YOP LIST 2023-2024

Sunday, August 20, 2023

WEEK 8 And What A Week!

Hello there & welcome.  My crafting this past week was pathetic.  Once I show you what all I did this week, I will show you why my crafting took a down wards trend.

Last week I made a goal to finish the section of my cross stitch I was on.  Well, I almost made it.

The main part is completed for this section.  There is a bit of bead decor and part of a dove on the far right.  I will get to that this week and then move on to the next section.

And that is all I did this week.  What?  The socks, you ask?

Pushed to the back of my crafting area.  I know, they do look sad, don't they.  Maybe this week.  Maybe not.  Who knows,  Depends on what the week brings.

Let's start with Sunday after I posted my blog.  

Hubby and I got as much done in the house as we could before Monday morning came.  Why?  Because we had roofers show up Monday morning just before 5AM!

Monday - Roofers were here from 5AM until about 2:30pm.  They got the back half of our roof totally scraped off and applied the felt.  Hubby had to get into our pool, with a magnet, to get all the staples out of it.  Oh my.  So many staples!  I can not blame the roofers.  They have no control where those staples go when they pop them out of the shingles/roof.  By the time they left, we were spent.  Over 7 hours of constant bounding and scratching was a bit of sensory overload.

Tuesday - Roofers again at 5am.  I got a phone call about 10 to see if I could go to Josie's house and sit with her for a few hours while her mom and dad went to help get a place of business set up for an auction.  The business closed and they were auctioning off all the items left in the place. Josie had her wisdom teeth surgically extracted on Monday.

She wants you to know she is smiling in the photo.  Normally they would have not worried about leaving her alone but....................she was having an issue with her tongue and mouth working right.  Come to find out, she was allergic to the antibiotic they gave her.  Her tongue would swell up and make it hard for her to get food or water down.  Luckily they figured it out within 24 hours and got her off of it and got her a new antibiotic.  By Wednesday she was almost back to normal.

Wednesday - Roofers again at 5am.  Electrician came out to install a new electrical outlet for our water softener. Being the brave person I am, I took off and got our water dispenser bottles filled, picked up my wedding ring (it fits!) and filled my car with gas.  The solar people came out and reinstalled our solar panels.  By the time everyone left that day, around 3, I was fed up with all home repairs.  So, I grabbed hubby and headed out to our local bar and grill and enjoyed happy hour food and beverages.

The rest of the evening was spent watching TV and vegging out.

Thursday - roofers again at 5am!  This time they completed the job.  I will tell you, these roofers were so nice and polite.  They cleaned up our yards from all the staples, shingles and felt (tar paper).  They even swept out our carport and made sure the street was void of all staples too.  I felt bad for them as our temps were in the 110's again the days they were here.

It looks so much better now.  Just as that was finished the plumber came out to give us a quote on fixing my kitchen faucet and putting new valves on our washer and dryer lines.  He gave us a quote that was WAY too expensive so we called another company to get a comparison quote. 

While hubby was dealing with all of this, I was once again out of the house running errands.  Today was the day I decided to get our annual bag (30 pounds) of New Mexico green chili.  Where I purchased it, they offered roast it for me too!  Yes, please.

Eight minutes later I had roasted green chili in the back of my SUV and headed home.  It smelled so good!  After I got it home and in the house, we had to let it cool for a bit.  A couple of hours later we started bagging it and getting it ready to go into the freezer.

The last thing I did that day was wash and bag fresh fruit to freeze for sorbets and smoothies.  No photo of that but I have about 20 bags of fruit in the freezer too.

Friday - The other plumbing company came out and gave us a quote that was substantially lower than the first company.  They said they could do it in 3-4 hours and got right to work.  Well,  nothing ever goes according to plan.  We had gotten all the replacement parts to our life time warrantied kitchen faucet.  When the plumbers opened the box, they found out there were 2 major pieces missing!  Well, by that time, our old faucet had been cut off (corrosion prevented them from just unscrewing everything) and we were at a bad place.  We ended up purchasing a new faucet and having them install it!

I love it!  After all of that, we left the house and went to Josie's house for dinner and game night.  We needed it!

Saturday -  Up early to go and pick up food, from one of our Kroger stores, for our church's food bank.  Got home in time for our TX son and wife to come over and reinstall my weather station items.  They needed to be taken down during roof construction.  We had a lovely visit with them.  When they left we got cleaned up, went to Mass and then out to eat for dinner.  

Today - I have a pot roast in the crockpot for dinner tonight.  I made a loaf of bread in my bread machine.  The kitchen sink was cleaned up, today, as there was still metal shavings and lots of dirty prints all over it from Friday's plumbing job.  The rest of the day I am going to enjoy being in my house with my dog and husband. There might be some crafting happening!!!!

Until Next Time......................Happy Crafting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. It must be pot roast day - I have one in the oven also for dinner tonight:)

  2. I'm exhausted reading your post!! So glad the roof got done successfully and that you got a better estimate for the plumbing. Very glad they found the allergy issue with your beloved Josie!!! So glad to hear she is back to normal. How lucky to have family to visit with near you. What a treasure.

  3. What a busy week. I'm tired just reading all that. Here's to more craft time this week!

  4. oh those staples in the pool would have undone me. We had our roof done last year and thank goodness we do not have a pool. They did a great job in two days!!

  5. Whoa Nellie!!! What a busy week you had and I'm sure it wasn't a cheap week either! So glad you had some money left over to get a beer and some appetizers~lol! Your cross stitch is beautiful. Your peppers and fruit sound wonderful to have on hand in your freezer.
    Enjoy some relaxing at home this week. This is Sam

  6. Liz here…well that’s very interesting how the roof is constructed. He vast majority of homes here are clay tile or older houses are slate. You occasionally see some fancy new houses being done with a zinc roof, but felt tiles are only ever seen on sheds or flat roof extensions. Is it a weight issue, heat issue or cost issue not to have tiles? I suppose tiles absorb the heat during the day and maybe that’s why they aren’t used in your crazy hot weather.


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