YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, May 8, 2022



Happy Mother's Day to all you U.S. moms, stepmoms, foster moms, grandmoms, God moms, and critter moms.  May your day be filled with love and laughter.

Now, on to the news of this past week.

This past week, I only worked on the Vixynn sweater.

It doesn't look like a lot of rows but there are over 330 stitches in each row.  I had three days this past week where there was no knitting done what so ever.  WHAT???  One day was because of my RA and the other 2 days were when the house painters were here and I was busy with things related to that. (You can see the finished paint job here) This week looks to be a slow knit week too.  We have the floor guys coming on Tuesday so Monday we will be cleaning out the rooms where the flooring will be laid and then putting it back after they are completed.  UGH!  But at least we will be done for a while with remodeling!

I did get a couple of treasures in the mail this week.

Just one skein of yarn LOL.  This is going to become half socks to wear in my Crocs.  It is close to my skin tone.  I wanted something very neutral and absorbent.  This being mostly cotton fits the bill.  I think this will be my travel project next week.

My other treasure is:

A new bread machine!  This is the Zojirushi Virtuoso plus home bakery machine.  It is a big guy too.  I have made one loaf of bread in it and am already in love.  It is so quiet when on.  This is not a cheap machine though.  I was lucky enough to have gotten coupons and percentages off from Kohl's which made it more affordable.  My biggest joy is it has a sourdough setting on it.  It also has where you can customize settings too.  There will be a learning curve for me but I am looking forward to working and learning.

The only other fun thing this week was going to  Fine Arts night at Josie's high school.

Sorry for the dark photo but it was the best I could do.  She and 8 other people were in a chorus.  They sang and danced 4 different numbers.  I will say, those 9 teens were excellent.  Four of the teens are graduating this year so it was kind of bitter sweet for all of them.

Last night, our daughter and her husband took us out for dinner to celebrate Mother's day.  They surprised me with this:

This sign will go on my front door.  I think this is just the cutest.

Hubby also did something special for me:

Yellow carnations and tulips.  Since our first date, he has remembered my favorite flower color is yellow.  That first date was 47 years ago!  He's a keeper.

We are heading over to Josie's house this afternoon for some games and dinner.  I am taking fresh strawberries, angel food cake and whipped cream.  YUM!  

After many complaints about people not being able to comment on blogger posts, I have changed my comments from embedded to pop-up window.  Hopefully this will help those who do not use google or blogger to be able to comment all the time.  We had this issue a few years ago.  It got resolved but now it seems to be happening again.  This time, it makes those without google or blogger to comment as anonymous.  This requires that person to sign their name at the end of their comment in order for me to know who wrote it.  Hopefully the pop up window will eliminated this step.  I would go to Word Press but I have tried 3 times and still do not understand the ins and outs of it.  Until I get someone to help me, I will stay with blogger.  After all, I have been here for 12 years.

Until Next Time....................Happy Crafting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I’m glad it was a lovely show. I like yellow flowers too, especially roses and tulips.

  2. Your hubby is definitely a keeper. Beautiful flowers. Sorry to hear your RA is acting up. Hope this week is better. Remodeling is a pain but it will be so nice once it's all done. Congrats. So glad you are able to enjoy your granddaughter. I am so jealous of folks that have the kids and grandkids living nearby.

  3. He’s definitely a keeper, how lovely. Tulips are my favourite flower…purple ones obviously ��. Your house is being transformed and I’m sure the smell of fresh bread from your new machine will have helped hide any decorating smells, I’m glad your granddaughter’s show went well, it’s lovely reading your posts of you being such a close family. For those, like me, who don’t have a close family it’s heartwarming to read…albeit I’m a tiny bit jealous.

  4. What a great Mother's Day weekend you had! I thought the remodeling was done but I must have misunderstood. How wonderful that you can get all of it done about the same time. I'm sure the show was a "hit" with everyone. You got a lot of knitting done. Your new bread machine sounds awesome. Your hubby is definitely a keeper...my favorite flower color is yellow also. The door decor is precious!

  5. Sounds like a wonderful weekend and Mother's Day! Looking forward to hearing how you like your new bread-machine too!

  6. Oh, good to know about the comment issue - I will try to change mine to pop-up as well and see if that helps.
    Love the dog plaque for your door. Too perfect.

    And hey, I met my hubby 47 years ago too. And yes, I think I will keep him.

  7. Happy Mother's day to you!! I hope you had the best day ever, mine was relaxing and restorative.

  8. I love how you're always there to support your granddaughter.


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