YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, October 2, 2022



Hey there!  Glad you dropped by today.  I wanted to show you what's goin' on around here.

TA-DA!  Introducing my latest FO!

My finished Gnome.  It is the first gnome I have made but will not be my last.  I chose not to put arms on him.  His beard was made with two alpaca lace yarns held together.  I wanted the beard to have more of a 'fur' look.  I found the bell for his hat in my notions box and just had to add it.  The arms did get made but I did not like the looks of them when I placed them on him.  He joins the gnome my daughter made for me last year.

They are only a little over 6 inches tall.  Even my husband said the new gnome was cute.  That, my friends, is high praise.

There was a hope I would have more than one finish this week.  But life got in the way.  Although, I did get close.

To The Point is very close to being completed.  Hopefully it will get all the love and completion it deserves today.  This is my first time using Knit Picks Brava worsted weight yarn.  It is an easy yarn to use.  I am hoping after giving it a wash it will soften up a bit.  I am so used to making this shawl with Caron Simply Soft that any other yarn seems a bit stiff to me.  I do think this yarn will hold up quite well to many washing, though.  That is a big plus for a shawl going to people undergoing all types of medical procedures.

Then there are these:

The RCR socks are still being worked on...........sort of.  See the bright little yellow dot on each one?  That is where I was last Sunday.  The one on the left only got 2-3 rows added.  The one on the right traveled with me to an all day EWTN family conference yesterday.  Sitting and listening to speakers for 6 hours makes for some great knitting time.  There was a lady sitting behind me crocheting what looked like an afghan.  She knew it was going to be a long day too LOL.

My BFF asked me to help her this week with her dog, Lily.  Lily had to have surgery on her back leg for a torn meniscus and CCL.  Poor Lily did not do well with all the medications and stress that went with surgery.  Her tummy was not a happy camper for 3 days after the surgery.  So, I spent a few hours each day helping my BFF clean the little darling up and giving my BFF time to take a shower and eat.  As of last night, Lily sounded like she was doing so much better.

Sweet Lily

This is also the same BFF who asked me to resurrect her Thanksgiving Cactus.  I worked on it quite a bit this week too.  Take a look at it now!

What a difference a nice 'haircut' and proper water and light can make.  I am waiting for some new growth to show up before I send it back 'home'.

I cooked up some steaks for us a few nights ago.  With the sun setting earlier each day, it gets pretty dark in our backyard by about 6:30.  Our son has been such a help while living here.  He installed the strings of lights we have had for a while.  What a difference it makes!

Look how bright it is.  No problem cooking after the sun goes down.  The lights can be set to several different colors too.  Hubby suggested doing that while I cooked.  Told him the white was best while cooking meat so I could see the 'true' color of the food LOL.

That about covers my week.  There was a haircut for me...finally, as well as grocery shopping, laundry, and house cleaning.  I did pull my sourdough starter out of the fridge.  It had been in there for about 5 months.  I started feeding it and within 2 days it was super active again.  So, on Monday I made a loaf of sourdough bread.

It turned out so well.  I use my pullman pan to bake it in.  Once I made this loaf I put the starter back in the fridge to keep me from needing to feed it daily.  I pulled it out this morning and will feed it twice today in hopes I can make another loaf tomorrow morning.

Okay, that really does cover my week.  How was yours?

Until Next Time.......................Happy Crafting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. WOW. You did an amazing job with the cactus. I should mail you mine. As you pointed out, remembering to water it occasionally is a big help! Your gnome is very cute. I see gnomes popping up all of the house now. I'm glad having your son move in for a bit has turned out so nicely. I'm glad to have "kids" in the house, no matter the age. At least he will be nearby once he is able to move his family too.

  2. What a busy week, I could do with your houseplant skills with some of mine! I hope Lily continues to do well x

  3. Wow you really do have green fingers the way you’ve rescued that cactus. Poor dog having to go through all that, your BFF must be so grateful to have your help. Glad Lily is getting better. I rarely use DPNs but have been on Dolores and I keep stabbing the sleeves of the jumper I’m wearing. I suppose being so warm there you don’t have this issue. The lights outside look great and should definitely help extend your enjoyment of outdoor cooking.

  4. T o the point looks fabulous, as does the gnome. I could do with your cactus resurrection skills here!

  5. Hi Marsha. I have to chuckle at your thinking Brava worsted is stiff. I remember making blanket with it many years ago, and it was the limpest blanket I'd made. lol But it did hold up. In fact... I'm thinking I may have it around here somewhere. It was a gift to my in-laws and I assume I got it after hubby's mother died in 2020. Your gnome is adorable. And your friend's Thanksgiving cactus looks amazing! Well done! :)

  6. I've been knitting gnomes too!! We are twins! Aren't they addictive, I'm blowing through worsted weight leftovers like a mad woman!! You are nice to be helping your bestie.


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