YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, September 4, 2022


 Another week has passed by.  Did you accomplish everything you hoped for?  Maybe even more?  Me? Feeling pretty good about my past week.

There are no FO's this week.  There is progress on the RCR socks.

The heels are completed and I am now on the never ending foot.  The color being used gives me joy.  So bright and cheerful.  You will never see me wearing yellow because it makes me look quite ill.  Yet, I figured on my feet, no one will notice and the color makes me happy.  I am hoping to have enough leftover from these skeins to make a pair for my daughter too.  She LOVES yellow.

I started my mystery gnome knit a long on Friday.  There will not be photos of it for a while.  I do not want to spoil it if there is anyone else reading this that is also participating.  The interesting part of this KAL is, it is more like a choose your own adventure.  The clues are given for the different 'body' part with options of different textures/colors/sizes to use on that part.  Makes it quite fun.

I received treasures this week too.

This is my journal for next year.  I use more than one journal each year.  WHAT???  I have a journal for my craft projects (that has several years in it), a journal for my daily tasks that also contains my 'want to read' list, a journal for books read (also holds several years) and a journal for my daily thoughts and feelings.  The above journal is for my daily thoughts and feelings.  My daughter bought one like this for me last year and I have loved it.  It has a magnetic closure on the side so 'things' do not drop out.  The brand is 'Flame Tree Note Book'.  I found this one on Amazon.  In fact, I bought 2 of them and gave one to my daughter.  She is a HUGE lover of books and this cover screams her name.

Then I received a gift from my daughter.

Oh my goodness!  Is this not the cutest mug you have ever seen?  My daughter painted it at our local pottery shop.  I am so in love with it.  The mug is super heavy and really big!  Since I don't drink much more than water all summer and hot tea in the winter, I decided to put it to good use.  I put my yarn in it.  It is perfect for holding 50gr of sock yarn.  That way, I can look at it all the time.

I think I will name him Gnorman.  He makes me smile.

I told you about getting a new mailbox last week.  Well, our son installed it for us.

It is so much bigger than our last one.  I bet our USPS delivery person is happy to have one that closes properly and also isn't being held together with duct tape.  We need to paint the pole it is on as the weather over the past 30 years has made the pole sad looking.  That will be a project for later this year after it cools off.  (We are still hitting 100+ daily)

Most of the week was normal day to day activities of retired people.  We spiced it up a bit by going to a Trivia night at a local sports bar.  We came in third place.  Friday I got to take my cousin to the hospital for a procedure at 4 in the morning.  Then I got to pick him up about one in the afternoon and stayed with him until his friend could come and stay the night with him.  He had to be monitored for 24 hours.  Do you know it is still very dark at 4 in the morning?  Husband and our 2 sons went to a fantasy football party last night and had a great time. I stayed home and watched Hallmark Movies and Mysteries.  Did you know my TV receives programs other than sports?  Amazing!

That takes care of the past week.  All I am wishing for is cooler days.  I realize it will be another month before we get any real change in our daytime highs.  But a girl can always hope, right?

Until Next Time.......................Happy Crafting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. HaHa - loved that your TV carries programs other than sports! Personally I'm very thankful for Netflix and Amazon Prime videos! Those are fun socks. Love the yarn. Similar to my favorite rainbow speckled socks. LOVE LOVE LOVE your journal cover. I had a similar for my previous Kindle and was so disappointed I couldn't get that picture of books on my new Kindle. Your daughter did fantastic with the gnome mug. I use my big mugs as soup mugs but as a yarn bowl is a great idea.

  2. What an adorable mug! Cant wait to see your gnome. I debated joining, but just have too much going on. I enjoy seeing what everyone makes though. They are all so cute! Your socks are great! So bright and cheery.. -Jen @Carolina Tales

  3. Too funny about the "other channels on your t.v.! LOL! You have such interesting weeks. I need a new mailbox also. The socks are so pretty. My favorite color is yellow. I can wear pale yellow but not bright yellow. I also cannot wear green next to my face but like you, I can wear green socks! Your new journal is beautiful and the mug is too cute! Great idea to use it to hold your yarn. Have another great week!

  4. what a pretty journal!! I am excited that my new planner arrives tomorrow for 2023 (way ahead...). Love the turned sock heels! That is an adorable mug!! and purple :)

  5. I love the colour of the yarn for your socks - very upbeat! I also love the mug perfect for use as a yarn bowl.

  6. That gnome mug is the cutest!! I have a lot of journals too, and last winter I started bullet journaling so I feel more organized and down to three: one for writing thoughts, one for my knitting notes, and my bullet journal for everything else. So far it is working. How many RCR socks have you made? I am going to make another pair of RCR for my husband. I think he will like that they are shortie socks, and since he has such big feet I won't feel like the knitting is endless which I usually do when I knit for him. I think he has hobbit feet. Very wide, flat, but no hair (thank goodness).


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