YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, August 7, 2022



Once again, Sunday has rolled around.  Time to show you my accomplishments this week.

I expect the socks will be completed by this coming weekend.  At least I hope they will be.  And that, my friends is all I worked on this week.

I did spend a little time in the kitchen, a couple of days ago.  I made this.

A Bundt cake!  This is made using a devils food cake mix, 2 eggs, 1 tsp almond extract and 1 can cherry pie filling.  You mix the cake mix with the eggs and extract until mixed as well as you can.  It is super duper thick.  Then fold in the cherry pie filling.  Pour it into a greased and floured bundt pan.  Bake at 325F until a toothpick comes out clean.  It took mine 45 minutes to bake completely.  Let it cool in the pan for 15 minutes and then turn it over onto a platter and allow to cool completely.  I do not put any frosting on mine as we like whipped cream with ours.  A dusting of powder sugar would fancy it up a bit too.

I joined a MKAL that starts on September 2.  I have never joined one before and am quite excited about it.  It is a Gnome mystery adventure.  Here is a link that tells you all about it.  The yarn for it will be here on Wednesday.  I already found the correct sized needles I will be using so I am set.  Once the socks are finished, I will work on other WIP's so I will be ready to start the MKAL on time.

Our TX son arrived here late last night.  It seems strange to have another person in our house again.  We have him until December when the rest of his family moves out here.  He will be house hunting over the next few months and hopefully he will find something that fits their needs.  About the only 'must have' is a pool and hopefully turn key.  

I have a loaf of bread in the bread machine.  Love the smell.  Next you will find me deciding what meals to make over the next week to include enough for 3 people.  I just got my cooking down to cooking for 2!  I replanted both of my hydroponic gardens this week.  One of my tomato plants has already sprouted up.  So excited to see if I figured out the right combination of plants in each planter.

All other household chores were completed during the week.  Hubby has painted all but 1 interior door.  He plans on painting that one on Monday.  Our son said he will put up our last string of outdoor lights for us today.  (We will see about that)  If the rain holds off that is.  Hubby and I both have our Medicare yearly Dr appointments this week.  We had our bloodwork done and I have to brag and say............mine is better than his!  And, he eats healthier than I do!  

I am off to tend to my bread and knit on some socks.

Until Next Time..................Happy Crafting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. How great it will be to have your son with you the next few months. Wishing him good luck in this awful housing market!! We love having our youngest son and his girlfriend live with us while they complete college. One of our older boys also "lives" with us but we rarely see him.

  2. How lovely to have your son there, hopefully you will get some quality time together. Of course it is a gnome mystery knit along!! I can't wait to see it progress.

  3. I imagine it would be very nice having your son living with you for a while. Hopefully, he'll find the right house easily enough. Your bundt cake looks beautiful, and the recipe appears to be a similar one my MIL has made. Hers was always too rich for me, but I do like the sound of whipped cream on top. You have me hankering for something sweet now...

  4. It sounds like you’ve had a very busy week, I love chocolate and cherry so that Bundt cake looks amazing!

  5. I love the look of that Bundt cake. I may have to try something like that.

  6. may they find the home of their dreams quickly!! How exciting!!

  7. Curious to see the mystery surrounding the Gnome KAL :) Aren't KALs fun? It's always interesting to see how others do. Geez, a bundt cake - my Mom used to make those back in the day!

  8. I love that sock yarn! The bundt cake looks yummy and easy. The MKAL sounds fun but I must be the only one who isn't enamored with gnomes for some reason. What is "turn key" in looking for a home? You always have such interesting things going on at your house! Have a good week!

  9. No doubt once I start seeing your cute little gnomes I'm going to wish I'd clicked on the link. I've heard of Bundt cake from a movie and I can't think which one it is. Some family romcom no doubt (knowing my repeat watching).


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