YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, July 3, 2016

YOP 6 Week 1, LET'S GO!

Welcome to my first post for YoP 6.  Many of the lovely folks in this group have been fussing with their lists for the coming year.  Each year I have done my list a different way and each year I have enjoyed the way I have done it.  This year, I have combined the way I have done lists in the past.  I have chosen definite patterns for definite yarn and yet, I have left myself open to some 'spur of the moment' knitting too.

I have made project backs for all of the patterns I have picked out.  Each 'bag' has the yarn and the pattern tucked neatly into it so I can grab and go.  It looks like this:

The name of the project is written on the outside of each bag too.  I really wanted to be very organized this year in hopes of actually completing many items.

Here is a look at what I am planning on accomplishing over the next 52 weeks.


Baby Items:

Seamless Cable Booties
Corner to Corner blanket


Celtic Denim Sock
Hermiones Everyday Socks
Snoqualmie Socks
Car Socks
Pedicure Socks
Spring Tulips Socks
Scatterby Socks


Stockinette Hug


Boxy Top
Hubby Socks
Dive In Shawl
Log Cabin Afghan
Corner 2 Corner baby blanket


4  Azel  (Matching sets for 2 mother/daughter teams)


6-12 of them, varying patterns

Other Items for the Year:

Test knits/crochet
Try something new for me in knitting
Photos of completed projects
Give myself the right to change (add/delete) this list as needed

So there you have it..........................Not sure how far I will get with this list.  It is really not all that daunting yet, when I look at it I get a bit overwhelmed.

Ok, I do have a bit of a funny/sad note to tell you about.  Hubby's Socks that I have been working on for almost 2 months now.  Last time I told you, I had allowed him to pick out the pattern for the leg.  He had picked out a parallelogram  for me to do. It was a bugger of a pattern with lots of cross overs and changing directions of said cross overs.  Last night, I decided I needed him to try on the sock to see how much farther I needed to knit.  He could not get the sock over his heel/ankle area.  The pattern he picked, gave no amount of stretch at all because of all the cross overs.  It had taken the entire week for me to complete 41 of the 49 rows of the pattern.  So last night at midnight, I sat and ripped out all of those rows and informed him, 'It is going to be a ribbed top, period no questions, no comments'.  So once again, the socks are sitting in the WIP basket when they would have been a FO for the beginning of this year.  DRAT!

I am also looking for a program for my computer to work with my photos.  I have windows 10 and it seems the programs/software I had purchased in the past no longer is compatible with that edition of Windows.  If any of you know of a great program/software, please let me know.  I am not a world class photographer so the program/software doesn't need to be anything fancy or expensive.  I want to be able to make slide shows, collages, upload videos etc.  

I do have a lot more to talk about, but this is already long enough.  So follow my blog as I will be updating and blogging throughout the week.  I love blogging and don't see why I should only do a Sunday update.  Life happens all week long and this way my Sunday updates won't be so long either.  Win Win for all of us!

Until next time..................Happy Crafting!


  1. I love how organized you are!!!! That's wicked awesome!!
    That had to be frustrating about the socks.
    Looking forward to seeing your projects this year.

  2. Organized you are :) Can't wait to see your FOs.

  3. I love your list and the project bags are a brilliant idea. I am so sorry about your husbands socks, I only ever do ribbing for the boys so they can grow and the socks still fit!

  4. OH project bags.... I love project bags. A woman after my own heart ;)

    Sorry to hear about the hubbys socks... What a pain!

  5. I love the idea of the project bags. It sounds like you are really organized for the year ahead.

  6. I love the idea of bagging yarn with patterns - but I bet I'd cheat anyway!!

    Sorry to hear about husband's socks. Must be very frustrating!! Drives me crazy when designers create sock patterns with no stretch that will never fit properly. I mean really, isn't that a basic starting point?!?!?

  7. Oh boy. I'm discouraged for you as I read about the socks, but you have a good attitude about it. I really like the idea of dedicating yarn to a project and getting it put into a bag. So, do you ever change your mind about what you want to make out of yarn you've bagged up? I'm forever changing my mind about how I want to use different yarns. I look forward to seeing your creations this YOP year, Marsha.

  8. Love the list and the idea of the yarns with the patterns all ready to go in a bag, brilliant. That should definitely help you get going. I also really love that you have pencilled in allowing yourself to change, I always think that is the key to success for YOP years. Now as for those socks, bummer but at least you found out now before you'd knit it entirely and bound off!

  9. So glad you will be posting more than on Sundays! I need more crafty inspiration during the week! LOL! I love your projects and faved several of them. So sorry about your husband's socks...I learned that lesson when I let my daughter pick out yarn and pattern for a blanket....awful! I did the "bag" thing last year and it has really been great for organizing my projects but mine weren't see-through so I had to put tags on them but still so much easier than rifling through numerous totes and containers! LOL! Love the Arel too! I have a question, you live in Arizona but the URL says the U.K.? Why is that? Anyway, I am so looking forward to this year with you! Happy YOP 2016-17! You go girl!

    1. Seems when I copied and pasted my URL, I did the NE for week 50. Lucy Bowen in the UK noticed it and fixed it for me. Hence the UK on this week's URL. Trust me, I still live in Arizona.

  10. Marsha, I'm amazed at how you're already organized! You go on that. A good list you have here. The sock patterns are fun. I love Hermione's Everyday Socks; I'm knitting a pair for my mum for Christmas this year. One day I'll knit myself a pair. Sorry to read about the tight sock. I had a too tight of a cuff issue on my SIL's sock and boy was I not a happy camper but soldier on to sock surgery and it's fine now.

  11. Great list, I love the idea of the project bags. Sorry about the socks frogging is so hard to do when you have spent ages doing those rounds.

  12. Oh! The pain of all that frogging! Boo! I love how nicely laid out your list is--and I love those little project bags all packed and ready to go. I did that with a few of my yarns too--saves time when I want to work with a special yarn purchase to already have a pattern picked out. Many happy wishes to you for a great year 6!

  13. Love your list. Lots of lovely projects to be inspired with. Great idea to have the packs all ready to go when the need arises for a new project.

  14. I love the project bags. I do that sometimes myself although I don't tend to add the pattern and that is where my problems begin. I like the yarn pack you pictured-- a very elegant color combo.

  15. You are so organized - that is so inspiring. I just have a piece of lined paper with my stash and project ideas written on it. No pattern usually.
    I had that happen with a sock once - frogged the whole thing and never went back to it. So disappointing, isn't it.

    Looking forward to my first year with YOP


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