YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, February 26, 2023

WEEK 35 of YOP 12


Hey there!  It is that time again to update you on my weekly crafting progress. 

Here is my progress:

Finished the skein of yellow (canary) and started the orange on the lap blanket.  I am loving how squishy the garter rows are.  Seems I forget that little detail when this stitch is not used often.  The orange is almost done and then I will do yellow again and then orange etc.  Each skein nets me about 7 inches.  This means I will need to use 6 skeins total to make it the size I want.  Lucky for me I have 3 skeins of each color!

And that, my friends, is all for my crafting this week.  Pretty pathetic, huh!

There has been quite a bit going on here this week other than that.  If you don't want to read on, that is fine.  But, I need to put this out there so I can move on from this past week.

I had another ENT appointment on Tuesday,  The infection is gone but there is still fluid in my ear.  Good news is, I have gone from being deaf in that ear to being hard of hearing.  I have been given another two weeks.  If the fluid is still there after that, they are going to slice a small hole in my ear drum to drain it!  Well golly gee!  I just healed the hole in my ear and now they want to put another one in it?  Doesn't seem right to me.

On Wednesday, Josie invited us to attend Mass at her school for Ash Wednesday.  We were thrilled that she asked us to attend so of course we went.  Then we did a quick Costco run.  Trust me, there is nothing quick about going to a big box store!  But we did find some yummy spinach ravioli that I am anxious to make some evening.

Thursday I made out a weeks worth of menus as well as the grocery list.  Hubby cleaned the floors in the house.  There was also laundry to do as well as me cleaning all the household counter tops.  I love it when we finish and just sit back and look at our shiny clean home.

Friday we got some good news.  Hubby had gone to his urologist a week ago and they did a biopsy of his bladder.  This is the day we got the results.  Everything was negative.  PHEW!  Even though we waited an hour past his appointment time, it was worth the wait to get that news.  After that we did the last of our errands.  That evening we went to see Josie in her final High School Play.  She played Doris (the mom) in Bye Bye Birdie.  It was so good!  We laughed so hard.  Those kids did such a fantastic job.  One of the best they had done.

Saturday I finally got into the freezer and pulled everything out and rearranged it.  We have so much meat in there, we should be good for almost a year!  Since we vacuum seal everything, there was very little I needed to dispose of.  I did find a few things from 2017 stuck in the back that went into the trash bin.  Now that I know what we have, I can make better menu plans.

I have not touched my knitting needles for the past 3 days.  Hopefully today will see me getting more rows on the lap blanket done.  I do have just a couple of errands to run (picking up medicine for hubs and grabbing a few mushrooms for tonight's soup)  I am going to do that as soon as I post this. 

How was your week?

Until Next Time......................Happy Crafting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. On the bright side, putting a hole in your ear drum is what they do for toddlers that recurrent ear infections. So see how young you are!!?? As someone who has used hearing aids for the past 5 years, it's not a big deal and I don't understand people that refuse to wear them. What a sunny blanket you are making. The colors would make me smile.

  2. Liz here, I used to get a lot of water in the ear issues and they’d give me all these nasal capsules and sprays to try to shift it. In the end a sea salt spray from the chemist did the trick, there’s some science to it, osmosis or some other thing, anyway that salt water manage to remove the water behind my ear drum in a way that all the drugs didn’t. Now, as soon as I have the slightest hint of there being water build up I spray it. I think the brand name is Sterimar, I’m not sure if you can get it in the US but it doesn’t need a prescription. Of course now I’ve waffled on about this I’ve forgotten what else I was going to say 🙄

  3. I do love squishy garter stitch!

  4. Your blanket is darling. 2 of my favorite colors! I hope you can get your ear healed up. That salt water spray sounds good to try. Glad hubby's appointment was good news! I'm going to out ravioli on my grocery list. I found seedless skinless pasta sauce so I'll be having some pasta dishes. How much fun to see Josie in her plays. This is Sam....I don't know what Google did that I am now Anonymous.

  5. I do enjoy garter stitch - it is so squishy!


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