YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, March 3, 2024



Spring has sprung here in the Valley of the Sun.  We are in the 70's and just starting to rise into the 80's. Flowers are blooming, the geese are leaving, allergies are happening, baseball spring training is active, and I have a stinking cold!  Spring does not last long here.  By the end of April we will see temps closer to the 90's and then it is HOT until the end of October.  

I was busy this week with my needles.

Habitation Throw is completed.  It will make a nice lap blanket for the prayer shawl ministry.  It was a very enjoyable knit.  I was able to watch TV and work on this without problems.  It also used up a couple lone skeins of yarn that I did not have enough of to make anything else with.  I have several more skeins like that and think I will make another one in multi colors to use up those 'scraps'.  It went fast, too, because I used worsted (#4) weght yarn and a size 10 (6mm) needle.  BTW, the dark areas are actually a lovely blue color.  Not sure why this looks gray.

Once again I decided to do a tried and true knitting project.

Rose City Roller socks.  This time they are for ME!   Hubby said he has plenty of RCR socks, so now it is my turn. I only have 3 pair of these socks in my drawer so, time to add to that collection.  They are the most comfy socks and I even wear them with sandals on cooler days.  (don't judge lol)  I am doing them consecutively this time.  My goal is to do at least 10 rows a day on each sock.  I saw the Yarn Harlot do this and she got hers done in record time.  Of course I have see her knit and her fingers FLY!  I do have a pair of long socks out of this same yarn and they are one of my favorite to grab in the dreary winter months. 

And that is all for my crafting this week.

I finally got the chance to go through all the jewelry I had pulled out of my armoire.  I separated the items I think my grand daughters and daughter in laws may like.  Now I just need them to come over and look it over to see if there is anything there they would like to have in their homes.  That took me two days to do!  I have 3 one gallon ziplocks full of jewelry.  All costume with a lot of it handmade by me or my mom.  Other than that, I did not declutter one inch of my craftroom last week.  Maybe this coming week?

I decided to catch a cold starting on Wednesday night with it in my head and having it move down into my throat and chest last night.  With the meds I take for my RA, my immune system is weakened.  Lucky me!  But, my RA is under control and I can deal with a virus now and then in order to have the ability to move and enjoy life again.

My kindred spirit friend in Nevada sent a gift for Josh this week.

Water from Lourdes France!  What a dear sweet friend she is.  I so wish we lived closer so we could be together more often.  She and I share so many common interests and hobbies. *sigh*

Enrique has been so cute lately.  He loves his blankets and likes to burrow in them.  The other day he decided to burrow into the one that is on the couch between me and hubby.

I am sure he thinks he is all covered up and no one can see him.  What a goof.  But we love him.

Until Next Time.............................Happy Crafting!!!!!!!!

PS: The car issue has been semi solved.  I do have my SUV back and so far it is fine.  The jury is still out on whether it will continue to stay that way.  Peace Out!


  1. Here's hoping the SUV does indeed cause no more problems. Love the bright colors of your RCR socks. We still have so much junk that I need to declutter but getting hubby to agree is nearly impossible. I've already mandated he can't buy any new kitchen items unless he throws away something. We have zero space in our cabinents. Who needs 6 9x13 glass casserole dishes??!!

  2. What a bummer to catch a cold when it's beautiful outside. I love the colors in your new socks! And I could see the blue in the lap blanket once you pointed it out. Until that point, it did appear gray and white to me. Isn't that weird?

  3. I hope you feel better soon. I am not immunocompromised but with my autoimmune disease when I get hit it takes forever to recover!

  4. Oooh pretty yarn colour on those socks. How many months or years did it take me to do my habitation throw and you’ve whizzed one up lightning speed. It looks great and will be cosy in the thicker weight. Mine is not really warm enough I find made with 4 ply. What a thoughtful gift. I know people visit there for healing but what do you do with the water? I hope you are feeling better by now. Yet again I’m so behind.

  5. I’m sure you realise that was Liz x

  6. The Habitation throw is gorgeous and I love the colour of this socks - they will be a delight to wear.


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