YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, September 18, 2022


 Wow!  This week went by so fast.  Let's take look at how my week went.

Monday- This is my normal errand running day.  I made it to 2 grocery stores to get items that were on sale (chicken).  Then there is the vacuum sealing of the meat for freezing.  I stopped off at my BFF's house to measure a patch she needed sewn onto her work jacket and pick up a plant she wants me to revive.

Her's is the one in the middle.  She had hung this outside when it was well over 100F.  Not to mention the soil was soaking wet.  I am letting it adjust to being at my house for a week and then I will start cutting out the dead parts and seeing if it needs to be repotted to save it.  I stuck it between my two Thanksgiving Cactus in hopes it would 'get a hint' as to what it is supposed to look like LOL.

Tuesday - Hubby and I have been invited to several 'estate planning' seminars since retirement.  We finally decided to attend one that was at our local Mom & Pop Italian restaurant.  We got a free meal (Yummy) and actually learned some things about benefits for seniors we did not know.  This is also the day I sewed on the patch to my BFF's work jacket.

It is sewn on through the white border.  I used to sew police patches on uniforms for the department my husband worked for.  It has been years (40) since I have done it.  Lucky for me, it is like riding a bike......You never forget.  Oh, and the 'Fear Free' is for a class my BFF took for her job at the veterinarian's office.

Wednesday - I finally got around to doing some laundry.  This is the day I also baked up some cranberry orange mini bites to have as little sweet snacks.  It was a box mix and the expiration date was nearing.  It was fun to make.  I used my new mini bite bunny pan.

I also used my mini bite bundt pan.  So much fun.
All the little cakes came out as a perfect 2 bite treat.

I finished the body of my gnome today and got it stuffed and waiting for the next clue to come out.  It is a very fun knit but a bit fiddly at times.

Thursday - Barely managed to get a load of laundry done before Josie's dad contacted me to ask me to take him to her swim meet.  Seems Josie and Mom had both of the cars and he was a bit stranded.  Luckily it was a nice day and below 100F!  I stayed for the whole swim meet and totally enjoyed watching all the kids.  Being the lazy person I am, I stopped on the way home to pick up dinner for hubby and myself.  (Our 'room mate' son was still in Colorado)  This is also the day I wound up some Diversity Sock yarn and started making hubby another pair of RCR socks.

This is how far I have gotten on them.  Since the gnome is not taking that much time to work on, I needed another project to keep my hands busy.  This yarn has been in my stash for years.  When I was informed Diversity Yarn was being discontinued, I bought 'stock' in it.  I love the fact you can machine wash and dry it and it does not loose it's memory.  It wears like iron and is so soft on the body too.  The only other non-wool sock yarn that comes close to it is Hobby Lobby's Cozy Toes.

Friday - Hubby and I decided to take it easy for the day.  I did go and pick up our traveling son from the airport shortly after lunch and got to hear all about his week long trip to Colorado.  I finally found a sweater pattern for me.  There will be some design adjustments made to it so it will 'fit' my body better.  Hopefully, the adjustments I made in my head will work in real time.

I have been eyeing this pattern for some time now.  My thought is to make the yoke semi-fitted and then switch to a larger needle and increase the stitches to accommodate my lower body.  (I am kind of pear/round shaped)  I am not going to make it cropped either.  The yarn I am using is Knit Picks Comfy Cotton Color Mist.  It is a light worsted.  Swatching is going to be a must this time.  

Saturday - I took care of all my indoor plants.  Made sure they were all watered and trimmed up those who needed it.  Worked with my hydroponic gardens.  I have dill, mint, thyme, basil, cherry tomatoes and lettuce all growing like crazy.  I am harvesting lettuce daily at the moment.  The tomatoes all have flowers set on them so they should be producing in the next few weeks.  The herbs are getting a little rangy so I do need to do a bit of harvesting on them this coming week.  I will dry them and use them in my cooking.  This is also the day we went to Mass.  Afterwards, we cooked up some chicken and asparagus for a nice relaxing dinner.

That brings us to today!  NFL Football is back so I am sure the guys will be glued to the TV for the day.  This will give me time to do some baking of goodies for the week.  I should be able to do some swatches too.

How was your week?  I will leave you with a photo from last night as we were watching TV.

My precious bookends.  Luna and Enrique need to be near us at all times.  (That's my blue shirt on the right)

Until Next Time..........................Happy Crafting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PS:  Is anyone in the US going to watch the Queen's Funeral?  It starts at 2:30AM here!  I am thinking of recording it.  


  1. Glad you are enjoying knitting socks. They are such a great small project. Busy but wonderful week!

  2. love the photo of your bookends! Frodo is laying right beside me as I type this. My week is playing catchup after being out of town all weekend. Oh and recovering from the trip as well...

  3. Wow, busy week! Sounds like you were lucky to get some knitting in! Cant wait to see your sweater. That pattern has been on my list for a while. Jen @Carolina Tales

  4. I've got a bit behind so I'll be back to check the posts I've missed...but in the meantime...how cute are those mini cake trays!!!!

  5. Be sure to give an update on your friend's flowering cactus plant. If you revive it, I think you'll have well earned the name "plant whisperer". Your mini bite bundt pans are great! I'd never heard of these before and now think I need one!


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