I am sitting here staring at this page. How I wish I could be super clever with my opening line each time I post. You know, something totally 'in your face' so you just HAD to read the rest of the blog post. When I read other blogs, I am always impressed with the way they start their posts out. It grabs my attention and makes me excited to read on. Anyone else have this issue?
Anyway, today I have 'stuff' to show and talk about. Let's get this thing going, ok?
I have a finished item to show.
My SIL's RCR socks are completed and mailed. I finished them on Monday, mailed them on Tuesday and Texas got hit with an ice storm and snow on Wednesday. These only took me 10 days to complete. Probably because I did not work on anything else during that time.
Once those were done, I got a little bit of startitis.
Another pair of RCR socks were cast on Monday evening. This time they will end up in hubby's drawer. I have no idea what yarn this is. The ball band has long since vanished. I do know the yarn has been in my stash for years. And, no, these are not matching up 100%. The only part of them that will show is the rolled top and I don't think anyone is going to notice. If they do, they are too darn close to my husband's feet! Hopefully, the gusset will be completed on both socks by the end of today. Does anyone else just love making heels on socks? It always seems like magic to me. I just love doing heels.
Remember the Roe cardigan I completed, and then tried on and hated it? I frogged all the yarn and said I would make a poncho out of it. Well, it got started on Tuesday.
The pattern is Amenbo but, I am not making it according to directions. I am knitting this without the wraps in it. The cast on was the, new to me, Italian cast on (invisible cast on). To accomplish this I sat with YouTube and did several starts and stops of the video while casting one for this item. It only took me 4 tries to get it correct. I cast on with a US size 8 needle. Halfway through the ribbing I went to a US size 10. After working a couple of inches of stockinette I switched to a US size 11 and am now making gauge. It is a pretty simple pattern to follow. I just did not want the little bumps in it and saw another knitter had felt the same way. I loved the way theirs turned out. This will not be completed in time for me to wear it this 'winter'. You see, we are already heading up to 80F this next week. I do believe our winter is just about finished for this year.
The Giant Granny Square blanket did not receive any love this week. It was just too exciting to be excited about casting on projects and feel the joy when knitting them. Welcome back Mojo!
The Aero-Garden is doing fabulous.
Today marks the 3 weeks since setting it up. As you can see, the lettuce is going crazy. Yesterday, I had to decide which stalk of the cherry tomatoes were the hardiest and then prune out the other stalks. The basil is also growing like crazy. The exciting part is, last night I harvested some of the lettuce for our hamburgers.
I got three leaves of red leaf and two leaves of romaine. They were the perfect size to fit on a hamburger bun. It looks like harvesting lettuce will be daily for a while. Otherwise, it is going to take over the entire garden. From what I have read, if I give it a quick rinse (to get dust off) and put it in a plastic bag with a damp paper towel, it will keep for several days in the fridge. I will give it a whirl.
Tomorrow night, I will be harvesting some of the basil for our meatball subs. And then again I will be using the basil when I make our pizza this coming week. Those tomatoes better get a move on LOL. They were the first to sprout and now the last to produce. Go figure.
We are still waiting for our bathroom cabinets to be delivered. I called this week and was informed they went to the delivery company on the 27th of January. The delivery company is supposed to call us to set up a delivery date and time. We are still waiting for that phone call. Guess who will be hearing from me again next week! Yup, the place where we ordered them from in September!
Once the cabinets arrive, our installer will get them put in and only after they are installed will the counter top people come out and measure for that. Then we are looking at 4 more weeks before those are available for install. Hotel living is starting to look pretty darn good right now LOL. (just joking)
This week was doggie pedicure week. The same day we did the pedicure, hubby vacuumed and mopped the house. While he did that, I washed their blankets they use daily to curl up in. The dogs were not impressed with any of these actions.
Enrique won't even look at me he is so upset by all this. Spoiled dog but I love him anyway.
Luna is giving my husband the death stare. Notice she has her blanket back and is guarding it with her life. Poor old lady.
Today is grocery shopping day. Yesterday afternoon, I made the menus up for the next two weeks. This way I only need to do a major shopping today and then a minor produce only shopping next week. I like going to the grocery store on Sundays. There is usually less traffic in the store then.
On a sad note, my friend of over 40 years, passed away on Wednesday due to Covid. She was only sick with it for 12 days. Her daughter also contracted it but is recovering at home now after a 3-4 day hospital stay. I have a feeling we are going to be dealing with this virus for years to come. Take care of yourselves. Please!
OH! On a much happier note.... Yesterday, I pulled my sourdough starter out of the fridge. Remember Arthur? He had been in there since the middle of November without being fed. I was a bit concerned that he might have perished without any loving for 3 months. After I pulled him out, I let him come to room temperature and then I gave him a nice feeding. This morning I took a look at him and TA-DA.................He is making bubbles! He is alive although a bit sluggish. He will get another feeding today and hopefully it will make him happier and back to being the very active starter he was when I stuck him in the fridge. While I am not making bread at the moment, I wanted to make some sourdough tortillas with him. Fingers crossed I can get him going so I can make some this afternoon.
Thanks for stopping by today. I would love it if you would leave me a comment or two so I know you have been here.
Until Next Time......................................Happy Crafting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!