YOP LIST 2024-2025

Monday, December 6, 2021

We Interrupt Your Schedule.......


Remember how I said I was going to work nonstop on my Vixynn sweater?  I have grand plans of having it finished before the 9th of January.  Well, I did work quite a bit on it yesterday.  In fact, I have now joined it to be working in the round. Things were moving along so well and then this happened.

 My DIL is a dear person and does not ask much of me.  Her mom is also a great knitter.  I asked if she had asked her mom and she had.  I don't know what her mom said.  I would imagine her mom declined since she is visiting here from another state and probably does not have the necessary needles and other supplies to make this.

Then I asked the fatal question: "When do you need it"  The answer was "Whenever you finish it.  It is cold at work with the garage doors open".  My DIL works a second job as a bar tender/server for a small place.  They keep all the doors open so it is a 99% open air place. Yes, once the sun goes down it gets quite chilly here.

The next fatal question was: "what color do you want it?".  Answer; "Black".  UGH!  We all know how much I LOVE working with black yarn.............not.  I went into my stash and found a skein of black yarn her mom had given to me last year.  Fingers crossed I will have enough to make the hat.  The hat calls for 120-180 yards and this skein has 163 yard (if it was full and I have no idea if much was used from it).  It feels full so I have my fingers crossed I have enough.  If not............I do have some other black yarn that will work with it.

At 9pm I started the hat and managed to get 2 rows of ribbing completed before I finally decided I needed to go to bed and start fresh today.  Well, that is, after I do some laundry, and make menus for the next couple of weeks.  One nice thing about hats, they normally only take a couple of days to complete.  Hopefully this one will be no different.

Until next time.......................................................

1 comment:

  1. this is what knitters do! my son in law lost a favorite hat I knit and I need to knit a replacement. as soon as I am done with the last Christmas gift, that is going on the needles ASAP


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