YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, October 16, 2022



Hey there.  I have some fun stuff to show you today.

My Nuuk is moving along quite well.

Such an easy pattern to knit.  I have already done my own modifications to it so it will be more of an a-line/swing sweater than a straight down from the underarm sweater.  I just finished my second skein of yarn and am going to work on the sleeves next.  I will make them longer than the pattern calls for but they will stop well above the elbow.  Several ladies have made long sleeves on the pattern.  Since we only wear long sleeved sweaters for about 3-4 weeks, I have nixed that idea.  My goal is to have this completed in the next 3 weeks.  We shall see.

And that, my friends, is all for my crafting this week.  Everything is in time out until Nuuk is completed.

Thursday was Josie's senior day at her swim meet.  They honored all the seniors who were swim team members.  we had so much fun with them at the meet.  Here is a photo of part of the ceremony.

That's Josie with her parents who were also honored.  

The swim team seniors.

Yes, there are only 6 seniors on the team.  She goes to a small school and her graduating class is only about 125.  Everyone of the seniors has been on the team for 4 years.  That, my friends is commitment.  They go to practice every morning at 5:30 and then head on to school by 7:45.  They all need to keep their grades up above a certain average or they can not participate in the meets.  They are a great group of kids and have had a lot of fun over the past 4 years.  And, yes, they all have lettered in the sport all 4 years!

It is so hard for me to wrap my head around the fact she is graduating this year.  When I started this blog (2007) she was 19 months old!

Where has the time gone?  

Yesterday, we were blessed with some much needed rain.  It was one heck of a rain storm in mid morning where we got over an inch in 15 minutes!  After that it kind of drizzled most of the rest of the day.  Then at one o'clock this morning I was awakened by the worse noise ever.  I peeked out of my bedroom window to see my backyard was nothing but a layer of marble sized hail!  Could not even see the grass.  When I got up this morning there were still patches of ice on the lawn.

It was a gorgeous 60F outside too.  We ended up with over 2 inches of rain here.  No need for hubby to water the outside plants for a few days now.

This afternoon, hubby and I are going to see Peter and the StarCatcher.  Josie is playing Smee (captain hook's side kick) in it.  It is about how Peter Pan became Peter Pan.  Should be a fun show.

We have been dog sitting for the past 4 days.

Our little granddog, Celeste, came for a stay while her owners took a much needed mini vacation to the grand canyon.  She is such a sweet little thing.  Doesn't bark, doesn't harrass the other dogs.  Just wants a little loving and FOOD!  She is a great eater.  Her 'parents' tell me she is hard to feed.  Not at my house she isn't.  She is going home today.  It has been fun having her around.  Luna doesn't mind her at all.  Enrique gets his nose out of joint when we pet her or have her sitting next to us.  He is such a spoiled one!  I think Celeste likes it here because I only have 2 other dogs and at her house she has 3 and one of them is still in puppy mode. Celeste is NOT in puppy mode.

That is about it for my week.  Time to go and get started on the sleeves of my sweater.

Until Next Time..................Happy Crafting!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Totally understand needing to knit tees more than sweaters since we no longer winter. Send the rain our way!!! We need it. We are having to buy water since we haven't had rain for a month and a half which is VERY unusual for our area of the country. I know you will enjoy this last year with your granddaughter before she heads off to college and thus has a much smaller role in weekly/monthly life. I miss my kids so much and am so thankful to have one still at home completing his college degree. But he graduates in May.

  2. your sweater is lovely! how nice you are dog sitting - I'm not sure Frodo or Holly would go for that - they are crazy!!

  3. The weather has been strange and early...we are having our first freeze tonight which is very early. Iowa just had their first freeze last week and it is only in the 50's today. People here say it bodes for a rough winter.
    Your sweater is very pretty. I love the yarn you chose.
    I can't believe your granddaughter is a senior! Congrats to her and her swim team! You are right....they were so dedicated for 4 years! That is amazing.
    Celeste is precious!

  4. I love your "nuuk"!! Looks great Marsha! Oh Celeste...so sweet...she's a "gourmand" I guess, like my Jack lol. He would never be in puppy mode either lol!

  5. Well done to Josie, that does sound quite a commitment getting up that early, as a teenager, gosh I had to be dragged from my bed at that age 😂 Your Nuuk looks great so far, I’m behind so I’m sure more progress has been made by now.

  6. Oh my, Celeste is gorgeous! I'm sure it was sad to see her go! Your Nuuk is lovely, I can't wait to see you progress on that.


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