YOP LIST 2024-2025

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

WIP Wednesday


I haven't done a midweek post in quite a while.  Today I felt I needed to come here and show the progress I have made on 'the' sweater.  

The neck is completed.  I did two rows of ribbing for it.  The pattern only called for one row and it also wanted it a bit wider.  I did not want the neck that wide so decreased  few stitches on the front of the neckline.

The right sleeve is completed.  This is a drop shoulder sweater and I made the sleeve to hit me just above my elbow.  I also changed the edge of the sleeve.  It called for ribbing but I decided to have it match the edging on the bottom of the sweater.  Gives it a bit more personality.

At the present time I am working on the left sleeve.

Nine more rows and I will do the edging on this sleeve.  It should be completed today.  After that, I will weave in the ends from the sleeves and add 2-3 inches more onto the bottom of the sweater.  If all goes according to plan, this will be done in plenty of time for our trip to Las Vegas in 10 days.

I have tried on the sweater a couple of times and really like the fit and feel of it.  This will get quite a bit of wear both in winter and then in the warmer months too.  In the winter I will wear a long sleeved undershirt under it to make it nice and warm.  This has been a pleasure to knit.  Now, I look forward to making my next sweater.  As for this sweater pattern.....I will be making it again.  Next time, I think I will make it using more than one color of yarn.  The ideas are already marching around in my head.

I am hoping to be able to do 'nothing' today....other than knit and maybe do a load of laundry.  Sunday, after I blogged, we worked on getting things put away from our Christmas gift exchange.  Monday, we got half of the house cleaned, did laundry, made bread and went to a Rosary for our sweet friend who passed away last Monday (20th).  Tuesday at noon, we went to our friend's funeral Mass.  Then in the evening we went to our BFF's house to do menu planning for our stay in Las Vegas.  There will be 12 of us there so, we needed to figure out what foods we would like to have so our hosts would not be responsible for feeding all of us.  

By the time the middle of January rolls around, hubby and I are hoping to be back into a normalized routine.  We will have buried his mom, seen all of his side of the family, visited with good friends, traveled many miles, and put away all of our Christmas decor (I hope).

My wish is for all of you to have a blessed and happy 2022.  

Until next time.............................................


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