YOP LIST 2024-2025

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

It Is Done


Mr Squirrel shows just how happy I am to have the exterior of our house painted.  Here are some photos of the finished product.

Well we did have one wall and door painted on the inside.  It saved hubs and I a lot of time to have them do it for us.

Another gorgeous blue sky day here.  The brown on the front is what was painted.  It is just a bit deeper and richer than the last color we had.  

They even painted our shed for us to match. Pardon the trash bins but this is real life and not a magazine photo shoot. 

The back is the biggest difference.  This is only half of the back of the house.  But, this is where the difference is the biggest.  Having the door and window trim accented and getting the back door painted made a huge difference. Not to mention painting the wall and guttering too.

In a year year we have had our gutters replaced, pool reconditioned, the house painted, two bathrooms updated and next week new flooring installed in the bathrooms and the backroom.  That should do us for a few years.  

By next weekend, I will be more than ready to take off on our trip to Las Vegas!  I am amazed at how much stress getting ready for all of this has been.  Then to top it all off, Luna (the old lady dog) got out yesterday and ran and ran and ran around.  Being hard of hearing, she did not hear us call her.  She finally came near me when I crouched down like I had a treat and I was able to grab her collar.  Very scary.  We are lucky our street does not have much traffic on it.  For being 16, she sure had a lot of energy and spunk!

Until next time....................................................


  1. How wonderful that you were able to gt all that done! You have a lovely home and our brick is about the same color. So glad you were able to catch Luna...whew!

  2. I hope you're getting all of my comments, Marsha. Delete this one if you just haven't seen my first one yet. It's just amazing how much work is going into your home. It must feel really terrific. :)


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