...yuch! I love your life journal. I've made lists since I learned how to write and they help me...I think! LOL! Good for you with the exercising and if I had a pool that's where I would be doing mine for sure! Good for you on your first YOP project! Can't wait to see it Sunday!


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