YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, August 27, 2023

WEEK 9 And Life


There were many times, this past week, I thought about doing a quick blog update.  As you can see, that thought never came to fruition.  So, once again you will get my craft and life update jammed into one post.

Let's start with the crafting.  I spent quite a bit of time working on the baby blanket I started back in June.  It is still like a blast furnace outside, but decided if I waited until the weather cooled off, the baby would be here and looking towards her first Christmas.  I just turn my little personal desktop fan on high and knit away.

This think is HUGE!  Much bigger than I thought it would be.  When finished, it may be better for the stripes to go vertical on it.  Each strip is about 7 inches.  There will be 2 more stripes added after the pink one, currently being worked.  I do have enough yarn to do 3 more stripes but really do not want to end with a white stripe.  Baby will be able to use this blanket for many years.  Her daddy still has the blanket I made him when he was born 23 years ago.  

Then there are socks.

This saw quite a bit of love this week.  I got the heel done and you can see from the progress keeper where I was last week.  This sock is my companion when I go out and about.  Especially if there will be waiting involved in that outing.  

I did manage to finally complete the section of cross stitch I was working on.

You can barely see the white/gray stitches on the far right, in front of the gold beads.  That took me 2 nights to complete.  My count was off so many times!  I finally got it done with only 1 stitch being of a color it was not supposed to be.  There are 3 colors in that little tiny section.  Oy! The next section has been started and I have 2 colors done on it.  It was put up because of the impending birth of our great grand daughter and the need to complete her gifts.

While I am talking about GGD gifts:

Hobby Lobby had their 30% off yarn sale this past week.  Baby girl will be getting a sweater and hat also, to go with the blanket.  Sweater, hat and buttons came to just under $10!  As soon as the blanket is done, this will be cast on my needles.  Thankfully, the pattern I use does not take long to knit up.  My goal is to have everything done and mailed by the end of September.  Baby is due early October.

And that ends my crafting news for this week.  In other news.......................

Monday - I tore my kitchen apart and got all the counters polished up.  I try to do this twice a year.  Even though my granite is sealed, it still seems to dull after many washings.  Plus, I love the way things slide on it once polished up.  I even washed the window above my sink.  It gets all sorts of water splashed on it.

Tuesday - Had a lunch date with one of my girl friends.  We try and do this every other month or so.  It is always such a great time and she makes me laugh a lot!  I also went to pick up my mom's diamond ring from the jewelers.  It needed prongs built up on it so the stones would not fall out.  It will be going to a grand daughter when I pass and I want to make sure it is in good shape when she receives it.  Not to mention, I do wear it now and then when going somewhere special.  This was also Hobby Lobby shopping day.  I was most impressed with myself for only buying the yarn and buttons.  I did walk the entire store though.  OH!  And they changed the location of the yarn on me.  I almost had a little panic attack when I couldn't find it.

Wednesday - I spent the day at home!  I made Cherry Bars with the fresh cherries I bought last week.  I was waiting for my cherry pitter to arrive so I could make these.  

Isn't he cute?  It was fun to pit the cherries this way.  I still had cherry juice everywhere though.  I may try and find a pitter that does more than one piece at a time.  Anyway, the cherry bars were very yummy and super easy to make.

You can get the recipe here.  In fact, the recipe was so easy, I did not need anything from the store to make them.  I had everything in my baking supply closet.

Thursday - This was errand day.  The most fun was going to the At Home store.  I don't know how many of you have this store in your area.  It is a HUGE store and carries everything you would ever need for your home.  Not to mention stuff you really don't NEED but WANT!  I was looking for a large pot to plant my Christmas Cacti in.  They have overgrown their current pots and I am no longer able to keep them in the window they are at.  They will now be infront of our French Doors leading out to our backyard.

I was thrilled that the pot and little table were both on 50% off.  I did not realizer how big the pot was until I got it home.  Hopefully, I do not put the cacti into shock by transplanting them into such a large pot.  I also got cushions for our pool chairs.  They, too, were 50% off.  And if you have ever priced patio chair cushions, you know they can be very expensive.  We need to replace ours about every 3 years because of sun rot.  

Friday - Hubby and I did grocery shopping together.  Normally I go alone.  When he goes with me he loves to look at unique food things.  It takes me much longer when we go together than if I go by myself.  But that is ok.  We did not have much else planned for this day.  We even went out for dinner that evening.

Saturday - We got the house cleaned.  We normally do this during the week but we were having people over this evening and wanted the house all spiffy for it.  We went to Mass and then had the Fantasy Football draft at our house.  It was so fun to have a few people over.  Even though I do not participate in the fantasy league, I enjoyed listening to the guys talking about their picks and who had the best team and what team was going to do what over the next year of NFL.

Today will be a quiet day (I hope).  I would like to nothing more than work on the baby blanket and watch some TV.  My body batteries need a bit of recharging before Monday comes around.  What are your plans?

Until Next Time.....................Happy Crafting!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Busy week - the baby blanket looks lovely. I also try to make larger baby blankets as gifts. They are always well loved:)

  2. HaHa. I can totally relate to ending up with vertical stripes on the baby blanket I knit. The cherry bars look amazing. I go grocery shopping with my hubby too. It's an outing for us. He's the fast shopper and I'm the looker.

  3. The baby blanket looks so soft. Is that a chenille yarn? Your XS is going to be beautiful. Love those socks and boy did you ever get a lot done this week! The baby sweater is going to be precious and what a deal that was!
    The cherry bars sound yummy but I can't have any "skins" so it's no go for me. The little cherry pitter is cute!
    You got a lot of cleaning done too! I'm always glad to see I'm not the only one....I think some podcasters craft all day and I don't know how they do housework or cook meals! LOL!
    The At Home store sounds so nice. I wish we had something like that.
    Enjoy your coming week!

  4. Oh I do love a freshly clean kitchen!! you did so much this week, I bet you are tired. Lovely knitting :)

  5. Liz here...better late than never. Sounds like you had a very productive week. Cherries are so expensive here I won't be needing a cherry pitter but that is a cute one. I think the stripes going head to toe sounds sensible on the blanket.


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