YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, August 21, 2022

WEEK 8 of YEAR 12


Welcome to my weekly Sunday update.  This week was a fun week both craft wise and with life in general.

I have another FO this week.

Another 'To the Point' shawl for our church's prayer shawl ministry.  This one kind of gives me a little Halloween feel.  Maybe I should have added a little orange to it to complete the effect.

Of course, I couldn't let my hook get cold for long so I started another shawl (same pattern) a couple of days later.

This one is using up all my bits and dabs of Caron Simply soft I had hanging around.  I have 5 more rows to do and this will be completed.  I see it being finished by the end of today.  Not sure if I will do another one of these this coming week.  I still have plenty of yarn ear marked for this shawl pattern.  Since they do not take long to complete, they are kind of nice to do.  Not to mention, the church's ministry is always happy to receive them.  

There was a little time spent on my small cross stitch project.

I put a bit more of the white on it and then decided it would be easier to do the white if I put the lettering in it and then did the white that goes all the way around it.  I got the 'J' completed and called it good.  Doing white on white is not for the faint of heart.

I also got my yarn and needles ready for the MKAL that starts September 2.

Did you notice I have light and dark DPN sets?  Both sets have the same size needles.  I use the lighter set when working with dark yarn so I can see my stitches.  Of course, the darker set is used for the lighter yarn for the same reason.  Yes, I know there are some needles missing out of the lighter set.  They are in my sock needle case and will be put back before the beginning of the MKAL.

Monday I made a loaf of banana bread in my bread machine.  EPIC FAIL!  I tried substituting apple sauce for the oil and the bread did not completely cook.  I have done this substituting when baking in my oven and it is fine but I guess the bread machine does not like me playing around with tried and true ingredients.

Tuesday I went to the funeral of a much beloved priest.  He was the one that confirmed me into the Catholic Church 23 years ago.  It was amazing how many people were there.  People I had not seen in over 20 years!  This was also the day I bought tickets to our Grand Daughter's play, went to the grocery store, and called a company to get a replacement for a dinner plate that got broken.

Wednesday I got 2 loads of laundry completed, watered all my inside plants, and set up my new counter top oven.

I refuse to use my BIG oven in the summer time.  It heats up my kitchen making it miserable to cook.  I have had a small Breville Smart oven for several years and love it.  But, I want to bake and none of my baking pans will fit into it.  The new oven will fit all of my baking pans and casserole dishes.  Now I can bake my cakes, brownies, cookies etc...without issues.  It is large and takes up a lot of space, but I will happily loose a little counterspace in order to bake again!

Thursday morning I spent running errands and getting a haircut.  After all that was completed I actually got to spend time in the pool.  I love being in the water!  This was also the day I deep cleaned my granite countertops in the kitchen.  They always look so pretty afterwards.  But it is a tedious job so I only do it a couple times a year.  Otherwise, they just get washed down daily (several times a day actually).

Friday was another laundry day.  I also ended up at my Dr office for a rash I developed over night.  I got some medicine for it and it is already almost gone.  I love my Dr office.  They can always get me in on the same day I call if I am 'sick'.  This was the night we went and saw Grand Daughter's play.  It was Bonnie and Clyde the musical.  They had major sound issues so we were able to clearly hear only about half of the play............and we were in the 3rd row!  

Saturday our son that is living with us did some more little jobs around the house for us.  We are almost done with everything we had for him to do.  We went to Mass and when we got home he was cooking dinner for us.  What a treat!

Today I need to make some bread and I also want to do a little baking.  Menu planning is on the 'to do' list also.  Might sit with the man child and see what he would like to eat this next week.  He is an excellent cook!

That wraps another week here in the great state of Arizona.  How was your week?

Until Next Time........................Happy Crafting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Good to know that bread machines aren't a match for dessert "breads" like banana bread. I've been thinking of getting my machine back out but the round loaf just isn't a fit with sandwiches. Hubby and I don't eat much bread any more so it would have to be something my son would eat. I agree, the purple and black shawl is very Halloween. Makes it fun. Good to hear about the Breville brand. Their ice cream maker is on the registry for a wedding in September.

    1. I have made banana bread in the machine with great results. I love my Ninja Creami ice cream maker. Will be making some ice cream today too. BTW, I changed my comments to be embedded so I could reply to the comments that are left. I know it makes it harder for non Google users. But I wanted to be able to answer questions or just thank someone for commenting.

  2. So glad you have got your baking oven up and running! The shawls look great as always anx I love the camper van!

  3. That baking oven looks (and sounds) pretty nifty. I can't believe how quickly you whip through those To The Point Shawls, Marsha. There are lots of ladies enjoying your creations. :)

    1. After making so many of the shawls they pretty much crochet themselves. I consider them a 3/4 doily.

  4. You had a very productive week! The purple shawl with the black is stunning. You could still use it for Halloween over an orange shirt. The MKAL sounds like fun and look at all those needles! Your cross stitch is adorable. What are you going to do with it when it's done? Your new oven looks like it will get some use this week! How nice to have your son helping out and cooking dinner too!

    1. The xs is going to head to Florida when completed. I am thinking of making it a little pillow before I send it.

  5. Well that sounds great that you can make some baked goods without baking yourself in the process. You must be able to do those shawls without looking at the pattern by now, do you know how many you've made in total? The cross stitch is really coming along and is such a cute design. Hope you have a great week.

    1. I have made 27 of the 'To the Point' shawl patterns. And yes, I seldom need to reference the pattern.

  6. wow do you get a lot done!! I need some of your energy :) lovely crafting you do such amazing work!

  7. I have the same two sets of knitpicks needles although my darker pair is 5 inch and my light pair is 6 inch. Never thought to use different needles for light and dark yarn. Very clever of you. Now I will think that way in the future.


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