YOP LIST 2024-2025

Sunday, December 26, 2021


 Hello again.  How has you weekend been?  Were you able to spend any time with family and/or friends for Christmas (if you celebrate)?

This past week was a busy one for this household.  There was fudge to make, gifts to wrap, house to clean, veterinarian visit to go to, laundry to do and other snacks to prepare for Christmas Day dinner.  OH, you want to know if any knitting got done?  Well yes, I did manage to get about 3 more inches added to my Vixynn sweater.  I didn't figure you needed another photo of it.  I am almost to the end of this skein of yarn.  When it runs out, I will put the stitches on a loooooong cable and try it on to see where it hits me.  I think I will work on the sleeves before I finish the bottom of the sweater.  Just for a little change of pace.

I did make a little something for our local Grand Daughter for Christmas.  I did not take a photo of it but here is the photo from the pattern.

The one I made is just like the one on the right side.  I also made a little frog hat for it too.  I text my Grand asking her to send me a photo, but it seems she was out very late last night is still getting her beauty sleep.  (do you remember being a teen and doing that too?)

Since this marks the first half of my 11th YOP, I thought I would do a quick update on what has happened so far this year.  So here is a very abbreviated review:

3 items frogged
3 pairs of socks completed
3 hats done
1 baby sweater done
4 dishcloths done
4 shawls completed
1 cross stitch completed
1 little duck done
6 WIP's waiting

Not too bad for the first 26 weeks.  Hopefully the last half of this year will see many of those 6 WIP's completed too.  Now, onto the rest of my week.

I was asked to make the bread for Christmas dinner again this year.  I decided to mix it up a little bit this time.

The top photo is flour tortillas.  My mother in law taught me to make them shortly after I got married.  I still use her recipe to this day.  We all love them.  The bottom photo is my regular bread I make using 'stale beer'.  It is our favorite bread of all time.  After dinner was over, I was asked to leave the rest of the tortillas and bread.  Guess they liked them.

We had a great time yesterday at our son's house.  There was plenty of food, drink, fun, laughter and love to go around.  Here is a photo of us just before we dug into dinner.

Let me just point out my daughter in law who took the photo is wearing the hat I made for her a couple of weeks ago.  She loves it and wears it quite a bit.

Today, I am going to try and do as little as possible.  I have done so much baking and cooking over the past 3 weeks.  I am kind of burnt out.  I do need to make us a loaf of bread and I want to make just a few tortillas for dinner tonight.  Guess there will be kitchen duty today anyways. (sigh)

Until Next Time.............................Happy Crafting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. You're really doing great accomplishing YOP stuff!

    What a great feeling to see someone using a gift you made them! Your tortillas and breads both look fantastic! I haven't made a loaf of bread in TOO long, thank you for inspiring me.

  2. Glad you had a wonderful Christmas Day. My best present was getting to fly back to Cincinnati to be with 3 of my kids. I can't even imagine how depressed I would have been if we stayed by ourselves here in Florida. You indeed are doing well so far this year. Congratulations! Your bread sounds amazing! Best wishes for the new year.

  3. It sounds as though you had a great day what with the bread and the duck! I hope you get a bit of time to relax as we head to the end of the year.

  4. What a great picture of your family and "the feast"! You deserve to rest today. You have been doing a lot lately leading up to Christmas. Isn't that hat cute on your DIL! Your tortillas and bread look delicious. Great job on your first half of YOP year! Happy New Year!

  5. Sounds like an amazing holiday. I hope you have a nice relaxing fe days.

  6. Your half year achievement is great and with everything else you’ve had keeping you busy the last few months I definitely think you deserve a rest and hope you get to relax.

  7. what a beautiful photo at the end! Merry Christmas!!

  8. Love the photo at the end.

    With all that baking you sure do deserve a quiet day to yourself.

    Happy Crafting!

  9. I love love love your family photo. What a joyful looking group. Good on you to make a list of what you have done in the first 26 weeks. Looks pretty awesome to me. I have NOTHING on my needles at the moment but I am sure before 2022 gets here I will have cast on at the very least a pair of socks!

  10. I have yet to make homemade tortillas but want to try in the New Year. What a wonderful family photo…. I love seeing smiling faces!


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